Explanatory Memorandum to COM(1980)12 -

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This page contains a limited version of this dossier in the EU Monitor.

dossier COM(1980)12 - .
source COM(1980)12 EN
date 28-01-1980

1. Introduction : ' . ...

.• The general programme of the Council of 28 May 1969 for file' removal of > ■ technical barriers to trade mentions the sector of electrical apparatus ^ •

'for use in potentially explosive atmospheres as one in which action .

■ should be taken to approximate national legislation pursuant to Article 100

of the Treaty, in order to eliminate existing disparities between the . technical specifications for manufacture. . ' _ . '

Council Directive 76/117/SEC of 18 December 1975 on the approximation of -

the laws of the Member States concerning electrical equipment for use' in ; potentially explosive atmospheres (1) excluded electrical apparatus ,

- (Group I) for use in gassy mines as this apparatus_can be made 3ub1ect to _

' Community recommendations drawn up by the Safety and Health Commission for '

the Mining and other Extractive Industries in Luxembourg. ,

Meanwhile Council Directive 79/196/RRC of 6 February 1979 on- the approximation of the laws of the Member States concerning electrical equipment

for use in potentially explosive atmospheres employing certain types of

protection (2) which provides for the application of the above mentioned '

'•Directive has been adopted. . ' ~ ; ■ '

3y its terms of reference of 6 February 1973 as later amended on 22 January 1974 the Safety and Health Commission for the Mining and other Extractive Industries requested its Working Party on Electricity to prepare, 1 in close collaboration with the Commission departments, a draft proposal for a directive adapting the aforementioned Directive to make it applicable .

to electrical apparatus fdr use in potentially explosive atmospheres in 'gassy mines. • ■ _ ' ■ . . ' • . ^

Furthermore the above mentioned Safety and Health Commission requested its Working Party on Electricity to examine the European Standards (EN) ■ ■ - .

and to modify and to complete them if this should be. necessary.

The Safety and Health Commission for the Mining and other Extractive Industries adopted on 1 December 1978 the drafts for the present Proposal for a .

■ . Directive and its Explanatory Memonrandum which were prepared by its Working Party on Electricity. .

(1) O.J. No. L 24, 30.1.1976, ,p. 45 , . .

(2) O.J. No. L 43, 20.2.1979, p.'20 .' • ■ ' - '

2. General comments on the Proposal for a Directive ■ -

Free circulation within the whole Community ie guaranted only for electrical apparatus fulfilling the provisions of the present Directive.

The technical specifications with which electrical apparatus must comply are. contained in harmonized standards which are identical to the European standards of the European Commit-tee for Electrotechnical Standardisation (CE2TELEC), except when amended by the annexes of the Directive.

Optional harmonization has been adopted since it enables national standards , and harmonized standards to coexist. :

3. Commgnxs on articles of the proposal for a Directive .

. - . \ ' • • . .

Articles 1 and 2 give the scope of the Directive and define-electrical apparatus.

The determination of those parts referred to in Article 3 depends on local-

. - '

conditions and is left to the competence of national authorities; possible differences between these determinations do not constitute a barrier to trade. .

Article A (1 ) specifies that only safety against ignition of firedamp is to be xaksn into account as the scope of the harmonized standards of construction is .

limited to this. The specifications of construction which take into account oxher aspects of safety must eventually rest with national standards insofar as such standards are not harmonized. v .

N • \ / ' ~

fFor free circulation in Member States electrical apparatus must either conform to harmonized standards (certificate of conformity) or must assure a degree of safety at least equivalent (inspection certificate). '

Article A (3) requires that the laws, regulations and administrative provisions . of States of destination must not for reasons of safety in firedamp introduce a total barrier on the use of certain electrical apparatus having a certificate of conformity or of inspection. Since reference is made to harmonized standards

x ' - -

■ in Article A (4) it is necessary to define these. .

The harmonized standards to which a type of Group I apparatus must conform

are the European Standards, 1st edition March 1977' with the references

SIT pO 014 to 50 020.as amended by Annexes 1, 2 and 3 of the Directive. .

Amendments to the harmonized standards listed in Article 4(4) would be adopted by the Commission under the procedure in Article 7 tout any new harmonized . standards would be adopted by the Council. . -

The rules ox" procedure of the Committee mentioned in Article 6 would establish, the methods to be followed to accomplish the tasks set out in Article 5* They would wpecify inter alia that the Commission ' could consult with regard to the measures to be proposed, in particular the Working Party on Electricity of the above mentioned Safety and Health ■

Commission which comprises{representatives of mining authorities, • testing stations, manufaturers and users. This Working Party could consult CE2TEL2C if necessary. ' ' . ' , ■ ' ; .

The certification documents referred to in Article 8(3) and Article 9 (?) (application, plans, descriptions, test reports) are confidential; .

-'copies are forwarded to the applicant on his request ana he may dispose of them as he sees fit. They are submitted to the Member States who have requested them under the provisions of Article 8(3) ana Article 9 (7)- The certificates of conformity ana the inspection certificates-are not confidential. - ' . .

- - _ . * - ' f • - - ;

The application of Article 9 requires close collaboration between ' ■

the Community bodies which are approved to issue inspection certificates.

Article 11 requires that any electrical apparatus destined for free ..

trade in the Community should be identified by a distinctive Community mark.

‘The distinctive Community nfork signifies on the one hand that the type of apparatus has received either a certificate of conformity or an . inspection certificate, and on the other hand that the apparatus is' identical, to the type which has been certified.

The distinctive Community Mark comprises the symbol

being used to identify $he apparatus as suitable for gassy mines

The marking specified in the Harmonized Standards includes, in particular:

1. The symbol E Ex signifying that the electrical apparatus complies with one pr more of the types of protection standardised by CENEL2C and listed ih Article 4 (4); ' . • . ‘ ' ’

•> •

2. one or more of the symbols identifying the type of protection of electrical apparatus; .

3- symbol- : which indicates apparatus suitable for-gassy mines; ' /■' '



4* the last two digits of oils year of* issue of the certificate of conformity;

5. the serial number of the certificate of conformity for that year;

6. the name or mark of the approved body to issue the certificates.


Sxaranla for marking of-electrical accaratus covered by a certificate of

' . ccr-.itr-.--y _ . .

CHAMPION type 3B5 n°0527

Sane of the manufacturer 'or his registered trade mark. I

The manufacturer's type identi- j_ ficatior.. . '


Serial number Distinctive Community, mark for electrical apparatus for use in gassy mines complying with the provisions of the Directive

If a type of electrical apparatus which does not conform with the . Harmonized Standards has beer, granted an inspection certificate as provided for in Article 9, the distinctive Community mark should be • supplemented by the marking in Annex 5: this marking differs from the marking for electrical apparatus which has been granted a certificate , of conformity, so that the user may readily recognise the difference oy:

- emission of the letters 3 2x ’ . „ '

- omission, of the symbol for the type of protection

- omission of the symbol - f • ■ ■

I a:ter

- addition of the symbol C^J


Sx3.ii'ala for narking of electrical apparatus covered by an inspection certi f i cat a


78.1064.X J

Year of issue of the certificate Serial nusoer of the certif in that year

If necessary conditions for Approved ocd7 to issue the certificates • ...

Name of the manufacturer or his regist ered-r trade mark The aanufacturer1s type identification Serial.number

Distinctive Community mark for electrical apparatus for use la gassy mines snowing that the electrical "'apparatus complies with the provisions of the Directive.


Electrical apparatus covered by an inspection certificate

. • - . ■ - . • ' - ' . E

- Specific operating instructions nay be laid iovn in certificates of - ' '

ccnfomity and inspection certificates but the Directive leaves ' . ■ ,

■ the choice of languages in which such instructions are to be . ’

issued to the discretion of the Member States. ' . ' . . ’ ' .

Article T3 is the standard protection clause. ' - • .

4. Consultation with parties concerned . , . • . . ' ■

The Safety and Health Commission for the Mining and.ether Extractive Industries composed of the representatives of the governments of Member States, . .

of employers and of workers, approved the draft.for this proposal for a , . ;

Directive at its meetiar of 1 December 1978. . ■ ' •'.

The interested parties, i.e. mining authorities, users, testing stations and manufacturers have been consulted at every stage in the preparation of the ,


draft for this proposal for a Directive and close collaboration has been . established with the Committee for European Electrotechnical Standardisation '

{C2TEL2C). • ' ' ' - . ; ' ’ .

5. Consullaticr. cf the Parliament and the Economic and Social Committee ' -


The opinion of these two authorities oust be obtained in accordance

with the provisions of ,Article ICO, paragraph 2. ' -- ■■

' The implementation of the provisions of the Directive will entail . ",

an amendment to the legislation of several Member States.

Proposal for a


on the approximation of the laws of the Member States concerning electrical equipment for use in potentially explosive atmospheres in mines susceptible ,

to fire-damp .. .


Having regard to the Treaty establishing the European Economic Community, and in particular Article 100 thereof; - _ ,

Having regard to the proposal from the Commission; '

Having regard to the opinion of the European Parliament;

Having regard to the opinion of the Economic and Social Committee;

Whereas legislation in force in the Member States to ensure the safety of . electrical equipment for use in potentially explosive atmospheres in mines susceptible to fire-damp differs from one Member State to another, and whereas these differences are such as to constitute a barrier to trade; '

Whereas such differences may be eliminated by approximating the laws of the Member States in order to allow electrical equipment for use in potentially explosive atmospheres in mines susceptible to fire-damp and complying with harmonized standards to be put on the market throughout the Community;

Whereas provision'should also be made to allow electrical equipment using technical processes different from those of these harmonized standards to be put on the market, provided such equipment ensures a level of safety equivalent to that of equipment which conforms to the harmonized standards;

Whereas, however, compliance with harmonized standards or equivalence of safety levels to that of equipment which conforms to the harmonized standards should be examined by a body approved by the Member State concerned;

Whereas a positive result of such examination should be attested both by certificates and a mark recognized in all Member States; •

Whereas, in order to take account of technical progress, the technical specifications prescribed in the harmonized standards on electrical equipment for use in potentially explosive atmospheres in mines susceptible to fire-damp need to be adapted promptly; whereas, to facilitate the implementation of the measures necessary in this connection, a procedure should be laid down to ensure close cooperation between the Member States and the Commission through the Committee on the adaptation to technical progress of the Directives on the removal of technical barriers to intra-Community trade in electrical equipment in potentially explosive atmospheres in mines susceptible to firedamp; . ■ . . -

' - - l . . • . '

Whereas it is possible that electrical equipment for use in potentially explosive atmospheres in mines susceptible to fire-damp, although certified and marked for free movement, may represent a safety risk; whereas a . procedure should therefore be laid down to obviate this risk;

Whereas the mining legislation in different Member States applies also . to surface installations of mines susceptible to fire-damp, and whereas it is necessary to include in this Directive electrical equipment for use in such installations; whereas it is therefore necessary to derogate from/ Council Directive 76/117/EEC of 18 December 1975 on the approximation of .

' ' ' • r -

the laws of the Member States concerning electrical equipment for use in


potentially explosive atmospheres and from Council Directive 79/196/EEC of 6 February 1979 on the approximation of the laws of the Member States

concerning electrical equipment for use in potentially explosive atmospheres

- • ? ■ -■

employing certain types of protection ; .


No L 24, 30.1.1976, p. 45 20J No L 43, 20.2.1979, p. 20.

This Directive shall apply to electrical equipment for use in underground parts of mines susceptible to fire-damp which may be endangered by fire-damp.

By way. of derogation from Directive 76/117/EEC, and from Directive 79/196/EEC this Directive shall apply also to electrical equipment for use in those parts'orf surface installations of such mines which may be endangered by firedamp from underground ventilation.

Article 2

Electrical equipment within the meaning of this Directive covers all items which, in their entirety or in part, use electricity.

Article 3

The definition of underground parts of mines susceptible to fire-damp which may be endangered by fire-damp and the surface installations of such mines r which may be endangered by fire-damp from underground ventilation is left to the initiative of the Member States. .....

Article 4

1. Member States may not, on safety grounds in respect of the inflammability of fire-damp, prohibit the sale or free movement or the use for its proper ' purpose of the electrical equipment referred to in Articles 1 and 2

- if its conformity with the harmonized standards is attested by a certificate of conformity issued under the conditions laid down in Article 8 and by the affixing of the mark provided for in Article 11;

- if it differs from harmonized standards because no provision was, made in such standards' for its design and manufacture, but the -examination has established that it offers a degree of safety at

Least equivalent to that of equipm:?nt which conforms to the

harmonized standards and this is attested by an inspection certificate issued under the conditions laid down in Article 9 and by the affixing of the mark provided for in Article '11. .

2. For the purposes of this Directive, use for its proper purpose means the

use of electrical equipment in parts where fire-damp is liable to form an explosive mixture with air, as provided for in the harmonized ^

standards of construction and as recorded in the certificate of \

conformity or inspection certificate. . ' ,

3. Where they are not subject to other Community provisions, installation

conditions and conditions of use-shall remain subject to the laws, ✓ ' ^ "

regulations and administrative provisions of the State of destination subject in particular to Article 30 et seq of the Treaty.

4. For the purposes of this Directive, harmonized standards are the following

European Standards (EN's), 1st edition,March 1977s . - '

1. Electrical apparatus for potentially explosive atmospheres . ..

' General requirements - EN 50 0*4 ■ "

2. Electrical apparatus-for potentially explosive atmospheres . .

" Oil immersion 'o' - EN 50 015 .

. 3. Electrical apparatus for potentially explosive atmospheres '

Pressurized apparatus 'p' - EN 50 016 , .

4. Electrical apparatus for potentially explosive atmospheres Powder filling 'q' - EN 50 01J , ,

5* Electrical apparatus for.potentially explosive atmospheres Flameproof,enolosu^e 'd' - EN 50 018 • . - ’

6. Electrical apparatus for potentially explosive atmospheres ‘ "

Increased safety 'e' - EN 50 019 ~

7- Electrical apparatus for potentially explosive atmospheres Intrinsic safety 'i' - EN 50 020 , ' .

as amended and completed by Annexes 1, 2 and 3 to this Directive..

These European Standards were prepared by the European Committee for Electrotechnical Standazdization (CSNSLEC). ' ‘

1. The amendments necessary to adapt the harmonized standards to technical progress shall be adopted: in accordance with the procedure in Article 7.

f , ■ ' . .

2. The Committee referred to in Article 6 may, on the initiative of the

Commission or at the request of one of its members examine any question ' relating to the inspection certificates referred to in the second indent of Article 4 0) and issued under the conditions laid down in. Article 9.

■ • Article 6 . - ' :

1. The Select Committee of the Safety and Health Commission for the mining

and other Extractive Industries, hereinafter referred to as 'the Committee', is hereby charged with fulfilling the tasks defined in Article 5. Such

Committee shall be composed of representatives of the member states ana chaired by a representative of the Commission.

’ • • , ' '

2. The Committee shall establish its own rules of procedure.

• " , ' i , . ' - ./

Article 7 - . '

1. If recourse is had to the procedure defined in this Article, the matter shall be placed before the Committee by its Chairman, either on his own initiative or at the request of the representative of a Member State.

2. The Chairman shall submit to the Committee a draft of the measures to

be taken. The Committee shall deliver its opinion within a period which . may be fixed by the Chairman according to the urgency of the matter. At least 4"! votes shall be required before it can deliver its opinion, the votes of Member States being weighted as provided for in Article 14812) of the Treaty. The Chairman shall not vote.

• . - . ‘ , i .

3. a) The Commission shall adopt the proposed measures if they are in ,

accordance with the opinion of the Committee, b) If the proposed measures are not in accordance with the opinion of the Committee, or if no opinion is expressed, the Commission shall without dalay submit a proposal to the Council on the measures to be taken. The

Council shall act by a qualified majority. ' ..

c) .If the Council has not acted within three months of the date on which the matter was brought before it, the Commission shall ; adopt the proposed measures. ' . " ■

Article 8

1. The certificate of conformity referred to in the first indent of .

Article 4 (l) shall be issued by one of the approved bodies referred

to in Article 15* It shall attest that the type of electrical equipment complies with the harmonized standards. . . , *

A copy of the certificate of conformity shall be forwarded to the _

.Member States and to the Commission within one month of the issue of - ^

z the certificate. . _ ' •

The approved body which has examined the electrical equipment shall draw up a report which shall be placed at the disposal of the Member States.

2. The body which issues the certificate of conformity may withdraw such

■ certificate where it finds that it should not have been issued or where . the stipulated conditions have not been met. It may also withdraw sufch .

’ certificate where the manufacturer places on'the market electrical equip. ment which is not in conformity with the type of equipment for which the certificate was issued. : ~ ^

The approved body shall submit a copy of the withdrawal document to the Commission and to the Member States, which shall provide for its transmission to the bodies which they have approved.

The grounds for such withdrawal shall be given in detail. Notice of the withdrawal shall be published in accordance with Article 8 (4).

Such withdrawals, and refusals to issue a certificate of conformity, ^ shall be notified forthwith to the party concerned, with an indication of the remedies available under the laws in force in the Member States /

and of the time limits for the exercise of such remedies.

.3. All certification documents held by the originating body shall if necessary be placed at the disposal of the Commission and the other Member States for the purpose of anytspecial investigation pertaining to safety; the confidentiality of these documents shall be respected. •

4. The Commission shall ensure that relevant extracts from these

• .. . ' . lx

certificates of conformity are published in the Official Journal of the European Communities. . ,

Article 9

1. The inspection certificate referred to in the second indent of ’ .

Article 4 (l) shall be issued by one of the , bodies referred

to in Article 15' It shall attest that the type of electrical equipment -offers a decree of safety at least equivalent to that of equipment conforming to the harmonized standards. '

2. Before issuing an inspection certificate the Member State, on the initiative of the relevant approved body.shall submit the documentation comprising the specifications of the equipment, the report on the inspection

' carried out by that body and the draft inspection certificate to the Commission and to the other Member States who shall provide for its transmission to the bodies which they have approved.’ Within two ■ months of receiving this information, such Member States may '

express their agreement or their disagreement to the Member State concerned or may request that the matter,be referred to the Committee in accordance with Article 6. A copy of each communication shall be ■ - ‘ '

submitted to the Commission; all correspondence shall be.confidential. ,

3. If, within the time limit specified in paragraph 2, no Member State has . expressed disagreement non requested that the matter be referred to the

Committee,‘the Commission may authorize the Member State to order the • issue of the inspection certificate. •

4. If this is not the case, the Commission shall act on the request for exemption after having obtained the opinion of the Committee referred


to in Articl

paragraph 2 shall be made in the State of destination or in another

The communications referred to in language or languages of the

language accepted by that State.

5. A copy of the inspection certificate shall be forwarded to the Commission,

and to the Member States within one month of the issue of the certificate;' the Member States shall provide for its transmission to the bodies which they have approved. The approved body which has examined the electrical equipment shall draw up a final report. This shall be placed at the disposal of the Member States. ; .

6. The body which issues' an inspection certificate may withdraw such certificate where it finds'that it should not have been issued or that the stipulated conditions have not been met. It may also withdraw such certificate if

the manufacturer places on the market electrical equipment which is not in conformity with the type of equipment for which the inspection certificate was issued. , ^

The approved body shall submit a copy of the withdrawal documents to the . Commission and to all Member States, which shall provide for its transmission to the bodies which they have approved.

The grounds for such withdrawal shall be given in detail. Notice of the withdrawal shall be published in accordance with Article 9(8). /

Such withdrawals, and refusals to issue an inspection certificate, shall be notified forthwith to the party concerned, with an indication of the remedies available under the laws in force in the Member States and of the time limits for the exercise of such remedies.

7. The certification documents held by the originating body shall if necessary-

be placed at the disposal of the Commission and the other Member States for •' the purpose of any special investigation pertaining to safety; the conff-dentiality of such documents shall be respected. ,

8. The Commission shall ensure that relevant extracts from these inspection .

certificates are published in the Official Journal of the European Communities. . .

v ■ ' • < ■■■■■' ■■ ■

1 Article 10 . ' . '

Copies of the certification documents referred to in Article 8(3) and Article 9(7) shall be forwarded to the applicant at his request; he shall be free to use them as he wishes.

1. Tiie distinctive Community niark affixed to electrical equipment "by , the manufacturer shall attest that such equipment conforms to the type

of equipment which has received a certificate of conformity or an inspection certificate, and that it has undergone any routine verifications and -tests prescribed by the harmonized standards in the case that a certificate of conformity has been issued or by the certificate of -* inspection itself., -

The model of the distinctive Community mark is reproduced in Annex 4.

Such mark shall be affixed in such a way as to be visible, legible and indelible. , / ■ ■ . . . -

2. The Member States shall take adequate measures to ensure that the distinctive Community,mark is affixed by the manufacturer only if he ,

’ possesses the appropriate certificate of conformity to the appropriate

inspection certificate. They shall also take all necessary measures ‘

to prohibit the affixing on equipment not covered by a certificate of conformity or by an inspection certificate of marks . or inscription which might be confused with the distinctive Community mark, the model of which is reproduced in Annex 4. _

3. The certificate of conformity or the inspection certificate may stipulate that the electrical equipment be accompanied by instructions explaining the special conditions for its use.

4. when an inspection certificate as provided for under Article 9 has

been issued for a type of electrical equipment which is not in conformity with the harmonized standards, the distinctive Community mark must- be supplemented by the marking specified in Annex 5* -

i • Article 12 ■ ■ - .

Sach Member State shall take all appropriate measures to enable its Approved bodies for the issuing of certificates or any other control body which it may appoint to carry out, if it is thought necessary, checks at the place of manufacture of electrical equipment covered by this Directive.

1. If a Member State establishes, on the basis of a close examination •;

. that electrical equipment although complying with a type of equipment

for which a certificate of conformity or an inspection certificate was

' ' - 4 • ■ - ' • ■ - '

issued,represents a safety Hazard, it may provisionally prohibit the.sale of the equipment in its territory or make it subject to special' conditions. It shall immediately inform the other Member States ' and the Commission thereof, stating the grounds for it3 decision.

2. The Commission shall, within six weeks, consult the Member States concerned. It shall'then deliver its opinion forthwith and take.appropriate

measures. ; . ■ . - ' • - - ■

3. Where the Commission i3 of the opinion that technical .adaptations to • -

the harmonised standards are necessary, sucii adaptations shall be .

adopted under the procedure laid down in Article 7'
In that event, . .

the Member State which’has adopted safeguard measures may maintain them until such adaptations enter into force. . . • * ,

■ ' ■ ■ ■. - Article Id , ■

. - ‘ . • ii.i—n nr Tn.i- •*' r-r ^ . .(

. ' . ' ■ . t ■ '

Specimens of the distinctive Community ouark and Community certificates ' shall be published in the Official Journal of the European Communities.

' ' Article 15 ' . . ' : - ' ' . .

Each Member State shall designate the bodies approved by it to verify and test the electrical equipment and/or issue the certificate of .

conformity or inspection certificate and the addresses for the correspondence referred to in Articles 8 and 9. ' > >

It shall within three months of notification of this Directive forward to the other Member States and the Commission the list of such bodies, and s-hall report immediately any change to the list. .




Member States shall take the measures necessary to comply with this

Directive within eighteen months of its noticiation. They shall forth-

■ • ' • . •

with inform the Commission thereof. ~

As soon as this Directive has been notified. Member States shall, in sufficient time enable it to submit its comments, inform the Commission of all draft laws, regulations or administrative provisions which they intend to adopt in the field covered by this Directive.

. Article 17 ' ,

This Directive is addressed to the Member States.

* Anlnge - December 1970 7 5-1 (3)
Anno* 1 -December 1970 p.l (3)Annoin 1 - DAoomhre IRVC _ p.1 {\)
, t

Anlege I rnr Rlehtllnte deo Ratse der RuropKlecbon ' Oamelnechoften ryr Angla 1 chung der Reebt.nvorfichrlf ten rlnr Rltffl IndqhflUn bstreffend elektrleche Dotrlsbn-imittal rur Verwendung in explonlonagorKhrdeton noralchon In grubengnafUhrendnn flrnben . ^
Anno* 1 to tho Council. Directive on tho approximation of tho lawn of the Member Staten concerning electrical npparatuo for tins.In potentially ,

explosive ntmonpbern in gaeny mines .
Annete 1 A- la directive du Connntl den Ccmmunau Mn Europdennee concerrvant In rapprochement doe

Intlons dee Etatn Membrea reletlvea au materiel 4lectrique utillaable en atmonphAre etploslble '

mines griaouteueos 1
- RNTVtmr 1 1 ' s ■ .
. . Dll A FT • .rnojRT ' '
Deutsche Fasgun^, English versionVargioo francalae i
/ . ■ , .

. ’ ' \ .. ' ,

Breetxe don Tort von 6-3® dor EurbpHlechon Worm

M 50 OM.orete Ausgabe, MUrr 1977. durch 1
!")Replace the text of 6.3* °f European Standard

EN 50 Old, 1 nt edition, March 1977, by 1
1®)Remplacer le texts de 6.3. de la Norme Europ^enne •

EK 50 014, Wire Edition, Mara 1977, par :
Dio GehHuae mis Xunststoff, deren projlxlarte Ober-flHche In Irgendelner Richtung grbesar ale 100 cm^ lot, oder die rugtingllche Metalttnlle ontbnlten, doreu Xnpar.ltKt untnr dpn urigHnga,t 1 gten prnktiecban Redlngmgm mehr ale 3 pF gegenUber Erde betrHgt,

muoeen no gebaut nolnr danrt bei beBtinrnmngsgemHssom Gehrauch, bel dor Vartung und dor Refnlgung, ZUndge-falvren durch olnktrontotlocbo Aufledungen vonnleden warden. ,
Enclosures of plaetlcsoaterial with eurface area projected In any direction of more than 100 cm^ or containing exposed metallic parte with a capacitance to earth of more than 3 pP, under the moat unfavourable conditions in practice, * shall be 90* designed that under normal conditions of one,maintenance and clennlng,danger of ignition due to electrostatic chargee la avoided.bee enveloppes en reatiAre plantlque dont la surface projetde dene une quelconque direction dApaene 100 os'7 ou qul coraportent dee partlee o4telllquen scceenlblee dont la capacitd par rapport A la terra eet eupArleure' k 3 pF dans lee conditions lee plus dAfavorablee sn pratique, dolvant Itre contuse de fa^on qua tout, danger d*inflammation par dee charges 4Iectroatatlquan dane lea conditions d’emplol norma lee, alnni qua lorn de l'entretlen et du nettoyape aoit 4*lt4.
Dines Ronttfnnmng muon erfllllt werden.t* • . t

Thin requirement shall be satisfied 1
Cette r^gle dolt Stre antlefalte t
- ontwodor durch geelgoate Wahl don Verkstoffs J neln OberfIHchenwIderetnnd, gemeoeen n'ch dom In 22.4-7-d'r vorllegenden A.nlngo boncbrlnbonon Verfshren* darf nlcht htthar n'in #1.1 n ! ‘
- either by suitable eeloction of the material t Its Insulation resistance, measured according to the method given in 22-4.7. of this annate , *

•hall nnt-Axoeed l j ?. , \^ •
- eoit par le choix du matArtau ! sn rAaietance dfiso-lament, masurde sulvant la mdthode dArrite dano 22.4.7. de la prdaente annexe, ns dolt pas ddpaaaer f
. 1 On bol ?3 + 2 °C und 50 + 5 $ relallver Feuchte,

* odor •
. t On gt ?3 + 2 ®C 'h<t 50 . 5 1> rolutiT, huml-dlt'’ " ' or r •. 1, Gn A,23 ♦ 2 ®C gt 50 + 5 t d’huralrtltA r.Utl...

OU 1
1 100 On untor don extremen Detrtebgbedlnungen von Temperatur und Feucht1gke1t, dio fllr die oink- „ trlocbon Petrlebemlttel vorgasehrieben nlnd dnn Zolcbon X lot dnnn hlntor dio Deochelnlgungonummer eu aatren, wje dloo In 26.2. 9) vorgesehen let.f. 100 On under extreme service conditions of temperature and humidity specified for the electrical apparatus 5 the sign X shall then bs placed after the certificate reference, an

given in 26.2.

9) 1 ( , .
. 100 Co dans lea condltlona de service axtrAmas de tempdreture et d'hurotdlt4 ep^clflAea pour 1* mntd-riel dlectrlqxie J 1' aJgue X sera pined apr*n la rdfdrenca du cartlffcat conmie lndlqud an ?6.2. 9)j
-bdor durch Abmessung, Form, Anordmmg odor durch nndere vnibengends Hnnnnnhroont das Auftroten gefHhr■ i !

- or by tho sirs, *hnp', Iny-jout or by othur pro-tootl.s moth ode I the noneppeemnce of denge-

. ' ' j •
,Bolt pir le d lmenel onnement, la forme, la dieposl-| tion ou par d’antree meaure® de protection i l'abe*t>


licher alektrostatlechnr Aufladungen muse dnnn durcb prsktiecho Fntrllndungnprllfungen mit elnnr • /

JUift-Methnn-Hisehung mit (0,5 + 0,9)^ Hnthen tlberprlJft warden.

Fulls jedoch die ZtlndgefHhr ntchl he! d'r Oestnltung. Yennleden warden knnn, suss ein Warnachlld auf die BIcherhoi tamenenahmen hinveieen, die im Retrieb -

anauvenden sind. '

roue elactrostntlc chargee shall tlrm be Yeriflal by actual teets for ignition of an air-methane mixture of (0,5 + 0,5) 5^ methnne.


If however any danger of ignition cannot be avoided in the design, a warning label shall indicate the safety measures to bn applied in Aarrlce

ce d’apparltion de charges Alectrostntiques dnnga-reuses dolt store Atre vArlflAe pnr dee Apreuvea rAelles d* inflammat)on d'un melange air-mAthane A (0,5 + 0,5) % de mAthane. _

Cependant, si tout danger d* inflammalion ne pent Atre AvitA lore de la conception, une plaque d'avertinna-ment doit lndiquer lea manures de n4curll4 A metlrn rn oeuvre en service. .

) Frsetr.e den Text ron 2?.4 .7. der BuropHinchen Norm RN 50 Old,ereta Ausgnbe, HKrr 1977, durch j

Die PrUfung dee OberflHchanwidaretnndee wird an den Tailen oelbst aungefllhrt, venn die Abmeseungen es arlauben, odar an elnam FrllfkMrper ana elner

rochteokJgan Hatta mit Abmcenungon entnprachand \ Dlld 2, auf die 7.vcJ parallrle Flektroden eun lei tender Farbe, damn hoanngrmltiel koinen F-inflnnn anf den Oberfinrbenwidnretnnd hnbon dnrf, sufrnreichnen p1nd . .

Flld 2 - I’rllf kMrpcr mit nufgev.eichnaten Flaktroden j
4 . .

?°) Replace the Tent of 22.4.7* of European Standard FN 50 OM, let edition March 1977, by 1

The renletance in teeted on the part Itself if its alee permit®, or on a tent piece comprising a rectangular plate with dimenalons In accordance with figure 2, on which two parallel electrodes ere painted on the surface, using a conducting paint with a advent which doen not have any effect on the innulatlon renletance.

Figure 2 - Teat piece with painted conducting' electrodes


Remplacer Is texts de 22.4.7* de la Nome FuropAenne EN 50 OM, lAre AdJtlon, Mere 1977, pnr !

l*n resistance eat vArifiAe eur-la partis d'enveloppe el sea dlmenAions le pemettent ou enr une Aprouvette constitute par une plaque rectangulaire de dimnnaionn conformes aux indlcatlonn de Is figure 2, sur Inquell* deux dlectrodes parallAles sent peintea aur la surface A l'slde d'une peinture conduclrice dont le solvent ne dolt exercer aucuna influence sur la rAnJatance d'leolement. .

Per Frllfklirper muse eJne unvaraohrta OberfJKcha hsbon und mit d'etl) 1 iertem Veneer und anechlieasend wit Inopropylalkobol gorejolgt sain (oder mit jedem anderen in Wneeor IbelJcban J.bnami ttel, dan dan varkatoff doa FrUfkbrpare nicbt verKndert), dnnnch j nochmnle mit daa ti 1 liar tarn Wanner gerelnlgt und 1

getrockn*t aein, Dnnnch munn <Vtr . TrIJfVtirpnr, ohne mit blneaen FIHndan berUhrt vordan r.yj aeln,wlfhrend 24 Stundan dan Tomparatur-und Feucbtigkai te bndin-gtmgan'
dla In 6.3* vorganchrinben nind, unterworfen warden. Pie FrUfung iat untar dan glelchan Bedlngungan durchr.uflfhran.

(dimansionn en millloAtree)

L'dprouvette doit prAeenter un Atet de surface |

intact at Atre nettoyAe A l’eeu distlllAe, pule A I l'alcool isopropylique (ou au moyen de tout autre solvent miscible A l’enu et n'eltArant pee le metArlsu de 1'Aprouvette), puis de nouveau A l’eau distlllAe et sAchAe. Kile doit eneulte, eana avoir AtA manlpulAo avec lea dolgte nus, Itre snuolaa pendant 24 haures eui conditions de teapArature at d'humlditA preacritea en 6-3* h'Apreuve eat sffectuA* dana lea mAmee condition*.

The test piece shall have an lntaot surface and shall be cleaned with distilled water, then with jeopropyl alcohol (or any other solvent that can be mixed with water and will not affeot the materiel of the t'et piece), then once more with distilled water before being dried. Untouched by here hands, it shall than be conditioned for 24 hours at the temperature and humidity required in 6.3. The teat shall be carried out under the ease conditions.

Die rviechen dan Elaktroden vHhrend 1 Minute ,ang6legte Glelchapsnnung hstragt 500 T ♦ 10 T. |

Die Spannung muea wHhrend der PHIfung ganllgend konstant eeln, damit der Ladealrom, dar auf trit t '
wenn die Spannung scbwankt, Ternnch)Hastgbar klein gegenllber , dam Strom let, dar durch dan TrUfkflrpar flleaat. In gevlaeen FKllen kann hierfllr dla Verwendung yon Batteries odor Akkumulatoren notwendlng main.

ta tenaloo continue Appllqude entre 4)ectrod*a e't da 500 T + 10 V pendant une minute.

Pendant l'dpreuve, cette tension doit Atre auffiema-mant stable pour quo le courant d' charge apparale-eant quand la tension vsris, alt une valour nAg]i-geable en regard de cell® du courant qul traverse 1'dprourette. Dans certains can, cecl pout nAceaalter 1’utilie at 1 on de piles* ou accuaulateure. •

The direct voltage applied for one minute between the electrodee shall be equal to 500 T t 10 T,

During the teat, the voltage shall be sufficiently steady eo that the charging current duo bo voltnge fluctuation will be negligible compared with the currant flowing through the toot piece. In oertnln caeen thin requirement implies the uee of batteries or accumulators.

Dor OberfIMchanwidereland vird miegrdrUckt durch das VarhHJtnlo dar an die Elektroden angolegten Oeich-apannung rum Gee8mtstromf dor rvlachen ihnen einn Minute nnch dam Anlagon der Spannung flienat. ' •

Mbgllche Mathodan nlnd lm Anhang C nngogeben.

In Fallen, in denen die Helnigung dla Dodeutung dor Frtlfergebnioae bqeintrKcht igt, kann aine r.ueKtrllcbe JYufnng durchgefUhrt werden, ohne dan FHlfkMrpor vorhar ru relnlgen.

The Insolation roeiatanca in the ratio of the direct voltage applied at the electrodes to the < total current flowing between them when the TOItnge ban been applied for one minute.

Fooaible methods are indicated in Annex C.

In canon where cleaning would adversely affect 1 the significance of the teat results, an addi- ' tlonel teal may be made without firat cleaning the tent piece.

I* rdalstance d'isolement a'aiprime par le ropport de la tension continue appllqude eux Alectrodae au courant global qul paaae entre ellea, loraque la toneion a dtd appliquAe pendant une minute. ,

Les sAtbodee utlliaablea sont lndlqudea dana 1'annpveC

Loraque le nettoyage eat aunceptlble de nuire h la signification dee rdsultata de l'Apreuve, uno dpreuva auppldmentaire peut Aventuellament Itre effectud sane nettoyage prdnlable de 1'dprouvette.

Anlngs 2 r,ur Rlehlllnle dee Rates der EuropHlsehen Ceroelnschsrten zur Anglelchung der Rschtsvorschrlften der Mltgllads tea ten belreffnnd elektrlsehe Bettlebs-lAtttel zur Verwendung tn eiploelonngnfKhrdnten Borelclien In grubengnsfUhronden Gniben ~'Anno* 2 to tho Council Directive on the approximation df tho lows of tho Member States concerning olootrlcol opporotuo for uoo In potentially oxploolTO otinoophero In gonoy minesAnnexe 2 k la Directive du Coneoll doe Communautdo Europdennee concernant le rapprochement doe }4g1o-lationo doo State Hembree relatives au metdrlel dlectrlque utllisablo on atmosphere eiplne1 bio, don mlnee grlsouteuaea
Deutsche Fasaunit.English rsrslonVersion francalse
ErgHnze die BuropHVsche dorm ER 56 6i0,ernte Auagahe, M'r* 1977. durch !<")Supplement tho European Standard RN 56 018, lot edition, March 1977, by tt

Gompldter la Norms Ruropdonne RN 50 018, tfcro Edition, Hera 1977, par t -
11*7* In druckfeeten Cehdueen dor Cruppe I mdseon Ioolieretoffe, die eloktrlechen Boon-epruchungen nusgonotzt elnd, dio Lichtbttgen •

In !'uft erzeugen kSnnon und durch Nennetrdme von mehr, ale 16 A hervor/gorufon wordon (bol i

Suha I tgerW ton wi®. Lo I e tunge schal ter, SchMtze, Trennschelter) eine PrUfung nuT Krlechetrom-Tootigkolt onto pr echo nd IRC-Vorriffentli chung

M? boetohen. THnoe Prflfung lot mlt 50 Tropf'n,und bol olnor Spannung von 400 V, nbor olnor PrUfUieung ron (0,1 + 0.00?)7nl.^ Ammonium-Chlorld und ,

(0,5 i 0,002)Vol.$ Netrium-Alkyl-Sulfonat In dootlV llertem odor entealztem Waseer durchzufUhren, Dor

0 pe 7.1 f 1 echp Widorn tond dor I.ftoung botregt bol

(?) ± 0 c (170 + 5),ftcm.
11.7. In flameproof enclosures oP Croup I ' , Insulating materlale subjected to electrical stresses capnble of causing arcs In air and which result from rated currents of mors than

16 A (in switching apparatus such as circuit-breakers, contnctors, isolators) shall pees a teat for reelatanca to tracking acoordlng to IEC Publication 112. Thin test shall be mndn with 50 drops at a voltage of 400 volts, but with a solution containing (0,1 -t 0,002) it bjr mass ammonium chlorldo and (0,5 + 0,002) J-by mass sod 1um-alky1nnphthalens-sulphonats In distilled or deionized water. The resistivity oT tho solution at. (?) + 1)°C is (170 + 5)n,om.
11 '7*Dane lee enveloppen ontid^flagrantoo du groups I , lea oatArinux ieolante eoumlo o dea contrsintee Aloctriquoo nuscepttblee do provoqucr doe arcs done l'air et dues A dee oourants nominnui do plus do 16 A (dans las appareils do coupure tele quo lee disjonctsure, lee contoctours, le* oectlonneurs) doivwnt entlefalro i une fcprnuvo de r^oistanee au chominemont oonformimont a la publication 112 do la CRI . Cottn Apreuve doit Atro offectuAe svec 50 gouttea et sous-une tension do

400 volta mats avoc une solution doeAo A (0,1 + 0f002) f* en maose do chlorure d'nmmonium at (0,5 * 0,002) en moeoe do eulfonate alkyl-

naphtaldne do sodium dens do l’sou ‘dietillAe ou dAslonieAe. A (2> + l)°C( la rAsistivitA do la solution eet do (WO 5)-n*um. •
Dio obon ongoruhrton Tool 1orwtoff0, dio dlooo Prtlfung nlcht bestohen, knnnen Jedoch unter dor P'dlngung vorwondot wordon, daB lhr Volumen auf

1 doo Ooonrotroluniono doo looron Gehaueoe bo -

gronzt lot odor d'B oln goelgneter Wfiohter o' orrodglicht, dlo 3tromvoraorgung vor dom GehHuse abztiechn 1 ten, bovor olno ovtl. Zeraetzung dor

Tool1orotofTo *u gefHhrllchen Bedlngungon fUhrt.

Hno Vorhandonn01n und dlo Zuror1Hoo1gkolt oinoo dornrtlgon WHchtoro mtlsnen von dor PrMfetelle goprUft wordon seln.
The above mentioned insulating material* which do not pone thto toot may bo ueed however if their volume 1* limited to 1 of the total

volume.of the empty enclosure or if a euitable detention* device enables the power supply to the enclosure to be dieconneoted, on the supply side, before possible decomposition of tho insulating material leads to dangerous condltionnjthe preeence and ofrectlveneee of ouch a device shall be verified by the Testing Station.
1 '

Lee matArlaux ieolante, cltAo cl dwosuo, qui no nntlsfont pas a cwttw Aprcuvs, pwuvwnt o'pwn.lsnt

Atrs utilises & condition qus Isur volumw sc)t

11mltA 1 1 ^ du volume total dw l'envwlopr" vide ou qu'un dlsposltlf epproprlA de dAtectlon permette da dAclencher, en emont, 1'ailments 11 on ilectrlque de l'enveloppe avant qu'una dAnnmponltl on Avantualle dae leolanta n' condulee 4 dea condIHorv dangereueea! la pra'eence et I'efrioacitA d' un tel dlapoeltir dolv'nt 4tre vArlflAee par la

Citation d'Eeaale.
Ereetve dan Tout von 12.3- <l*r EuropHI sch**n Bono FH 90 OIB, ©rete Ausgabe, HHrr, 1977, (lurch !

2*) Replace the text of 12.3* of European Standard FN 50 010, 1 et edition, March 1977, by 1
2°) Peraplncer le text* de 12.3* de )a Fonne EuropAfmne EN 50 018, Ikre Edition, Mare *977, par :

12.3.1. La longueur et l'interetice d'e Joints antld^f lajgrente de 3'enveloppe en t i d6 fl agree te dee appareila de connexion v$iroui)lt*s mecanlquement ou 4lectrlquemsnt dolvent Atre d^termln4a par le volume qul exiete au moment de la separation dae contacts.

12.3.2. M-ea proprldtda de Venveloppe antid** flagrant a , mode de proteotlon 'd' dee epparelle de connexion verrouillds mdceniqt'
ement ou Alectriquemant dolvent Atre conservdes, en can d’explosion Interne, aussi blan lorsque lee epparelle de connexion sont aenembMe qu'au moment de 1^ separation des contacts.

Die l.Nnge und ilif Welts 6nr rUnddurch-schlagaalchnrnn Rpnlte dee druokfeeten CehHusee von mechan1ech odor elektriseh verrlognlten Steck-vorrlchtungan warden duroh das Volumen bestlmmt, don im Augenbliek dor Trennung der Kontakte vor-handen 1st. ,

12.3*2. Pie Elgenscbnftan der dnrckfesten Kapnelung, Zllndschsteart 'd' von wecbaniech odor elektriseh vcrriegelten Steekvorrichtungen mUsaen im Fall einer lnneren Explosion sowohl 5m geeteckten Zuetand ' ,

dor 8teckvorrichlungen ole euch 1m Augenblick' der j Tronnung dor Kontakte erhalten blolbon. '

12.3^3. Die Steckdoae der Steckvorrlchtung muss die f(!r dio ZUnddurchochloRBichnrhol t nmosgebsnden Elgon-ochaften doe OehWusee, en dee ele angobnut iet, such denn aufrechterhalten, wenn dor Sleeker gpr.ogen let.

Folgende Antnerkurg let nech dem eveiten Absnts

der Ziff&r M.I.i. dor Europh'Jschen Form

EN 50 018, erote Ausgabe, HNrr 1977 hinKurufUgenj

Anmerkungi Ee let ouch m8g)1ch, (iehSuse obne sin-gebautee Betrlebemlttel xu prHfen. In dieeem Fell muB die PrfJfetelle sufgrund von VoreohlAgen dee , Heretellere In der Beschelnlgung engeben, welohe ' Arten von Betriebsmittoln eingebeut warden dUrfen 1 und Ihre Elnbaubedingungen.

' . , ' . !

) Folgender neuer Absohnitt 1st In der EuropNJschen

Worm FF 50 010,'erste Anngnbo, HKrr 1977 htnr.urufllgen •
\ . . '

1 17.3.1. For mechanically or electrically

- Interlocked plugs, and sockets,the width and

the gap of the flameproof Joints of the ,

flameproof eneloeure shall be.determlned by the volume which exists at the moment of . separation of the contacts. j

12.3.?. The properties of the flemeproof enclosure, -type of protection Md" of meohanically or electrically interlocked pluge and sockets shall be maintained in the event of an internal 1 explosion both when the plugs and sockets are

connected together and at the moment of separation

of the,contacts. .

12.3.3* The fixed part of a plug and socket' connector shall maintain the flameproof propertlea of the enclosure* on which It is mounted, even when the movable part Is removed.

3°) Add the following note after the second paragraph of H.1.1. of European Standard EN 50 018, 1 st ■ edition, March 1977ri •

Fete* In particular, it la poaslble to test the enclosures without the enclosed apparatus. In this caee the testing station shall state In the certificate, on the basis of proposals made by the manufecturer, the kinds of enclosed apparatus permitted and their. ‘ ’

mounting conditions.

40) Add a new section in the European Standard

FN 50 018, 1 st edition, March 1977 t .
12.3.3. Ls socle dee prises ds courant dolt maintenir les propridtde antiddflagrantes de 1‘enveloppe eur laquells 11 sat nonbd mAme loraque la flcha eat enlevde. . ,

3°) AJouter la note suivante aprAs le second alin^a de

M.J.I. de la Forme Europ^enne FN 50 018, Ibre Edition, Mars 1977 l

Hotel II eet en partlculler poeslble d’Apro\'ver lee enveloppes sane le matAriel indue. Dane ce css*, la station d’eaeais dolt lndlquer dans la certlflcat, dur la baee dee propoeitione du conatructeur. lea genres de matAriele inclue admlsslblea et leurs conditions de montage.

4D) AJouter une nouvelle section dans la Forme EuropSnine . FN 50 018, 1 Are Edition, Mara 1,977 r



L'a enveloppes an t i d Afl agren t ee du g 7’oupe 1 contenant de 1 ’apparei11 ago produieant on service das' aros ou dee Atlncallee aueceptlblee d'allumar un melange exploelf dolvent rApondre aux regies wulvantest ,

' ■' ’ - ; ■ _ *



Croup X flameproof sncloeurea containing ewltching devices which produce, in service, arcs or spsrks capable of igniting an ,

explosive mixture shall comply with the following requirement®1



Orockfeote CebHune der Cruppe I,die SohnltgerKte enthnlten, bel dnnen bo tri ebomH 61 g Llchtbhgen odor Funken eptelnhen, dio eln explonionerKhiges Oemleoh riindon konnen, mHenen don nnch f ojl gondon Foe tin-. ■ mungen enteprecheni \ •

16.I Means of Isolation

All erceenlble conductors, except those of intrinsically eefe circuits complying with European Standard EN 50 020 or those for earthing purpones, shall be cepoble of Isolation from the supply by a means of isolation before • the opening of the flameproof enclosure. ,

The means of isolation of these flameproof . enclosures shall be 1

16.1.1. either fitted inside the flameproof enclosurej in this case the parts which remain energised after opening the means of isolation shall be protected by one of the standard types of protection listed In European Standard

EN 58 014 'General requirements', and accees to them ehall be prevented by a cover bearing n label *' DO NOT OPEN WHILE ENERGISED”. This does not apply to parts which remain energised of intrinsically safe circuits complying with Europoen Standard EN 50 020 Intrinsic safety ”1'

Notai If the type of protection Increased safety ”e” according to European Standard EN 5^ 019 1e concerned^the specified degree of protection IP 54 may be reduced to IP 20.

16.1.2. or fitted Inside another enclosure, complying with one of the standard types of protection listed in European Standard

EN 50 014 "Ceneral requirements”.

16.1.3. or consist of a plug and sockst complying with the requirements of 12.3 of this European Standard.

16.7 Doors or covers

16.2.1. Quick-acting doors or coverei .

These doors or covers ehall be mechanically interlocked with an Isolator so thati

•) the enclosure retains the properties of the flameproof enclosure, type of protection ”d”, as long as the Isolator Is closed and 1

b) the isolator can only be closed when these doors or cohere ensure the properties of the flameproof enoloeure, type of protection "d”. /

6.1 Trennvorrlchtungen

AlJe zugKngllchen Leiter mit Ausnnhme eigen-eicherer Stromkreise gewNee der EuropKIecben Norm ' EN 50 020 oder Sehutzleiter bzw. Letter fllr die I

Rrdting mUssen vor dem Offnen dee druekfepten I

(•chHttses durcb elne Trennvorrlchtung spnnnungnlos I gemncht warden kHnnen. ,

iJle Trennvorrichtung fflr die drnokfestan GehKuee mufli

16.1.1. entweder In dew druckfeeten CebHuee singe" r.nul eeln| In dieeem Fnll mljasen die nsch Aueechnl-1 ten dor Trennvorrichtung unter Spannung verblel-1 benden Telle nach einer der genormlen in der Euro-pHisohen Norm EH 50 014 'Allgemelne Destimmungen' fr etgeleg tan Ziindechu tzar ten gaeohOtzt sain, tind Ihre ZugHnglichkelt mufl durch elne Ahdeokung, die e in Schlld mit der A'reo^rl f t "NJCHT UNTER SPANNUNG OFFNEN” trKgt, verhlndert eeln. Ausganommen elnd die unter Spnnnung verblelbenden Telle von eigen-eleheren Rtromkreisen psmKB der Europnlechen Norm EH 50 020 El gens 1cherhait '1'. .

Anmerkungi Wenn ee elch um die ZUndnehu tzar t. Er-hbhte Slcberbelt ”e” gemKB dor EuropKiechen Norm EH 50 019 hnndelt, dnrT die Rohutznrt IT 54 euf IP 20 hernbgesetzt warden.

16.1.7, odor In elnem enderen GehKuee eingebsut eeln, doe einer genormten Zi1nd9Chut*art enteprlcht, die In der Ruroptilechen Worm 50 014 "Allgemelne Be-*timraungen” feetgelegt let| ; '

16.1.3. odor ole -Steckvorricbtung auegebildet eeln, die den Destimmungen von 12.5 der vorliegendnn ,

EnrnpHlechen Norm entoprlcbt. * *

16.? TUren Oder Deckel

16.2.1, TUren odor Deckel mlt SchnellvereehluBi

DIeee TUren Oder Deckel mllneen mit elnem Trenn-echaltsr mecbonlech eo verrlegelt eelnv doBi

0) doe CehKuee die Elgenechoften der druckfeeten Kopoelung, ZMndschutzart "d” beibehKlt, solanga der Trennecbolter elngoecboltet let, und doB*

b) dor Trennecbolter nur etngoeohaltet werdnn konn, 'enn dleee TUren odor Deckel die Eigen-echoften der druckfeeten Knpeelung, ZUndechutz-art ”d" e1cheretel Ion.
16.1 Organss de alee hors tension

Tous lee conductelire accessihles, except! caux dr? • circuits de slcuritl intrlnalque confoj-mes k la Norme BuropAenne EN 50 020 on crux de masse ou de terre, dolvent pouvolr At re mis hore tension par un organe de mine horn temion nvant l'ouvarture de l’envelopp** antldAflagrante.

L'organe de mine hore tension de C'B ENV*']OPPEA antldlflagrantes dolt Itrei .

16.1.1, solt montl dans l’enveloppe antldAf1agran dans ce can, lee partien qui reetent sous tension aprla ouverture de 1'organs de mlee hore tension dolvent Itre protkglee suivant l'un dee modes de protection normalises citle dans la Norme Riro-plenne EN 50 014 'Regies glnkrales' et leur arc'' dolt Itre emplchl par un couvercle portent une plaque "HE PAS OOVR1R SOUS TENSION”. Ceci ne e'appllque pae aux partlee qui restent sous tennior dee circuits de skouritl lntrlneeque confnrmas A

la Norme Europlenne EN 50 020 elcuritl lntrlnelque ”1”.

Notei S'13 e'agit de la Securitl Augment!* 'a' d'aprle la Norme Europlenne EN 50 019, Is degrl de protection preterit peut Itre rsmenl de IP 54 a IP 20.

16.1.2. eolt montl done une autre enveloppe conforms I l'un dee modes de protection norroallsls cl tie dans la Norme Europlenne EN 58 014 "Reglee Glnlralee".

I6.I.5. eolt conetitu! par un appsrell de connexion (prlee de coursnt) conforms aux regies de 12.5 de la presents Norms Europlenne.

16.2 Fortes ou couverclee . *

16.2.1, Portae ou couverclee A manoeuvre rapidei

Ces portes ou couverclee doivent Itre vlroulllAp ' mlcaniquement avee un eectionneur de telle sorts que 1

s) L'enveloppe conserve lee propriltle des enve-loppee antidlflagrantae, mode de protection 'd', tent que le eectlonneur est ferml et qnei

b) le eectlonneur piiisse eenlamant Itre ferml lorsque cee partes ou couverclee essurent lee propriltle des enveloppee antid Iflagrantes, mode de protection "d”.

16.?.?. TUren oder Deckel mil Sohraubvereohl uBi

Dleee TUren Oder Deokel mueeen eln Schild mlt der Aufschrift 'NICRT UNTEII SFA-NHUHO OmiEN' tragen.

16.3 Zusatxllche Bedingungen

Jedee druekfeste Oeheuse, dee mlt elner TUr oder mlt elnem Deckel mlt Schraubverechlufl ausgerUetet let, (eiehe 16.2.2.) unterlicgt den folgenden 'u-/ eateliohen Badingungons - K

I6.3.I, Me Kennxeiehnung muB das Symbol "X” tre-genf win In der Europfiiachen Horn EN 50 014 'All-gemelna .Bee timmungen' festgelegt. •

16.3.?, Me Beschainlgung mufl Cebrauchpbed 1 ngungari enthalten, die Tit beachten stnd, damlt die Blcher-helt gewMhrleiBtet let.

Anonrkungi Die in der Bsecheinigung feotgelegten Gabrauchebedingunga.n elnd von der Art der Oerftte abhringlg, die In dem druckfeeten GehKuee enthelter eind 1 - . '

- wenh das GehSuse nur einen Trennpchalter enthHlt, eventuell mit nilfskontnkten, Snmmelschienen und Anschlungteilen, sowlrd in der Bnschninigung' fesl-gblegt, dnee dee GehA'use kein anderes clektrlaches v pnuteil enthnlten darf * - 1

- wenn dee Gahjiuea andere elektriscbe Dnuteile enthKlt, bo mufl in der Peeohelnigung festgelegt warden, deB eich in der Naha dee OahKusa* ef^lne Trennvorr1chtung befinden muB* - - .


17-1 Die folgenden Beetimwangen gel ten fllr Lnmpen-fessungen und l.empeneoekel, die xusemmen ©lne drunk-fwete Kepeelung, Zllndsohutxert 'd' bllden pollen, om in ],*ucht*n der ZUndee.hnt7.nrt 'e' ErhWhte Sicherheit, vervendet warden zu kftnnen.

17.2 Auf die Vorrirhtung gegen Selbetlockern nech der EuropH 1 echen Norm EN 50 019'
Erhtjhte Sicher-heit 'e' unter 4*3'3' knnn verxichtet werden bei Cewjndefaseungen mlt elnem aingebnutan Sprung-echnlter in druckfeeter Kepeelung, ZUndschutxart "d", der den Dampens tromkro i e ellpolig unterbricht, bevor die Kontakttrennung erfolgt.

16.?.?✓ *Doore or covers fixed by screws*

Thene doors or covers ahull bear n label "DO ' NOT OFEN WHILE ’ENERGISED".

16.3 Supplementary conditions

Any flameproof enclosure with n door or cover fixed by screws (eee 16.2.?) is subject to the, following supplementary oondltionei *

16,3*1. The marking shall Include the eymbol 'X' defined in European Standard EN 50 014 "General requiremento".

16.3*?- Th' certificate shall state the conditions of use to be observed in order to ensure safety. / . . • .

Notei The conditions of uee to be specified in. the certificate depend on the kind of apparatus contained in the flameproof enclosure 1 - . •

' T .

if the encloeure only contains an isolator, poesi My with auxiliary contacts, busbars and connection facilities, the certificate shall state that the enclosure may not contain any other electrical 'omponent. • ■* *

if the enclosure may contain other , electrical components, the certificate shall state that a means of isolation nhall be near the enclosure, , * - ,


17.1 Thn folJo.inp roqulroment* apply to lmmp-holflsre and lamponqin which togother hnv'
to form B flameproof enclosure, typo of protection |"d"r eo that they may bn ueed In luminniren of increne.6 enfety, type- of protection 'e'.

17.2 The de-rice which prewente lamps working

loose, required in 4 - 3 - 5 - of Europeen Standard EH 50 019. Increaend enfety, 'e', may be omitted for threaded lampholdere provided with A- quick-acting owitch in a flameproof enclo-eure, type of protection 'd', which breaks all polee of the lamp circuit before contact eeparetion. " .
16.2.2. Portee ou coiiverclne i> ferm.ture par vlei

Cee portee ou couverclea doivent porter une plaque. 'HE PAS Oirviun SOUS TENSION'. .

'6-3 Condition compltmentalros ‘ >

Touts anveloppe ant i d6 fl agren te iquipie d’une port, ou d'un couvarcle 4 fermwture par vie (voir 16.2.2. set eoumlse aux conditions compltmentairee euivantes t *

' , > . ' .

16.3.1. be marquage doit comporter le symbols 'X' d4flni dans la Horoe EuropAenne EN 30 014 "Regies g4n6ralee";

16.3.2. be certlflcat doit ind^iquer lee conditions d'emploi e respecter pour que lo sdcurltA soit res poc t6e.

Hotel bee conditions d'emploi e prdcieer dans le cer tifleet dependent de ]n nature de 1'appare111 age contanu dans l'enveloppe nntld6flsgrnnte1

- el 1*onveloppe ns contient qu'un eect^onnsnr svec, 4v*ntuellsrosnt, dwe contacts'1 aux 11 is Iran-, un Jsu da barres ©t dws AlAmwnts de racccrdemenl, la certjficst ' devre prdciser que l’anvaloppe rie paut pontanlr auc\in autre composant dlactriqua ;

- el l’enveloppe paut cohtenir d'autrae componanta Alectriquae, le bertlficat devre prAcia.er qu'un organe de miee hors tension doit sa trouvar 4 proximity de l’enveloppe. • . '

\ ' ■ ' . ■ ' : ; '

. ' .


17-1 Dee reglee qui. suivent oont appllcahlae aux doulllee et culote de lampns devest ensemble forxwr une enveloppe antidAflagrent*, mode de protection "d", pour pouvoir Itra utllieAe dene dwe luminairer de e4ourlt4 augnentAe, node de protection 'e'.

17 *2 De dispoejtif qui empAcha'l'autodaeaarrag0 da le lanpe prescrlt dane la Norma E''
ropA#n' EN 50 019' sAcuritA eugmantAe 'a' sous 4.5.5 pent Atra AvltA dans lee doulllee a vis pourvuee d’un ihlarruptaur 4 fonctionnement bruaque a envaloppe anti-dAf lairrante t mode de protection 'd', eounant tons lee polee du circuit de la lamps avant la eAparetion du contact, 1

17-5 Fmeeungen fUr syllndrlsch* Socket '

17.3.1 Fasnungen fUr bencht*tofflampen mUseen*

- ale Rlnntlft Riisgafllhrt sain unfl

- tier IRC-Fiibl 1 Vation 6l-? entsprschan.

H.3.? Andere Fsseungant Pie LHnge dee lUnfldurch-echl age I cheren Rpa1t.ee entlang der RockelhHlse und dee Rockelstiftee muB im Augsnbllck der Kontakt-trsnnung mlndestens 10 mm betragen.

17.d Fassungen fHr Oewindeeorke)

17.4.1 Dl' OewindehUlae muB RUS olnem Werkstoff beetehnn, der bei den JewoUigan Retrlebsbodlngun-gen korro*ionsbe*fcKndig bleibt#

17.1.? 1m Augenblink der Kontskttrennnng belm Mereusschrauben der Lamps mliesen noch mindeetene /wel vollntHndlge GKnga Jm ElngrlfT sein*.

17.4.3 Pei Oewindefaeeungen E 27 und E 40 Hlr eleWtrieche Betriebsmittel der Gruppan IIP und. 11C muB der elektrleche Knntekt tiber gefederte Kon-taktglierter erfolgan. AuBerdam ©Pssen belm Eln-und Aueacbrauben der l.ampe dae RnhlieBan und Trenpen dee Kontaktsa nur innerhalbyelner druck-fasten Kapselung, ZUndschutvart ?,d” dor Grnppe 110 •rTnlgen, a

Anmerkungi Pie Rastimmungen nach 17*4.3 ®lnd nlcht erfnrderlicb fOr elektrleche Betrlebemittel der Gruppan 1 nnd 11A aowia fUr Oewindefaeeungen E 10 und F Mi

17-3 Holder* for cylindrical cape

17.3.1 The holder* for tubular fluorescent lampe shrill i*

- be eingle-pln and ‘

* comply with IFIO-Publlcati on 61-2.

17.5.? Other holderei The width of „the flameproof Joint between the holder and the cap at the moment of contact Reparation shall be at least 10 mm.

17*4.Holders for threaded ceps

17.4.1 The threaded part of the holder shall be of a material which Is resistant to corrosion under the likely conditions of servloe. _

17.4.7 At the moment of oontact separation during unscrewing of the lamp, at least two complete turns of the thread shall be engaged.

17-4*3 1” threaded lampholders E 27 und E 40 for electrical apparatus of Groups IJB and IIC, electrical oontact shall be established by means of spring-loaded contact elements. In addition, during insertion and removal of the lamp, the closing nnd opening of the contact muet be within a flameproof enclosure, type of protection Md"f of Croup 1IC,

Hotel The requirements of 17.4.3* *r* not neceBRory for electrical apparatus of Groups I and 11A and for threaded lampholders E 10 and F 14. . .

17.3 Douilles pour culote cylindriquea

17.3*1 l'
o® douilles de tubes fluorescent.* doiv®nt:

- litre unipolairee at

-Atre conforme* a Is publication f>1-2 de In CFI.

17.3.2 A litres dooiljesi bn longueur du Joint anti-dAflagrant entr# la doullle et la oulot, au moment de la separation du contact, dolt Atre d'an molns 10 mm,

17-4 Douilles pour culots £ vie

17*4*1 LB PORTLE FILATAE DE LA DOULLLE DOIT ATRE R4AL 1 see en un matArlnu rAsistnnt A la corrosion dans lss conditions probables de service.

17*4*2 Au moment de la separation du contact lore du dAvisssge du culot, deux pas de vJr complete eu moins doivent Atre engngAa.

17.4.3 Hans lee douilles a vis E ?7 et F 40 du matArlel Alectrlque doe groups* JIB et I1C, le oontaot Alectrlque doit Atre rAalieA par dee AlAments de contact Alnstique*. En outre, lorn du viseage ou du dAviesage de la lamps, la fermeturs du contact st son ouverture doivent ee produire

a 1'intArieur d'une enveloppe antid 4flegrnnt*, mods de protection "<JM' du groups 11C.

Hotel Les reglee de 17*4.3 ne ennt n4cannn1r*n ni pour le materiel Alectrlque dee Group** 1 et 11A ni pour les douilles 1! vis E 10 et E M. 4

Anlage 3 *ur Rlchtllnle dee Re ten dor EuropHleehen (Janelnechef ten *ur Anglsiqhting der Reqhte'oreqhrlften der HI tglledeteelen betreTfend sleVtrieohe Betrlebb-nlttdl tur Vervendung In erploelonegefNhrdeten Perelchen In grubengeefllhronden CnibenAnnex 3 to the Council Directive on'the approximation of the love of the Member States concerning electrical appnratun for uee In . potentially explonlve atmosphere In gasny minesAnnexe 3 A la Dlreqtlve du Connell dee Communeulde Europdennee concement 1# rapproqhemsnt dee ldgleletionn dee Etata Hembree relatives eu matdriel dlnctrlqua utllleeble en etnoephbre explnelble dee Dlnea gTleouteueee ,
' Deutsche FassungEngllech versionf ' • '

' Version francalee
Anmerlrung ! In eclilagwettergefh'hrdeten Grubenbeuen , der Bundeorepubllk Deutechlnnd wlrd enetelle dee

Vortee 'System' dee Wort 'Anlngn' bentltrt.
Note i In mines susceptible to firedamp in the Federal Republic of Germany, the word 'Anlage' ie used instead of 'Syetem'.

■ . - ' I. . .
Note * Dans lee mines grieonteueee da la Rdpubliqu* FddArale d*A1lemagne, le mot 'Anlage' eat util lad la place da 'System'. ,
' . 1 .. ■ ' •' ‘ ’ ' 1
.IBRALT, ■ i .

i. scorE ••
2. BKORirrE '


3.?. Ketegorle la , . , •3.?. Category 'Ja3-2.Catdgorle le
, 3-3- Ketegorle lb ,3-3- Category ib 1

■ ■ • * *
3.3-C*tdgorle ib ■ ,




6. TTPE TE3TS , - • •

* '


' . 1

■ : \ ■ .. 1

ST3TEM3 . - ,

■. - . ; ; . . -

1.1. HU rorllegende Anlage enthNlt die

beaonderen Bestimmungen fUr Bnuart und Prtlfung von elgenslcheren elektriechen Anlegen, die gnnc Oder lollvelee fUr die Brrichtung in explosionsgefHhrdelen Rereicben grubengnefOhrendor Cmben baetlmmt , .

Mnd, urn sioherzuatellen, daas dleee elektrtsahen Anlegen kelne Eiploelon der eie umgebenden AtmoaphNre verursachen. •

.2. Die rorllegends Anlege ergNnrt die RuropXlaohe Norm Elf 50 020 - Bigenelcherhelt 'i'(*rete Ausgabe MMre 1977), deren Bestimmungen fUr Beuart und PrUfung von eigenelcheren elektriechen Betrlebemltteln und eu~ ’ gehBrigen elektriechen Betrlebenltteln gelten.

1 .3' ^1* rorliegende Anlege ernetet nicht die Brrichtungebeetirnmuogen fUr etgenelohere elektrleche Petrlebemlttel und eugehWrige elektrleche Betriebs-mlttel und elgenslohere elektrleche Anlegen.

2. ‘ BECR1FFE '

2.1. Folgende beeondere Begrlffe verden fUr die 1 eigenelchoren elektriechen Anlegen in der yorlle-genden Anlege vervendet. 31e ergWg'©n die in den \ FhiropHlecben Nontien EN 50 OM - Allgemelne Bestlmmun-gen - und EN 50 020 - Eigenelcherheit Ml" - enthal-tenen Begrlffe.

2.2. Elgcnelchere elektrleche Anlege

Pie Cesemthoit der elektriechen Betriefjemlttel, die In einero bnechreibenden Dokument ele Anlege dergeetellt let, in der die zur Verwendung in exploeionegefKbrdetrr Bereichen beetlmmten Verbindungeetromkrelee oder Telle von eolcben Stromkrelsen elgeneicher elnd und den .Beetinnnungen der vorliegenden An!age . enteprechen.

^2.3. Beachelnlgte elgenalchere elektrleche Anlage

Eine elektrleche Anlege enteprechend 2.2., fllr die nine Prllfetel le elne Beechein igung euegeetellt het mit der BestNtigung,. dnee der Typ der elektriechen Anlege die vorllegende Anlege erfUllt.


1.1. Thie onnexe contains the specific

requirements for construction end testing of intrinsically safe electrical systems all or parte of vhloh are Intended for installation in potentially explosive atmospheres of mines susceptible to firedamp, in order to ensure that such electrical systems will not cause an explosion In the surrounding atmosphere.

1.2. This annexe supplements European Standard

EN 50 020, Intrinsic safety 1 (first edition, Hard *977) the requirements of vhloh apply to the construction and testing of Intrinsically safe electrical apparatus and assooiated eleotrlcal apparatus.

1.3* This annexe does not take the place of Installation rules.for Intrinsically safe eleotrlcal apparatus, essootatad electrical apparatus and intrinsically safe eleotrlcal systems.


2.1. The following definitions, speolflo to intrinsically safe eleotrlcal systems, are applicable in this annexe. They supplement the definitions vhlch are In European Standards

EN 50 OM - General Requirements and RN 50 020 -Intrinsic Safety 'l*. * . . ;

2.2. Intrinsically safe electrical system

An assembly of items of electrical apparatus defined In a descriptive system document

in vhlch the Interconnecting circuits, or parte of ouch circuits, Intended for use in a potentially explosive atmoaphsre, are intrinsically eafe circuits, and vhlch meet • the requirements of this annexe.

2.3 • Certified Intrinsically safe eleotrlcal siqten

An electrical syetem oooformlng to 2.2. for which a testing station has Issued a system certificate, certifying that the type of electrical system complies with this annexe.


1.1. LA prdeente annexe oontlant lee regies

apdclfiques de construction et d*4preuve dee syetfcmee dlectriques da s4curit4 intrlnsfcqu* destines en tout ou en partle A Atre install4s dans lea atmosphere* exploelblea dee mines grlsouteuaee, afin de s'aasurer qua css syethmes dlectriques ne provoquent pea l'ex-ploaion de l'ataoaph&re envlronnante.

1.2. La prdsente annexe complete la Norms Europ4anne EN 50 020, S4curlt4 lntrlnskqua 1 (lire 4dltion,Xars '977) d ont las rfcgles s*app)lqu#nt A la construction et aux dpreuves du material dlectrlque A *4curlt4 . lntrlnslque et du aat4rlel 4leotrtque seeoci4.

1.3. La pr4sente annexe na as eubetltu# pea aux rlglee d'installation de* a*t4riela 4lectriquea A e4curlt4 intrlns&que, des mat4rlels 4lectrlquee aesocl4e et de* eystlmea 4lectrlquas de e4curit4 intrlnelque.


2.1, Lea d4finitions cl-aprls, ap4clfiquea dee nyetl-mes 4leotrique* de s4ourlt4 lntrlnslque, eont applloa-blee dans la pr4eente annexe. Ellea oomplltent lea d4finltlons qul figurant dans lea Normea Europ4ennee EN 50 014 - Rtgles 04n4ralve et EN 50 020 - S4curlt4 IntrlnsAque 'i'.

2.2. Syatfeae 4lectriaue de c4curlt4 lntrlnslque

Ensemble de mat4rlels 4lectrlquee d4flnls dane un document deecrlptlf eyetlae, dene lequel lee circuits d'interconnexion ou parties da tele circuits, destines A Itre utllia4e dane une atmoepblre exploeible, eont dee clrcuite de e4ourlt4 IntrlneAque et qul r4pondent aux rlgles de la pr4sent# annexe..

2.3. Srstlme 4lectrique certlfl4 de s4curlt4 jatrin-


Systlme 4lectrlque conforme A 2.2. pour lequel une station d'eesale a d4llrr4 un certlflcat, eertiflant que la type da eystlme 4lectrlqus eat oonfonne A la pr4nente annexe.


3.1. Big.nslch.re elektrleche Anlagen und Telle Ton elgenelcheren elektrlecben Anlngen ntleeen In elne* der Kategorien la Oder lb elngeordnet warden. Venn nlcbt beeondera angegeban, galten die Beetlmmungen g*r

rorllegenden Anlnge fUr belde Ketegorlen. .

Anmerkojng 1 8lg.nsioh.re elektrleche Anlegen odor Telle davon kdnnen In nine andere Kategorie elngeordnet eeln ale die elgeneloheren elektrlecben Betrlebenlttel und die eugehBrlgen elektrlecben Betrlebemlttel, die die Anlage Oder Telle der Anlage bllden. Bbenao kUnhen Telle elner elgenelcheren elektrlechen Anlage eer-ecbledene Kategorien auTwelaen I

■ ■ ‘ ■'---- .. .i

‘ - _______J

3*2. Kategorls la

Elgeneiehere elektrlsoh* Anlagen Oder Telle davoh •ntaprschen dar Kategorls in , v'nn ala die fUr die "Igenelcheren alaktrlachan Retriebemlttel dar Kategorie la geltendep Bestlmmungan (aiaha EuropRisobe Bona PHI 5® 020 -' Rtgenelchwrheit - 4.1-) erfllllan, mlt flnm Untaraohlad, dees dia geeamte eigenntcbere wlektrische Anlage ala* eln vloxigea elaktrischee P*tri*ba'1 ttal betranhtat werden nun*..

Anm.rkung t I Fine Mg'r.' B.ncbMnlgung fllr >d''

.Jnieln. ol.ktrifich. Bftrl.bnmltt.il .Iner etgnnslehnrnr ' .l.ktrlneb.n Anlng. lot nlcht .rfordnrllch, jodoch munn 'n .tndnutlg idpnUflel"rb*r nnln.

Anm.rkung 7 I Sowett dl. nntlonnlnn Errlchtungnb.iitliii-mungfin es gentntt.n, flUrf.n .1nktrlnnh. Anlngen .nt.rreoh.nd 7.7, b.l dnnen (lurch die K.nntnl. der el.ktrlnchen KonngrtiBn.n d.r beechnlnlgt.n elgenel-cheren el.ktrl.chen Be trlebpmlttel, der beechelnlgten r.ngehbrlgen elektrlecben Betrlebsmlttel, der nlcht beechelnlgten Blnrlchtiingen necb I.3. der RuropKlechen Norn KN 50 OM — Allgemelne Bentimmungen und durch die Kennlnln der elektrlecben und phyelksllechen I Kenngrbeeen der Beutelle und der Verblndungeleltungen die Aufrecbterbnltung der Elgenelcberhelt elneendfrel ge'
Hhrleletet let, ohne weltere Bencheiniwungen -errlchtet werden. .

?.d. ZubehBr

Elektrleche Be trl.beral t tel, (11. pur Beutelle run Terblnden und Schelten elgenplcherer gtromkrelee , enthelten und die die Elg.nsicherh.lt d'r Anlage iMcht beelntreehtlgnitjbrl e Anochluenkh'eten, Vert.ll.r-kKeten, Steckrorrlchtungen, Schelter, uew.

Note 2 t In BO far aa the national regulation* for inatallatlon make It possible, alactrlcal systems conforming to 2.2. for which the knowledge of the electrical parametara of thf' items of certified lntrinnJcally safe electrical apparatus, certified aaaociated electrical apparatus, non certified devices conforming to 1.3* of4 European Standard EN 50 OM * Ceneral requirements and the knowledge of the electrical and pbyntcal parameters of the componante and interconnecting wiring permite the unambiguous deduction that intrinelc safety le conserved., can be installed without additional ’ certificates.

2.4. Accessory x

Electrical apparatus which contains only componenti for connecting and switching intrinsically safe -circuits and which do txot prejudice the intrinsic safety of the system, such as terminal boxes, '

Junctioa boxes, plugs and sockets and similar item, switches, etc. 1 '


3.1. Intrinsically safe electrical eyetame, or . parts thereof, shall be placed In one of two categories la or ib . The requirements . , of this annexe apply to both categories, unless otherwise specified, - ,

Rots i Intrineioelly safe electrical eye terns, or parte thereof, may hare categories different from thoae of the intrinsically eefe eleotrloal appa- \

rat us auod associated eleotrloal apparatus Included . in the system or part thereof. ^Iso different parte of an intrinsioAllJ^tefe eleotrloal system may have different categories* . ; -

3.2. Category la

Intrinsically safe electrical systems, or parts thereof, ere of category is if they comply with the requiremente for lntrinelcally safe electrical apparatus of category ia (see European Standard ER 50 0?0 - Intrinsic safety - 4.1.) except that the intrinsically safe electrical system as a whole shall be considered as a single item of , electrical apparatus. , >
Note < 1 II n’est pas ndoeosalre qua cheque material j 4lectrlque d*un eystbme dlectrique de sdcurl^4 intrln- I ebque soit certlfid indlvlduellement, mala 11-doit identifiable sans Equivoque. I

Rots 2 1 Tour autant que lea fbgles nationalea 6 ins- J tallation le permettent, Vi ayatfemas dlectriques conf^-rmt's h 2.2, pour le$queh la connaiseance des par fj''> tree e3ac-triques dee materials dlectriques certifide de sdcuritd intrinskque, des mntdriels dlectriques aeeocMe c^rt:-fids, dee dispoaltlfs non certifids eonfonnee k K3. de la Norms Europdenne ER 50 OM t Ragles gdndrnle® 'tv pour leiqueJs la connaiseance des parambtres dlectriques et physiques dee compoeAnts et des conducteurs d*interconnexion permettent de ddduire sane smblguftd qu' la edcuritd intrinebque eat coneervd#, peuvent Itrr inctal Ids sans certificat suppldmentaire.

2.4. Accesaoirs

Matdriel dlectrlque qui he cOoporte que dee' dldrrente 1 de connexion ou d* interruption de circuit* de edcuritd intrlnsbque et qui n’affecte paa la edcuritd intriii-sbqus du systbme, tel que bottende rsccord'n'eTit, bolte?. de ddrivationi, prlsesde courant, prolongateup), inter-rupteurs ^ate. ‘

' ‘ ‘ ' 1


. IBTBLH3EQUE . . ; .

3*1. Les systbmes dlectriquee de edcuritd intrihe^qu* ou parties de ces syetbtnes doixent.ltre rdpartle dana l’une dee deux cetdgoriea le ou ib Sauf Indies-tlon oontraire, les rkglee de le prdsente ennexe e'appliquent K .oee deux oatdgorlea.

Rots I Lee syetbrnes dlectriquee de edcuritd intrin-| ebque oupartiee de oes syetkeee peuxent Itre

oetdgorle.s diffdrentee, de cellee dee mstdriele dl*c-triquee A sdouritd intrlnedque et dee metdriele dleo-triquee aesoclds qui oompoeeot le systdme ou partie ; de eyetkme. Diffdrentee pertles. $'un eyetdrae dl*o-tpique de edcuritd intrinsbque peuvnnt comporler ( dlffdreDtes cetdgoriea. ‘

3.2. Catdgorle la ,

J-as systdmes dlectriquee de edcuritd Jntrinabque Ou . parties de tele systdmes eont de catdgorie 1* e'ile eatiefont aux rbglee applipablee aux metdrieis disc-trlquee A edcuritd intrinedque de la catdgorie la ' I (voir Norme Europdenna EH 50 0?6 - Rdcurltd in t ri nr^Uf-

4.1 -)► male le syetbroe dlectrlque de edcuritd intrin-sbque dans eon ensamble dolt Atre conelddrd cotnmn un matdriel dlectrlque unique. *

13-3- Kategorle lb

QEigenelchere elektrleche Anlegen oder Teile Aaron j enteprechan der Rategorif ib , wenn 'U die fUr j elgensiohere elektrleche BetrJebsmi ttel der Rategorie j lb geltenden Bestlsmungen (elebe EuropNieohe Bone

i 50 020 - Elgenglcherhelt - 4-2.) erfUIlen. nit der Abveichnng, daae did geaamte eigensiohere elektrleche Anlage *1" eln eloslgee alektrisohes

iBetrleberalttel betraehtet warden muee.


4,.1. Die elektrleohen Fennprbsaen und elle Rtgen-echaften der Yerbindungsl•!tungen elner eigenelcheren elektriecben Anlege mi/esen, eoveJt die Eigensicberhelt 1 davon abhfe'ngt, In den Beecbeirtigungadokumenten diener elektriscben Anlege feetgelegt eeln.

4.2. Venn Uber elne mehradrlge Leltung brw. Rebel Verbindungen Ton mehr ele elnem. elgenalcheren Stromkrels gefUbrt warden, muss die Leltung b*v. dee Rebel nnchetehende Beefcinmungen erftlllen 1 .

I 3-3. Catdgorle lb

Lee eystfemae dleotriques de edcurltd intrinefeque ou parties de tele syetfeaes sont de catdgorle ib s'lla | eatlsfoot aux regies applloablen tux mntdrleln dl'c~ trlquee de la catdgorle ib (voir Norms Europdenne I EH 50 020 — SAcurltA intrlnefeque - 4.2.), mala le j eyetfeme dlectrique de eAcurltd intrinefeque dans eon ' ensemble doit Atre oonsiddrd comae un metdrlel Aleotrlque unique.

3*3. Category lb

Intrinsically enfe electrical systems, or parte thereof, are of category ib If they oomply with the requirement# for eleotrleal epperatue of category ib (eee European Standard ER 50 020 -Intrinsic safety - 4.2.) except that the intrinsically safe electrical system as a whole shall be considered as a single item of electrical eppnrstus. ' .


4.1. The electrical parameters end all characte-rintlce of the interconnecting wiring specific to on intrinnlcnl)y safe electrical system, in so far on Intrlnnic safety depends on them, shall be npeclfiod in the certification documents for that electrical ayatem.

4.2. Vhere a multicore csble contains interconnections which are parts of mors than one lntrlnelcnlly safe circuit the cable shall meet the following requirements t


4.1. l'
ee paramMres Aleclriquea et toutee les carac-

tdristlquee dee conducteure d’interoonnexlon epecifl-quea d'un systems dJectrlque de edcuritd intrinnfeque doivent, pour eutant qup la edcurltd lntrinafeq^ie en ddpend, Atre prdciede dnna lea documents de certification de ce systfeme Alectrique. .

1 \

4.2, Lorequ'un clble multloonductevir contlent den

liaisons qul font partin de plus d'un circuit de sdcuritd lntrlnsfeque, le cAble doit rdpondre aux rfegles ol-aprfes 1 ^

1 4-2.1. Pie Dicke der Isolation muse dem Dnrcbroeeaer df*o belters angppasat sein. ' Falla dieae leoletion aus ' T’olyMthjlen best'htif musn ibre Mlndentdicke 0,2 mm • bn trngen . ,

4.2.2. Vor dem VerlasseD dee HeretelJerwerks muse

die mnhrndrlge l^itung (Rebel) Spnnnungnprilfungen mlt I Vecbeelepnnnung enlwnder nnrh 4.2,2.1. oder nnch untervorfen werden. Pee Bnatehen dinner FrUfungen munn durch elne 'durch den Kabelberateller hnreuegegebene Prllfbescheinlgung besttftigt warden,

4-2.2.1. Entveder . ■ .

wird Jede Ader TOT der Vereelluog der I'eitung (label) mlt elner Snartnung (Effektlvw'rt) eon 3 000 V * (2 000 mnl radiale Picks dea Ieolatloosmantels In mm) T . geprtlft ) die fertlge Leltung (Rebel) *

vird rueret mlt elner Spannung (Effektirvert)

Ton 50P Y rviecben der Geenmmtheit der elektrlach miteinnnder Terbundenen Be*ehrungen Oder Abncblrmungeo und dem BUndel eller elektrieoh • Terbundenen Adern geprllft xind

■ ;:

' 4.2.1. L'dpaisaeur radiale de l'iaolant doit ®tre

appropride su diametre du conducteur. Si cet iaojant est constitud par du polydthyJfene, son dpaiaaeur j radiale minlmale doit etre de 0,2 mm.

1 _ .• ' 7 ' •

4.2.2. Avant de quitter l'ualne de fabrication, le cAble mul^lconducteurs doit Itre soumis aux dpreuves didlectrlquee, effectuAes sous courant alternatlf, spdcifldes eoit en 4.2.2,1. soit en 4.2.2.?. J'* succfea de ces dpreuves doit Itre atteatd par un certiflcat d'dpreuves ddlirrd par le conatructeur du cAble. . Ou bien ,

chaque conducteur, event assemblage dans le cAble, est dprouvd eoua une tension de valeur efflcace dgnle fe 3 000 Y + (2 000 fpie 1'dpRiseeur radiale de 1'isolent exprlmAR cn mm) f ; le cAble eaaenbld 1

- est dprouvd d'abord eoua una tension de valeur efflcace dgale fe 500 V appllqude entre I'ensproble dee armurea ou dcrans du cflble rdunie d)ectriqueaent entre euv et le falsceau de tone lea conducteurn rdunie dlectriquement entre tin et

4.2.1. The radial thicknesg of the insulation nhnll he appropriate to the diameter of the conductor. In the cane of polyethylene, the minimum rndial thickness shall be 0,2 mm.

4-2.2. Before leaving the manufacturer's works, the muj Moore cable shall be submitted to a.c. dielectric teats specified either In 4-2.2.1. or In The succeee of these teete shall be attested by a teats certificate leeued by the cable manufacturer. Either . - ,

each core, before aenembly Into the cable, le tested at e voltage value (r.n.p.) equal to 3 000 V 4 (2 000 times the rndi^t thickness of the lnaulstlon In mm) V the assembled cable 1

- le firstly tested at a voltage value (r.n.s.) equal to 500 Y applied between all the armourings or screens of the cable together electrically end the bundle of all Joined together eleotrically and
_ ¥ir<J dann wit elner 9p'nniing (Rffektivwert) Ton f 1 000 V Eviechen ein'm aun der HHlfte d*r Adam gebildeten Rllnd el itnd dew anderen aue der avelton UK) ft© dnr Adern gebildeten Btlndel

gaprllft. . i , * ■ ' Oder

die fertige tattling (Rebel) t

- vird r.uarat mlt elner Spannung (Effekti wort) von

1 000 V der rvipchen der Geeamthatt dor elektrisch nitelnandar verbundensn .Dewehrungen odor AbscblnnUngen und dam Blinds)' allar elektrisch witelnander verbundensn Adern gepHift und

-,vird dann wit einar Spannung (Effektlwert) vcm

2 000 V geprUft,dle nacholnander rwlscben Joder Ader der Loltung .(Rebel) und deni aim alien anderen elektrisch witelnander verbundensn Adam gebildeten BUndal engelogl wlrd.

4.2.3. Die in 4.2.2. feetgelegten FrHfungen aind wit elner veitgehend eimiaftfnnigen Wecbeelspannung wit elner Frequenr ewlechsn 48 Hr. und 62 Hr. durchr.ufUbran, die Ton elnem Traneformator gaalgnetar Laletung \inter Berllckelchtigung dar Rabelkapav.i tWt entnommen vird.

Iw Falla dar SpannungaprUfungen an fertigeo taltungen (Rebel) muss die Spennung innarbalb ainan Za]traumas Ton nieht wenigar ala 10 Sckunden kontinuierlieh bla auf dan feetgelegteo Vert arbbht warden und dann wanlgatena 60 Sakundan lang auf dlaaam Wort blaiban.

Diaaa Prlifungon alnd durch den RabelhcT;Bteller •

durcheufUhren. 1 ; ;

. - .

Zvlschen dan Adam alnar mahradrigcn Laitung * (Rebel) wird dann kain Fahlor angendmmnn, v©nn elne dar balden nachetahendan Badingtingan erfUllt int r

4.3.1. Die Laitung (Rabal) entnpricht A.2, umf

Jeder alnrelna aiganalchara Stromkreis iat roit einar laitandan Abacbirmung veraehen, die eina Abdeckung TOO raindaetena 60^ gcvNhrle1 atet. . '

Anmajkung i FUr dan Fall einar VarbJndung dar Abachlrroung wit Mnaae odar Erde galtan die Errlehtungs-befltimmungen. ,

4^3-2. Pin Laitung (Rubai) entnpricht 4.2-,

iat gsgen BaachMdigungen wirksam genchUtet und die 3pitaenapannung Jadee alganaicharan Stromkreieea innar-balb daa Rabala iat in normalen Batriab glaich oder klalner 60 folt.

- in secondly tented at a Toltnga Talua (r.m.e.) equal to 1, 000 V applied between a bundle compriaing one half of the cable corea and a bundle compriaing the oth'er half of the corea.

A .2.2.2. Or

The aaaembied cable s .

- la firatly tested at a voltage value (r.m.a.) equal to 1 000 V applied between all the * ermouringa or ecrdsns of the cable Joined together electrically and the bundle of all cores Joined together electrically and

- ia secondly tested at a voltage value (r.m.e.)

equal to 2 000 V applied in succession between each core of the cable and the bundle formed by the all others corea Joined together electrically. .

“ (. \

A.2.3- The t'eta preacribed in 4.?.?. shall be carried out with an n.c. voltage of substantially sinusoidal wave form at a frequency between 48 HE AND 62 FIR: GIVEN BY A TRANSFORMER OF APPROPRIATE POWER, TAKING INTO ACCOUNT THE CABLE CAPOCITY. IN THE CASE OF DIELECTRIC TEATS ON ASSEMBLED CABLES, THE VOLTEGE SHALL BE INCREASED STEADILY TO THE * specified value In s period not leas then, 10 seconds and then maintained for at leaet 60 aeconda.- , . ' , .

These teata are Carried out by the cable manufacturer. .

1.3. No fault between the corea oT e multicore

' cable phnll be taken into account If one of the ’ two following requirements ere satisfied 1:

1 1 " ’ ' . . ' .

4.3. !. The cable coriforms to 4.2. and

each individual intrinsically safe circuit ia encloeed in a conducting screen providing at. least 60 f coverage. . ■

Note s The eventual connection of the screen to parth or frame will be specified in the installation rules • -

4.3.2, The cable conforms to ’ 4.2., .

ip effectively protected against damage, end each lntrinnlcelly safe circuit within the cable have, In normal operation, a peak voltage of equal to or IPPB than 60 volte. 1 ' |
- set dprouvd aneuite aous une tension de valevir •fflcaca Agels A 1 000 V appllquAe antra un faiaoeau comprenant la moitl4 dee conducteure du cflble at un faiaoeau comprenant l'autra ■oltlA den conducteure. Ou bien ’

La cAble aeeemblA r

~ set dprouvd d’abord sous une tension de valeur

efficace dgale A 1 000 V nppllqude entre l'eneemhle dee ensures ou 4crans du cAble rdunls dlectrjquement sntrs aux et le faiaceau de toua lea conducteure rdunls dlactriquement entre eux et

- eet 4prouv4 eneuite sous une tension de, valeur .

efficace 4gnle A 2000 V appllqudp euccnsalvement entre cheque conducteur du cAble et le faiaceau formd par l'ennemble de'a autree conducteure r4unla-4lectriquem'nt entre aux. . . ,

4.2.3* Lee Apreuves dl-Alectriqueo preacrites an 4.2.2. dolvent Atre effectuAes sous une tension alternative eensiblement alnueoldnle de frdqusnce comprise entre 48 He et 62 He, dAlivrAe par un trnneformateur de puissance appropriAa, compte tenu de la eapacitA du c&hle. Dans la css daa Apreuvea d1AJectr1quea aur . cAble tarminA, la tension dolt Atre augmentAe rAgulib-ramant Juequ’A la valeur epAclfiAe an un temps d'au moina 10 secondee et, enaulte, maintenue pendant au • moina 60 secondee.

Cee Apreuvea eont effectuAea par la fabricant du/ cfible. / .

4.3* Aucun dAfeut entre lea conducteure d'un cAble multlconduct.eur n’est A coneldArer ei le sjstAme , rApond A 1'una das deux rAgles ci-epr^s ! ,

4'3*^' La cAble set conforms A 4.2. et chaqu*

circuit individual A sAcuritA, intrlnaAque comporta un Acran' conducteur aaeurant iin taui de recouvrament au , moine Age) A 60 |

Note J Le reccordement Aventuel da l'Acran A la mnsae 1 ! ou A la terra aara dAterminA per lea reglea d'lnatal- j 1 at ion. . ’ ;

j - . - •

4.3.2. Le cAble, confortnp A 4-?-,eot protAgi 1

I efficacement contre 1pp dAtArlorations et cheque cir-1 cult indlviduel A'aAcuiltA intrlneAqu' prAsentp, en , fonctlonnement normal, une tension crAte Agsle ou InfArleure A 60 volte. '

4.4. Venn pine mshradrlge l>oitung (Kmbal) 4-7. nber n'.cht 4.3* entspricht und eigenslcbere Stromkreise * fMbrt. die *u einer etnalgen eJektriecher? Anlsge gebtfreo, mNesen Alp FMilor, die avischen wnximnl 4 Adorn dor heltung (des Knbele) suftreten khnnon, tusHtrlich tur Anveodung von 3*2- odor 3*3* berllcksichtigt varden.

4.5. Venn eino mebradrlge' i-oltung (Kobel) 4.2. aber niebt 4.3* snteprlcht und ©igensicbere Stromkreiee fffhrt, dlo' *ti Terschiedenen eigensjcheren plektrlocben Anlogon gebtfren, muss jednr eigeneichere Btrorakrels dor Ubor din I*eltung (des Knbel) geftfhrt vird, oinon Sieberheitsfektnr tot* Vierfacben den In 3.?. odor 3-3* goforderton Vertop eufwpipen.

4.6. Venn olne mehrndrig© 1/©S tung (Rebel) 4.2. und 4*3. nicht entspricht, lot jed© mbgliche 7,abl von Teblorn rvjpcbon don Adorn dor bottling (dop Knbele) runJUzllc^ rur Anwondung von 3-2. odor 3.3. xu bertlcksichtigen.

14, 7, pi® Bseoheinlgungsdokumente d'r elgensioheren ©lektrlBcben Anlege mUssen die Vervendungsbedingungen-r**tl*gen, die aich iiue der Arrvendung von 4*3' bio *■ r,. ergeben, -


I ■ ’ ■ ' - .

?• 7,ubehhrf de© i' BeBcbelnigungsdoVrureeM els Tei) clner eigenflicheren elektriBohen Anlage engegoben let , fpuan • t

6* und 7* dor FuropTHecbon Kprm EN 50 014 **4ITgnmeine fleatiomungeD"f .

- 5' IO.3 dar EuropJSischen Dorm I5W 50 020 'FIgenslcherheit i' mrftlllen.

pefne leonreichming mien ©efilgatens pup dem Namen dee rterntellers odor Peinom Vsrenr©ioh'r> bestehen. 1

Anmerkung t Die Rervendung von nicht b©seh©inlgt©n 7,ubehHr unterliegt den Errichtungnbnptimrmmgon. ‘

TimogrpcER ; 1 *

Elgeneiobere elektrieehe Anlsgen nind dan Beetimmung'n d'r TfpprMfung getnKas 9* dnr EuropKischsn Dorm TM 50 020 - Elg*nslrherhelt i - ©ntsprerhnnd r.u prtlfen} barbel aind dia Bostimmungen von 4. d'r vorllegenden Anlng© ru berllckslchtlgen.

......... ■'... —...........-—■

4 . Vhara 0 multioor© cable oonformn vlth 4.2,

but not vith 4.}. ind contains only intrinsically ppfa circuit® forming partnof a single intrinsic*!-ly safe ©Taotrio©) ay*tam, faults shall ba oon- . sldarad botvaan up to 4 cor#a of tha cabla in addition to tha application of aithar 3'2. or 3'3'*
4.4. Loraqu’un cAble niiltioonducteur eat conformak ]

4.2, male pee k 4.3. 't na contient qua das circuit* d© *4ourlt4 intrinsbqua faieant paptie d‘un wAme . eyetkma Alectrique de '4curlt4 intrineAqua, lee 1

dAfauta dolvsnt Ctra cooeiddrde entre un maximum de

4 oonductaura du cAbla en plus de 1‘epplication

^e 3-2* ou d* 3-3*
■1 .5. Vh'r' a nultloor* cahls oonforraa with 4.2 but mrt with 4.J. and contains intrinsically aafs circuits forming parte of dlffsrent intrinsically safe alactrical systsms, snch Intrinsically safs circuit oonhnlnsd In tha cabla shall hare a safety factor of at lanst 4 tlm.e that rsqulrsd by either 3-2. or .. _r •.'4-0 Loraqu'un cAblw Bulticonduotaur 'nt oonforw.X

4.2 mala pas 14.3 . at cuhtlant 4ea olrculta da adeurltd lntrlnsAqua fnlaant partia da dlffdranta ' , ayatAaaa Alaotrlquaa da aduuritd intrlna^qua. nhaqua circuit da sdcuritd lntrlnebqua contanu dana oa clhle dolt prdaaoter un coefHclant de aAcur) t4 4ga] A quatra fola calui requla an J.2. ou an 3.J.
4.6. Vhoro a multlcora cebl.e does not comply vith 4.2. and 4.3*' 'ny number of fault® betvean the cores of the cable ebnll be taken into nccount in addition to the application of 3-2. or 3-3..4.6. Loraiju'un cfibla mu] tlconducteur na rdpond paa A . 4.2. et 4.3., un nombre quelconqua de dAfauta antra lea oonductaura du cAble darra 4tra cOnal<i4rd an plua da

1'application da 3?. ou da.3.3.
4'7.~ The certifioatioo documents of the intrinsically oafs electrical system shall apeoify the oonditlono of use resulting froo the application of 4.3.to 4.6; -4.7. Lee documents de certificetion du systAme <Sleo-trique de *4curitA intrinskque doirent epAolfier lee conditions d'utlllsation rAsultent de 2’application de 4,3. k 4*6*
The acceanoriss vbich sr© listed in the certification documents an parts of an intrinsically safe ©lsrtricnl pyetem shall reset \

- 6. end 7. of European Standard EF 50 014 "General Rsqulrementa* \

- 5* WI)d IO.3. of European Standard EK 50 020, "Intrinsic Safety i".
Lee aoceseoires qui sont mentionn^s dens lee documents de certification comrae faiennt psrtie d’un systems Alectrique de eAcuritd lntrinebque dolvsnt estiefairek

- 6. et 7. de la florae Europ^enrie Efl 50 014 "flAglss

CAndrslea" j ^ *

- 5* *t 10.3 de 1b florae EuropAenn* EN 50 020 "Rflcurit* IntrineAqu© i".
Their marking shall bear at least the aamifac turer's name or it** regiatred trade mark.tbeur msrquage doit eu moine cnvporter le non du cons-tructeur ou ea marque commercial © dAposAe.
....... . : . . '
t ^ ,

Not© ? Tha use of non-cartlfied ecceaaoriea in subject to tha installation requirements.
- " ■; ■■: i , *

' Rote ! l.'utniaation d'fiOCessolrea non certlfide

eat du domalne des reglaa d’In*tall at inn.
fi. Tirr. tests.6. EHIEUTES UK TITE '
Intrinnice1ly safe electrical syateea shall be type tested in accordance vlth the type test requirements of 9* of European Standard EN 50 020 - Intrinsic safety i but taking into aocount of this annaxe. .I*©© eyetkmes Alectriquse de ©4nurit<1 intrlns^que dolvent #tre ApronrAa conforaAmsnt sui rAgles rsle-tires mu .IpreuT©* de type de 9. de la florae EuropAenne EH 50 020 - SAcurltd lntrinshquek i f mats compte term de de la present© annexe.


Baechajnigte eigeneiohere elektrische Anlegen ®(l'n'n ▼on !nhab*r der Aniegenbeecheinlgung *n mind*stens elnew Betriebsmlttel der Anlege, das etch sn einer _ besonders 'geeigneten Stella' befindet,gekennr.eiehnet werdsn. Die KennreJehnung muss der Hinimolkenneich- > nung gemHes ?6.5' der F.uropHischen None EN SO Old - ‘ Allgemelne B*btimmungsn entsprechen tind die Puchntaben ST5T umfeseen.


Certified intrinsically safe electrical systems shell be marked by the holder of the certificate of th*tfsystem on 't least one of the electrical apparatus notion e strategic position. The mnrklng nhnlJ include the minimal marking of ?6.?. of European Standard EN 50 014 - General requlremanta^and the letters SYST.


I<fld Byat&mes Alactrlquaa cartlflds do oAcurltA Intrln 8>-qiiB dolvant Atre mnrqudo par lo dAtantnur du cortl-flcnt du systkme BUT l'un mi moino dos matArlBls AlaclriquBB du eyotfcma b. trou.ont '
n un Bndrolt "BtrBtdglque"'. Im marquage dolt comport.r 1* ma^quage minimal du 26.5. de la Worm. EuropAenn. EN 50 OM -R^glsa gAnAralas,at )aa lettr.a SIST.


Anlnge 4 Porember 1970

Anna*; \ December '970

Annexe 4 D^cembre 1971'




Anlnge 4 r.xir Richtlinie dee Rates der EuropHlschen Cemaloecheften eur Anglelchung der Rechtevorschriften der Ml tgliedstaatsn betreffend elektrlsche Retrleb*-mittel cur Vervendung in eiploeionsgefHhrdeten Berelchen in grubengasfllhrenden Cruben .

Annex 4 to thn Council Directive on tha approil— nation of tba la'*© of tha Monbar Stataa concerning olootrlcal apparatus for use in potentially explosive atraoepbere In gassy vines

Annexe 4 A la Directive du Conaell dee Communaut4n Europdonnen concernant la rapprochement dee legislations das Etats Mambras relatives au mat4riel dlectrlque utillnable an atmosphere axplonlble mines grleouteueen

* English version


ATf!03niERE3 QF GROUP 1 .


1 Deutsche Faseung .



Version francalse




C 0 H N U N A U T A I R E _ _______

I)©© Gemeinachaftskennxelchen henteht sue einem nachaacklgon Zalchen, dan eio Epsilon 'nd eln.X enthfflt und -inem krel'form1gen Eeichen, don ejnen senkrech^en Strlch enthalt.

Din AuefUhrung dno Cemeinochnftskennseichene moae don Jn der Abblldung enthaltenan Angaben nntnprnchen *

I.a marque dletlnctlva conuounautaire comporte un eymbole hexagonal contenant un epnllon et un iksa at un eymbole circulaire contenant une barre vertical#. I*a realisation de la marque dletlnctlva communautalre dolt rdpondre aux indications de la figure.

Tha distinctive community mark comprise® 8 hexagonal symbol containing an epsilon and an x, and a circular symbol containing a vortical bar. Tha dnnlgn of tha distinctive community mark ehall conform to the proportlona shown in tha figure.

C - 0,250 • >, 0,030

C - 0,250

' ^ 0,03a

Annexe *j Ddcembre I97H p.1 (^)

An)nge 9 I'
nrimin'r I07H 1 (?)

Annoy *j Iierrnd'er '97^ p.3 (7)


P. R T V U R F

PR 0 J E T

Anlag* ry r\ir TUchtllnle d®s Rates der EuropHiachen C**trf'lnprJmft^n rur Angl"lcbung d®r Rfchtevorachr 1 ftan d*r Mitel (*dst.naten h*treffend r 1 nV tr 1 sob® Bctri*ba-eut V erv^ndiing in a x p) on 3 onspa f Hbrd* ten R®reichen in pruhengnnnih-r^ndwn Orub®n

Annex 5 to-th* Council PlrectiTe on the approximation of the Jnwp of the Member Steteo concerning eleotricel eppnretue for use in potentielly explonire ntmoepbere in geeejr mines

Annexe 5 k la Directive du Connell dee Communnutdn Europdennea concernant le rapprochement dee jAgie-latione des Etats Meobres relatives au materiel dlectrique utlllenble an atmnspbAre explosible den mines grisouteueea ‘ v ,

1 Deutsche Fagcung •

Eirrmgrdc betriPRawinPl eveR ^riosiorsgefaeRRDEte ' “v “ ' ' ‘_pkRF:I CM_P^__CRUri5__l .

RKKR7.FJCRN 1TT?fJ FTRFF F.I.FRTR !SETTER RFTR TFRoHTTTFI**? , p^r; oForK^TAKb f.ikfr k wTnou.jiEscnEiiuiMiwo 1ST

■ English Version



If e tjpn of e)'ctricel sppnretus which is not in nconrdence with the hnrwonleed stnndnrde hea been grnnted nn inspection certificate 'e provided for in art. 9' the distinctive coomunlty Berk must be eupp) em*'n.ted at leant by the following * ^

1. Tlie nvmboT S plgniflying that it' ie nn electrl-

cnl nppnrnttip suitable for gassy mines covered by nn innpnrtion certificate. Thin symbol shall immediacy fellow the distinctive Community Mark as Indicated below. - . ,

2. The last two numerals of the year of -issue of

th' Inspection cdrtificate. '

5. The serial ‘number of t>i*' inspection certificate for thnt yepr. .

4. The name or symbol of the approved body to

ispu’n 1 he certificates.

' . • 1 ■ .

5. The name of i>y© manufacturer or his registered

trade mark. •

fi. The manufacturer’s type identification.

7. The mnnufaCturnr* a serial number.

H. If the tenting ptation.considers that it is n'ropnary to Indicate special conditions for safe urn? the sign X nball be placed after the certlfi-ep f o re f e ronrp.‘ • '

9. Any marking normally required by the atandards nf conniruction for t.b'
electricn] apparatus. ^

to. Any supplementary marking considered necessary by Hie--approved body to issue the certi/j cate9 .

■ . ' ,

Venn Typ *Ia** rlektrin^hnn R® t r ieFnml t Vein , dan

. nicbt den lmrmcnisl*rten Nnrm'n'®ntsprlcbtf aine RontroVlb***che1n1pnnp. n'rh Artlkrl 9 erhalten hat, nnjpn den Orreinnoha f i akennse! chen m 1 hri®e term durch folgcnde* ?r^'nz! warden:. '

I . Pnp 7.rlcbrtn U^doa bedeutet, dnaa pn .alch urn ein r)*'
VtrJecbpp B®tr1ebnmlttg] fUr.. gmbengesfUhrende Cm-b'o hendelt, da® ®in® Ron [ r^11 bench® 1 nl gunp erhallen hat, Pies®* Zrlrbrn mifls dem Herr" 1 nschn.ftskennzeieh®n unmlttelbar fo)p®n, vie unt^n engeg®b®T\. >

2. Pie b®.1d®n 1®txi®n Ziffern d®r Znhl der AnhntrO.-1 ungn jab rpn d®T Ron! rol 1 V.nnchp 1 n.i pong. •

1. Pi® Nomm® r d®r -K®n trol )T*esrhe 1 nl punp. ‘

4. Per Ram® od®r dnn Kurrr.olrhen der rur Auste-lTLunp der Reach®Jn1pung®n ?np®lnnrnnen Ste))e.

9- P®r Nnmn d®c R'ret®)l®.r® oder s®in Wnren7.® 1 chon. f>. Png Typre1ch'®n, dnn vom l!®rst®ller fegtgelegt 1st.

7. Pie Fct 11 gun'pnnumm®r. :

0. Venn die Frilfatpll® e.' fUr notvendip eraebtet, nuf bepondnrn B^d inpjnp^n fUr di''
nirberp Anwpndimp hinruvpinnn," int dpn 7.pirb'
n X binirr dip* Dnnchplni-g^tnpRrmiprnp'T n' nniy.rn . .

9. Anprtbnn, die norm* 1 ** rvn i n' durrb Rone truktl one-nirnnen fMr e )pV tr 1 nr-be Pn tr Iftbnrri 11 p! ver 3 nnpi- word nn .

10. 7.n' R i T 1 I rhr Aripnl'^n, d1' din rur Aunplnllunp d^r

p i n \ p>inpon Rip,,lhnpnne f>-i.plln fUr nnivnndiK h%)\. , . , /

'' ■ ../... '

* Version francalae



5 Dp7.<?mb'*r tQ7fl ®.? (?)

Annex* 5 p^cerohr* 1Q7P p.? (?)