Legal provisions of COM(2017)482 - European citizens’ initiative - Main contents
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This page contains a limited version of this dossier in the EU Monitor.
dossier | COM(2017)482 - European citizens’ initiative. |
document | COM(2017)482 |
date | April 17, 2019 |
- Article 1 - Subject matter
- Article 2 - Right to support a European citizens' initiative
- Article 3 - Required number of signatories
- Article 4 - Information and assistance by the Commission and by Member States
- Article 5 - Group of organisers
- Article 6 - Registration
- Article 7 - Withdrawal of an initiative
- Article 8 - Collection period
- Article 9 - Procedure for the collection of statements of support
- Article 10 - Central online collection system
- Article 11 - Individual online collection systems
- Article 12 - Verification and certification of statements of support by the Member States
- Article 13 - Submission to the Commission
- Article 14 - Publication and public hearing
- Article 15 - Examination by the Commission
- Article 16 - Follow-up to successful citizens' initiatives by the European Parliament
- Article 17 - Transparency
- Article 18 - Communication
- Article 19 - Protection of personal data
- Article 20 - Competent authorities within the Member States
- Article 21 - Communication of national provisions
- Article 22 - Committee procedure
- Article 23 - Delegated powers
- Article 24 - Exercise of the delegation
- Article 25 - Review
- Article 26 - Repeal
- Article 27 - Transitional provision
- Article 28 - Entry into force and applicability
Article 1 - Subject matter
Article 2 - Right to support a European citizens' initiative
Member States may set the minimum age entitling to support an initiative at 16 years, in accordance with their national laws, and in such a case they shall inform the Commission accordingly.
2. In accordance with the applicable law, Member States and the Commission shall ensure that persons with disabilities can exercise their right to support initiatives and can access all relevant sources of information on initiatives, on an equal basis with other citizens.
Article 3 - Required number of signatories
(a) | it has received the support of at least one million citizens of the Union in accordance with Article 2(1) (‘signatories’) from at least one quarter of the Member States; and |
(b) | in at least one quarter of the Member States, the number of signatories is at least equal to the minimum number set out in Annex I, corresponding to the number of the Members of the European Parliament elected in each Member State, multiplied by the total number of Members of the European Parliament, at the time of registration of the initiative. |
2. For the purposes of paragraph 1, a signatory shall be counted in his or her Member State of nationality, irrespective of the place where the statement of support was signed by the signatory.
Article 4 - Information and assistance by the Commission and by Member States
The Commission shall make a guide on the European citizens' initiative publicly available, both online and in paper form and in all the official languages of the institutions of the Union.
2. The Commission shall make an online collaborative platform for the European citizens' initiative available, free of charge.
The platform shall provide practical and legal advice, and a discussion forum about the European citizens' initiative for the exchange of information and best practices among citizens, groups of organisers, stakeholders, non-governmental organisations, experts and other institutions and bodies of the Union wishing to participate.
The platform shall be accessible for persons with disabilities.
The costs of operating and maintaining the platform shall be borne by the general budget of the European Union.
3. The Commission shall make an online register available that allows groups of organisers to manage their initiative throughout the procedure.
The register shall comprise a public website that provides information on the European citizens' initiative in general as well as on specific initiatives and their respective status.
The Commission shall update the register on a regular basis by making the information submitted by the group of organisers available.
4. After the Commission has registered an initiative in accordance with Article 6, it shall provide the translation of the content of that initiative, including its annex, into all the official languages of the institutions of the Union, within the limits set out in Annex II, for its publication in the register and its use for the collection of statements of support in accordance with this Regulation.
The group of organisers may, in addition, provide translations into all the official languages of the institutions of the Union of the additional information on the initiative and, if any, a draft legal act referred to in Annex II, submitted in accordance with Article 6(2). Those translations shall be the responsibility of the group of organisers. The content of the translations provided by the group of organisers shall correspond to the content of the initiative submitted in accordance with Article 6(2).
The Commission shall ensure the publication in the register and on the public website on the European citizens' initiative of the information submitted in accordance with Article 6(2) and the translations submitted in accordance with this paragraph.
5. The Commission shall develop a file exchange service for the transfer of statements of support to the competent authorities of the Member States, in accordance with Article 12, and make it available free of charge to the groups of organisers.
6. Each Member State shall establish one or more contact points to provide, free of charge, information and assistance to groups of organisers, in accordance with applicable Union and national law.
Article 5 - Group of organisers
2. The members of the group of organisers shall be citizens of the Union of the age to be entitled to vote in elections to the European Parliament and the group shall include residents of at least seven different Member States, at the time of registration of the initiative.
For each initiative, the Commission shall publish the names of all members of the group of organisers in the register in accordance with Regulation (EU) 2018/1725.
3. The group of organisers shall designate two of its members as representative and substitute, respectively, who shall be responsible for liaising between the group of organisers and the institutions of the Union throughout the procedure and who shall be mandated to act on behalf of the group of organisers (the ‘contact persons’).
The group of organisers may also designate a maximum of two other natural persons, chosen from among its members or otherwise, who are mandated to act on behalf of the contact persons for the purpose of liaising with the institutions of the Union throughout the procedure.
4. The group of organisers shall inform the Commission of any changes regarding its composition throughout the procedure and shall provide appropriate proof that the requirements laid down in paragraphs 1 and 2 are fulfilled. The changes in the composition of the group of organisers shall be reflected in the statement of support forms and the names of the current and former members of the group of organisers shall remain available in the register throughout the procedure.
5. Without prejudice to the liability of the representative of the group of organisers as data controller under Article 82(2) of Regulation (EU) 2016/679, the members of a group of organisers shall be jointly and severally liable for any damage caused in the organisation of an initiative by unlawful acts committed intentionally, or with serious negligence, under applicable national law.
6. Without prejudice to the penalties under Article 84 of Regulation (EU) 2016/679, Member States shall ensure that the members of a group of organisers are, in accordance with national law, subject to effective, proportionate and dissuasive penalties for infringements of this Regulation and in particular for:
(a) | false declarations; |
(b) | the fraudulent use of data. |
7. Where a legal entity has been created, in accordance with the national law of a Member State, specifically for the purpose of managing a given initiative, that legal entity shall be considered to be the group of organisers or its members, for the purpose of, as applicable, paragraphs 5 and 6 of this Article, Articles 6(2) and (4) to (7) and Articles 7 to 19 and Annexes II to VII, provided that the member of the group of organisers designated as its representative is given a mandate to act on behalf of the legal entity.
Article 6 - Registration
2. The group of organisers shall submit the request for registration to the Commission through the register.
When submitting the request the group of organisers shall also:
(a) | transmit the information referred to in Annex II in one of the official languages of the institutions of the Union; |
(b) | indicate the seven members to be taken into account for the purpose of Article 5(1) and (2), where the group of organisers is made up of more than seven members; |
(c) | where relevant, indicate that a legal entity has been created pursuant to Article 5(7). |
Without prejudice to paragraphs 5 and 6, the Commission shall decide on the request for registration within two months of its submission.
3. The Commission shall register the initiative if:
(a) | the group of organisers has provided appropriate evidence that it fulfils the requirements laid down in Article 5(1) and (2) and has designated the contact persons in accordance with the first subparagraph of Article 5(3); |
(b) | in the situation referred to in Article 5(7), the legal entity has been created specifically for the purpose of managing the initiative and the member of the group of organisers designated as the representative thereof is mandated to act on behalf of the legal entity; |
(c) | none of the parts of the initiative manifestly falls outside the framework of the Commission's powers to submit a proposal for a legal act of the Union for the purpose of implementing the Treaties; |
(d) | the initiative is not manifestly abusive, frivolous or vexatious; |
(e) | the initiative is not manifestly contrary to the values of the Union as set out in Article 2 TEU and rights enshrined in the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union. |
For the purpose of determining if the requirements set out in points (a) to (e) of the first subparagraph of this paragraph are met, the Commission shall assess the information provided by the group of organisers in accordance with paragraph 2.
If one or more of the requirements set out in points (a) to (e) of the first subparagraph of this paragraph are not met, the Commission shall refuse to register the initiative, without prejudice to paragraphs 4 and 5.
4. Where it considers that the requirements laid down in points (a), (b), (d) and (e) of the first subparagraph of paragraph 3 are met but that the requirement laid down in point (c) of the first subparagraph of paragraph 3 is not met, the Commission shall, within one month of the submission of the request, inform the group of organisers of its assessment and of the reasons thereof.
In such case, the group of organisers may either amend the initiative to take into account the Commission's assessment to ensure that the initiative is in conformity with the requirement laid down in point (c) of the first subparagraph of paragraph 3, or maintain, or withdraw, the initial initiative. The group of organisers shall inform the Commission of its choice within two months of the receipt of the Commission's assessment giving the reasons thereof, and shall submit amendments, if any, to the initial initiative.
Where the group of organisers amends or maintains its initial initiative in accordance with the second subparagraph of this paragraph, the Commission shall:
(a) | register the initiative, if it meets the requirement laid down in point (c) of the first subparagraph of paragraph 3; |
(b) | partially register the initiative, if part of the initiative, including its main objectives, does not manifestly fall outside the framework of the Commission's powers to submit a proposal for a legal act of the Union for the purpose of implementing the Treaties; |
(c) | otherwise, refuse to register the initiative. |
The Commission shall decide on the request within one month of receipt of the information referred to in the second subparagraph of this paragraph from the group of organisers.
5. An initiative that has been registered shall be made public in the register.
Where the Commission partially registers an initiative it shall publish information on the scope of the registration of the initiative in the register.
In such a case, the group of organisers shall ensure that potential signatories are informed of the scope of the registration of the initiative and of the fact that statements of support are collected only in relation to the scope of the registration.
6. The Commission shall register an initiative under a single registration number and inform the group of organisers thereof.
7. Where it refuses to register or only partially registers an initiative in accordance with paragraph 4, the Commission shall state reasons for its decision and inform the group of organisers. It shall also inform the group of organisers about all possible judicial and extrajudicial remedies available to it.
The Commission shall make all decisions on requests for registration it adopts in accordance with this Article publicly available in the register and on the public website on the European citizens' initiative.
8. The Commission shall inform the European Parliament, the Council, the European Economic and Social Committee and the Committee of the Regions of the registration of an initiative.
Article 7 - Withdrawal of an initiative
Article 8 - Collection period
The group of organisers shall inform the Commission of the date chosen at the latest 10 working days before that date.
Where, during the collection period, the group of organisers wishes to terminate the collection of statements of support before the end of the collection period, it shall inform the Commission of that intention at least 10 working days before the new date chosen for the end of the collection period.
The Commission shall inform the Member States of the date referred to in the first subparagraph.
2. The Commission shall indicate the beginning and end dates of the collection period in the register.
3. The Commission shall close the operation of the central online collection system referred to in Article 10, and the group of organisers shall close the operation of an individual online collection system referred to in Article 11, on the date at which the collection period ends.
Article 9 - Procedure for the collection of statements of support
2. Only forms which comply with the models set out in Annex III may be used to collect statements of support.
The group of organisers shall complete the forms set out in Annex III prior to initiating the collection of statements of support. The information given in the forms shall correspond to that contained in the register.
Where the group of organisers choses to collect statements of support online through the central online collection system provided for in Article 10, the Commission shall be responsible for providing the appropriate forms, in accordance with Annex III.
Where an initiative has been partially registered in accordance with Article 6(4), the forms set out in Annex III as well as the central online collection system and an individual online collection system, as applicable, shall reflect the scope of the registration of the initiative. The forms for the statement of support may be adapted for the purpose of the collection online or in paper form.
Annex III shall not apply where the citizens support an initiative online, through the central online collection system referred to in Article 10, using their notified electronic identification means within the meaning of Regulation (EU) No 910/2014 referred to in Article 10(4) of this Regulation. Citizens shall provide their nationality and Member States shall accept the minimum data set for a natural person in accordance with Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2015/1501 (15).
3. A person signing a statement of support shall be required to provide only the personal data set out in Annex III.
4. Member States shall inform the Commission of whether they wish to be included in part A or B, respectively, of Annex III by 30 June 2019. Member States that wish to be included in part B of Annex III, shall indicate the type(s) of personal identification (document) number referred to therein.
By 1 January 2020, the Commission shall publish the forms set out in Annex III in the register.
A Member State included in one part of Annex III may make a request to the Commission to be transferred to the other part of Annex III. It shall make its request to the Commission at least six months before the date from which the new forms will be applicable.
5. The group of organisers shall be responsible for the collection of the statements of support from signatories in paper form.
6. A person may sign a statement of support for a given initiative only once.
7. The group of organisers shall inform the Commission of the number of collected statements of support in each Member State at least every two months during the collection period and of the final number within three months of the end of the collection period for publication in the register.
Where the required number of statements of support has not been reached, or in the absence of a response from the group of organisers within three months of the end of the collection period, the Commission shall close the initiative and publish a notice to that effect in the register.
Article 10 - Central online collection system
The costs of the setting up and operation of the central online collection system shall be borne by the general budget of the European Union. The use of the central online collection system shall be free of charge.
The central online collection system shall be accessible for persons with disabilities.
The data obtained through the central online collection system shall be stored in the servers made available by the Commission for that purpose.
The central online collection system shall allow for the uploading of statements of support collected in paper form.
2. For each initiative, the Commission shall ensure that statements of support can be collected through the central online collection system during the collection period determined in accordance with Article 8.
3. At the latest 10 working days before the start of the collection period, the group of organisers shall inform the Commission as to whether it wishes to use the central online collection system and whether it wishes to upload the statements of support collected in paper form.
Where a group of organisers wishes to upload the statements of support collected in paper form, it shall upload all statements of support collected in paper form not later than two months after the end of the collection period, and inform the Commission thereof.
4. Member States shall ensure that:
(a) | citizens can support initiatives online through statements of support by using notified electronic identification means or by signing the statement of support with an electronic signature within the meaning of Regulation (EU) No 910/2014; |
(b) | the Commission e-IDAS node developed within the framework of Regulation (EU) No 910/2014 and Implementing Regulation (EU) 2015/1501 is recognised. |
5. The Commission shall consult stakeholders on further developments and improvements of the central online collection system to take into account their suggestions and concerns.
Article 11 - Individual online collection systems
The data collected through the individual online collection system shall be stored in the territory of a Member State.
2. The group of organisers shall ensure that the individual online collection system complies with the requirements laid down in paragraph 4 of this Article and in Article 18(3) throughout the collection period.
3. After the registration of the initiative and before the beginning of the collection period, and without prejudice to the powers of the national supervisory authorities under Chapter VI of Regulation (EU) 2016/679, the group of organisers shall request the competent authority of the Member State in which the data collected through the individual online collection system will be stored to certify that that system complies with the requirements laid down in paragraph 4 of this Article.
Where an individual online collection system complies with the requirements laid down in paragraph 4 of this Article, the competent authority shall issue a certificate to that effect in accordance with the model set out in Annex IV within one month of the request. The group of organisers shall make a copy of that certificate publicly available on the website used for the individual online collection system.
Member States shall recognise the certificates issued by the competent authorities of other Member States.
4. Individual online collection systems shall have the adequate security and technical features to ensure throughout the collection period that:
(a) | only natural persons are able to sign a statement of support; |
(b) | the information provided on the initiative corresponds to the information published in the register; |
(c) | data are collected from signatories in accordance with Annex III; |
(d) | the data provided by signatories are securely collected and stored. |
5. By 1 January 2020, the Commission shall adopt implementing acts laying down the technical specifications for the implementation of paragraph 4 of this Article. Those implementing acts shall be adopted in accordance with the examination procedure referred to in Article 22.
The Commission may seek the advice of the European Union Agency for Network and Information Security (ENISA) in developing the technical specifications referred to in the first subparagraph.
6. Where statements of support are collected through an individual online collection system, the collection period may begin only once the certificate referred to in paragraph 3 has been issued for that system.
7. This Article shall apply only to initiatives registered in accordance with Article 6 by 31 December 2022.
Article 12 - Verification and certification of statements of support by the Member States
2. Within three months of the end of the collection period and without prejudice to paragraph 3 of this Article, the group of organisers shall submit the statements of support, collected online or in paper form, to the competent authorities referred to in Article 20(2) of the responsible Member State.
The group of organisers shall submit the statements of support to the competent authorities only where the minimum numbers of signatories laid down in Article 3 have been reached.
Statements of support shall be submitted to each competent authority in the responsible Member State only once, using the form set out in Annex V.
Statements of support which have been collected online shall be submitted in accordance with an electronic schema made publicly available by the Commission.
Statements of support collected in paper form and those collected online through an individual online collection system shall be submitted separately.
3. The Commission shall submit the statements of support collected online through the central online collection system, as well as those collected in paper form and uploaded pursuant to the second subparagraph of Article 10(3), to the competent authority of the responsible Member State as soon as the group of organisers has submitted the form set out in Annex V to the competent authority of the responsible Member State in accordance with paragraph 2 of this Article.
Where a group of organisers has collected statements of support through an individual online collection system, it may request the Commission to submit these statements of support to the competent authority of the responsible Member State.
The Commission shall submit the statements of support in accordance with the second to fourth subparagraph of paragraph 2 of this Article, using the file exchange service referred to in Article 4(5).
4. Within three months of receiving the statements of support, the competent authorities shall verify them on the basis of appropriate checks, which may be based on random sampling, in accordance with national law and practice.
Where statements of support collected online and in paper form are submitted separately, that period shall start running when the competent authority has received all statements of support.
For the purpose of the verification of statements of support collected in paper form, the authentication of signatures shall not be required.
5. On the basis of the verifications carried out, the competent authority shall certify the number of valid statements of support for the Member State concerned. That certificate shall be delivered, free of charge, to the group of organisers, using the model set out in Annex VI.
The certificate shall specify the number of valid statements of support collected in paper form and online, including those collected in paper form and uploaded pursuant to the second subparagraph of Article 10(3).
Article 13 - Submission to the Commission
The group of organisers shall submit the completed form set out in Annex VII, together with copies, in paper or electronic form, of the certificates referred to in Article 12(5).
The form set out in Annex VII shall be made publicly available by the Commission in the register.
Article 14 - Publication and public hearing
2. Within three months of the submission of the initiative, the group of organisers shall be given the opportunity to present the initiative at a public hearing held by the European Parliament.
The European Parliament shall organise the public hearing at its premises.
The Commission shall be represented in the hearing at an appropriate level.
The Council, other institutions and advisory bodies of the Union, the national parliaments and civil society shall be given the opportunity to attend the hearing.
The European Parliament shall ensure a balanced representation of relevant public and private interests.
3. Following the public hearing, the European Parliament shall assess the political support for the initiative.
Article 15 - Examination by the Commission
2. Within six months of the publication of the initiative in accordance with Article 14(1), and after the public hearing referred to in Article 14(2), the Commission shall set out in a communication its legal and political conclusions on the initiative, the action it intends to take, if any, and its reasons for taking or not taking action.
Where the Commission intends to take action in response to the initiative, including, where appropriate, the adoption of one or more proposals for a legal act of the Union, the communication shall also set out the envisaged timeline for these actions.
The communication shall be notified to the group of organisers as well as to the European Parliament, the Council, the European Economic and Social Committee and the Committee of the Regions and shall be made public.
3. The Commission and the group of organisers shall inform the signatories on the response to the initiative in accordance with Article 18(2) and (3).
The Commission shall provide, in the register and on the public website on the European citizens' initiative, up-to-date information on the implementation of the actions set out in the communication adopted in response to the initiative.
Article 16 - Follow-up to successful citizens' initiatives by the European Parliament
Article 17 - Transparency
The declared sources of funding and support, including the sponsors, and corresponding amounts shall be clearly identifiable.
The group of organisers shall also provide information on the organisations assisting it on a voluntary basis, where such support is not economically quantifiable.
That information shall be updated at least every two months during the period from the date of registration to the date on which the initiative is submitted to the Commission in accordance with Article 13. It shall be made publicly available by the Commission in a clear and accessible manner in the register and on the public website on the European citizens' initiative.
2. The Commission shall be entitled to request that the group of organisers provide any additional information and clarification on the sources of funding and support declared in accordance with this Regulation.
3. The Commission shall enable citizens to submit a complaint relating to the completeness and correctness of the information on the sources of funding and support as declared by the groups of organisers and make a contact form publicly available in the register and on the public website on the European citizens' initiative to that effect.
The Commission may request any additional information in relation to complaints received in accordance with this paragraph from the group of organisers, and, as appropriate, update the information on the declared sources of funding and support in the register.
Article 18 - Communication
The European Parliament shall contribute to the communication activities of the Commission.
2. For the purposes of communication and information activities regarding the initiative concerned and subject to explicit consent by a signatory, his or her email address may be collected by a group of organisers or by the Commission.
Potential signatories shall be informed that their right to support an initiative is not conditional on giving their consent to collecting their email address.
3. Email addresses may not be collected as part of the statement of support forms. However, they may be collected at the same time as statements of support, provided they are processed separately.
Article 19 - Protection of personal data
2. The competent authorities designated in accordance with Article 20(2) of this Regulation shall be the data controllers within the meaning of Regulation (EU) 2016/679 in relation to the processing of personal data for the purposes of verification and certification of statements of support.
3. The Commission shall be the data controller within the meaning of Regulation (EU) 2018/1725 in relation to the processing of personal data in the register, the online collaborative platform, the central online collection system referred to in Article 10 of this Regulation, and the collection of email addresses.
4. The personal data provided in the statements of support forms shall be collected for the purpose of the operations required for the secure collection and storage in accordance with Articles 9 to 11, for the submission to the Member States, the verification and certification in accordance with Article 12, and for the necessary quality checks and statistical analysis.
5. The group of organisers and the Commission, as appropriate, shall destroy all statements of support signed for an initiative and any copies thereof not later than one month after the submission of the initiative to the Commission in accordance with Article 13 or not later than 21 months after the beginning of the collection period, whichever is the earlier. However, where an initiative is withdrawn after the beginning of the collection period, the statements of support and any copies thereof shall be destroyed no later than one month after the withdrawal referred to in Article 7.
6. The competent authority shall destroy all statements of support and copies thereof not later than three months after issuing the certificate referred to in Article 12(5).
7. Statements of support for a given initiative and copies thereof may be retained beyond the time limits laid down in paragraphs 5 and 6 if necessary for the purpose of legal or administrative proceedings relating to the initiative concerned. They shall be destroyed not later than one month after the date of conclusion of the said proceedings by a final decision.
8. The Commission and the group of organisers shall destroy records of the email addresses collected in accordance with Article 18(2), not later than one month after the withdrawal of an initiative or 12 months after the end of the collection period or the submission of the initiative to the Commission, respectively. However, where the Commission sets out, by means of a communication, the actions it intends to take in accordance with Article 15(2), records of the email addresses shall be destroyed at the latest three years after the publication of the communication.
9. Without prejudice to their rights under Regulation (EU) 2018/1725, the members of the group of organisers have the right to request the removal of their personal data from the register after two years from the date of registration of the initiative concerned.
Article 20 - Competent authorities within the Member States
2. For the purpose of Article 12, each Member State shall designate one competent authority responsible for coordinating the process of verification of statements of support and for issuing the certificates referred to in Article 12(5).
3. By 1 January 2020, Member States shall transmit the names and addresses of the authorities designated pursuant to paragraphs 1 and 2 to the Commission. They shall inform the Commission of any update of that information.
The Commission shall make the names and addresses of the authorities designated pursuant to paragraphs 1 and 2 publicly available in the register.
Article 21 - Communication of national provisions
2. The Commission shall make these provisions publicly available in the register in the language of the communication by the Member States in accordance with paragraph 1.
Article 22 - Committee procedure
2. Where reference is made to this paragraph, Article 5 of Regulation (EU) No 182/2011 shall apply.
Article 23 - Delegated powers
Article 24 - Exercise of the delegation
2. The power to adopt the delegated acts referred to in Article 23 shall be conferred on the Commission for a period of five years from 6 June 2019.
3. The delegation of power referred to in Article 23 may be revoked at any time by the European Parliament or by the Council. A decision to revoke shall put an end to the delegation of the power specified in that decision. It shall take effect the day following the publication of the decision in the Official Journal of the European Union or at a later date specified therein. It shall not affect the validity of any delegated acts already in force.
4. Before adopting a delegated act, the Commission shall consult experts designated by each Member State in accordance with the principles laid down in the Interinstitutional Agreement of 13 April 2016 on Better Law-Making.
5. As soon as it adopts a delegated act, the Commission shall notify it simultaneously to the European Parliament and to the Council.
6. A delegated act adopted pursuant to Article 23 shall enter into force only if no objection has been expressed either by the European Parliament or by the Council within a period of two months of notification of that act to the European Parliament and the Council or if, before the expiry of that period, the European Parliament and the Council have both informed the Commission that they will not object. That period shall be extended by two months at the initiative of the European Parliament or of the Council.
Article 25 - Review
Article 26 - Repeal
References to the repealed Regulation shall be construed as references to this Regulation.
Article 27 - Transitional provision
Article 28 - Entry into force and applicability
It shall apply from 1 January 2020.
However Articles 9(4), 10, 11(5) and 20 to 24 shall apply from the entry into force of this Regulation.
This Regulation shall be binding in its entirety and directly applicable in all Member States.