Legal provisions of COM(2015)10 - European Fund for Strategic Investments

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dossier COM(2015)10 - European Fund for Strategic Investments.
document COM(2015)10 EN
date June 24, 2015


Article 1 - Subject matter

1. This Regulation establishes a European fund for strategic investments (EFSI), an EU guarantee and an EU guarantee fund. In addition, this Regulation establishes a European investment advisory hub (EIAH) and a European investment project portal (EIPP).

2. For the purposes of paragraph 1, this Regulation provides for the Commission to conclude an agreement with the European Investment Bank (EIB) on the EFSI and an agreement with the EIB on the implementation of the EIAH.

Article 2 - Definitions

For the purposes of this Regulation, the following definitions apply:

(1)‘EFSI Agreement’ means the legal instrument whereby the Commission and the EIB specify the conditions laid down in this Regulation for the management of the EFSI;

(2)‘EIAH Agreement’ means the legal instrument whereby the Commission and the EIB specify the conditions laid down in this Regulation for the implementation of the EIAH;

(3)‘national promotional banks or institutions’ means legal entities carrying out financial activities on a professional basis which are given a mandate by a Member State or a Member State's entity at central, regional or local level, to carry out development or promotional activities;

(4)‘investment platforms’ means special purpose vehicles, managed accounts, contract-based co-financing or risk-sharing arrangements or arrangements established by any other means by which entities channel a financial contribution in order to finance a number of investment projects, and which may include:

(a)national or sub-national platforms that group together several investment projects on the territory of a given Member State;

(b)multi-country or regional platforms that group together partners from several Member States or third countries interested in projects in a given geographic area;

(c)thematic platforms that group together investment projects in a given sector;

(5)‘small and medium-sized enterprises’ or ‘SMEs’ means micro, small and medium-sized enterprises as defined in Article 2 of the Annex to Commission Recommendation 2003/361/EC (12);

(6)‘small mid-cap companies’ means entities having up to 499 employees that are not SMEs;

(7)‘mid-cap companies’ means entities having up to 3 000 employees that are not SMEs or small mid-cap companies;

(8)‘additionality’ means additionality as defined in Article 5(1).


Article 3 - Purpose

The purpose of the EFSI shall be to support, in the Union, through the supply of risk-bearing capacity to the EIB, the following:


(b)increased access to financing for entities having up to 3 000 employees, with a particular focus on SMEs and small mid-cap companies.

Article 4 - Terms of the EFSI Agreement

1. The Commission shall conclude an agreement with the EIB on the management of the EFSI and on the granting of the EU guarantee, in accordance with the requirements of this Regulation.

2. The EFSI Agreement shall contain, in particular, provisions concerning:

(a)the establishment of the EFSI, including:

(i)the establishment of the EFSI as a distinct, clearly identifiable and transparent facility and as a separate account managed by the EIB, the operations of which are clearly distinguished from other operations of the EIB;

(ii)the amount, of no less than EUR 5 000 000 000 in guarantees or cash, and the terms of the financial contribution which is to be provided by the EIB through the EFSI;

(iii)the terms of the funding or the guarantees which are to be provided by the EIB through the EFSI to the EIF;

(iv)the pricing of operations under the EU guarantee which is to be in line with the EIB's general pricing policy;

(b)governance arrangements concerning the EFSI, in accordance with Article 7, without prejudice to Protocol No 5 on the Statute of the European Investment Bank annexed to the TEU and to the TFEU (the EIB Statute), including:

(i)the composition and number of members of the Steering Board;

(ii)a provision that a representative of the Commission is to chair the Steering Board meetings;

(iii)a provision that the Steering Board is to take decisions by consensus;

(iv)the procedure for the appointment of the Managing Director and of the Deputy Managing Director, their remuneration and working conditions, in accordance with the Staff Regulations of the EIB, the rules and procedures on their replacement in their functions and on accountability, without prejudice to this Regulation;

(v)the procedure for the appointment and dismissal of the members of the Investment Committee, their remuneration and working conditions and the voting arrangements within the Investment Committee, specifying the quorum and allocating one vote to each member;

(vi)the requirement that the Steering Board and the Investment Committee adopt their respective rules of procedure;

(vii)the requirement that financing and investment operations covered by this Regulation are to be ultimately approved by the EIB governing bodies in accordance with the EIB Statute;

(viii)provisions on avoidance and handling of possible conflicts of interest;

(c)the EU guarantee, which is to be an unconditional, irrevocable, first demand guarantee in favour of the EIB, including:

(i)in accordance with Article 11, detailed rules on the provision of the EU guarantee, including its arrangements on coverage and its defined coverage of portfolios of specific types of instruments;

(ii)requirements that remuneration for risk-taking be allocated among contributors to the EFSI in proportion to their respective share in the risk-taking and that remuneration to the Union and payments on the EU guarantee are to be made in a timely manner and only after remuneration and losses from operations have been netted;

(iii)in accordance with Article 9, requirements for the use of the EU guarantee, including the payment conditions, such as specific time frames, the interest to be paid on due amounts and the necessary liquidity arrangements;

(iv)in accordance with Article 11(5), provisions and procedures relating to the recovery of claims that is to be entrusted to the EIB;

(d)in accordance with this Regulation, and in particular Articles 7(12) and 9(5) thereof, Annex II thereto, and any delegated act adopted pursuant to this Regulation, the arrangements for approval by the Investment Committee of the use of the EU guarantee for individual projects or for supporting investment platforms or funds, or national promotional banks or institutions;

(e)the procedures for the submission and approval of investment proposals for the use of the EU guarantee, including:

(i)the procedure for the transmission of investment proposals to the Investment Committee;

(ii)provisions on the information to be provided when submitting investment proposals to the Investment Committee;

(iii)the requirement that the procedure for submission and approval of investment proposals for the use of the EU guarantee be without prejudice to the EIB decision-making rules laid down in the EIB Statute, and in particular Article 19 thereof;

(iv)rules further detailing the transitional provisions which comply with Article 24 of this Regulation, and in particular the manner in which operations approved by the EIB during the period referred to in that Article are to be included under the EU guarantee coverage;

(f)the reporting, monitoring and accountability with regard to the EFSI, including:

(i)in accordance with Article 16, the operational reporting obligations incumbent on the EIB, where appropriate in cooperation with the EIF;

(ii)the financial reporting obligations with regard to the EFSI;

(iii)in accordance with Articles 20 and 21, rules on auditing and fraud prevention;

(iv)key performance indicators, in particular as regards the use of the EU guarantee, the fulfilment of the objectives and criteria laid down in Articles 6 and 9 and Annex II, the mobilisation of private capital, and the macro-economic impact of the EFSI, including its effect on supporting investment;

(g)evaluations of the functioning of the EFSI in accordance with Article 18;

(h)the communication and promotion strategy of the EFSI;

(i)the procedures and conditions for the amendment of the EFSI Agreement, upon the initiative of the Commission or of the EIB, including the obligation to report to the European Parliament and the Council on such amendment;

(j)any other administrative or organisational conditions necessary for the management of the EFSI in so far as they permit the proper use of the EU guarantee;

(k)the arrangements concerning the contributions by Member States to the EFSI in the form of guarantees or cash, and by other third parties only in the form of cash, that are not to confer upon those Member States or other third parties any right to participate in the decision-making and voting of the Steering Board.

3. The EFSI Agreement shall also provide that:

(a)EFSI activities conducted by the EIF are to be governed by the EIF governing bodies;

(b)EFSI activities conducted by the EIF are to be subject to reporting requirements in accordance with Article 16;

(c)remuneration attributable to the Union from financing and investment operations covered by this Regulation is to be provided following the deduction of payments due to calls on the EU guarantee and, subsequently, of costs in accordance with Article 9(6) and with the EIAH Agreement.

Article 5 - Additionality

1. For the purposes of this Regulation, ‘additionality’ means the support by the EFSI of operations which address market failures or sub-optimal investment situations and which could not have been carried out in the period during which the EU guarantee can be used, or not to the same extent, by the EIB, the EIF or under existing Union financial instruments without EFSI support. Projects supported by the EFSI shall typically have a higher risk profile than projects supported by EIB normal operations and the EFSI portfolio shall have overall a higher risk profile than the portfolio of investments supported by the EIB under its normal investment policies before the entry into force of this Regulation.

The projects supported by the EFSI, while striving to create employment and sustainable growth, shall be considered to provide additionality if they carry a risk corresponding to EIB special activities, as defined in Article 16 of the EIB Statute and by the credit risk policy guidelines of the EIB.

EIB projects carrying a risk lower than the minimum risk under EIB special activities may also be supported by the EFSI if the use of the EU guarantee is required to ensure additionality as defined in the first subparagraph of this paragraph.

2. In line with the investment guidelines laid down in Annex II, the Steering Board shall adjust the project mix as regards sectors and countries, on the basis of an ongoing monitoring of the developments of market conditions in the Member States and of the investment environment to help overcome market failures and sub-optimal investment situations including problems resulting from financial fragmentation. When carrying out that adjustment, the Steering Board shall avoid an approach which would be riskier than necessary.

Where the risk level so requires, EIB special activities shall be more broadly used under this Regulation than before the entry into force thereof. This shall in particular apply with respect to those Member States where EIB special activities have not been used or have been used only exceptionally before the entry into force of this Regulation, in order to allow for the implementation of additional operations and projects, as well as additional financing by the EIB and national promotional banks or institutions or investment platforms.

Article 6 - Eligibility criteria for the use of the EU guarantee

1. The EFSI Agreement shall provide that the EFSI is to support projects which:

(a)are economically viable according to a cost-benefit analysis following Union standards, taking into account possible support from, and co-financing by, private and public partners to a project;

(b)are consistent with Union policies, including the objective of smart, sustainable and inclusive growth, quality job creation, and economic, social and territorial cohesion;

(c)provide additionality;

(d)maximise where possible the mobilisation of private sector capital; and

(e)are technically viable.

2. There shall be no restriction on the size of projects eligible for EFSI support for the operations conducted by the EIB or the EIF via financial intermediaries.

Article 7 - Governance of the EFSI

1. When carrying out their tasks under this Regulation, the Steering Board, the Investment Committee and the Managing Director shall pursue only the objectives set out in this Regulation.

2. The EFSI Agreement shall provide that the EFSI is to be governed by a steering board, which, for the purpose of the use of the EU guarantee, is to determine, in conformity with the general objectives set out in Article 9(2):

(a)the strategic orientation of the EFSI, including the allocation of the EU guarantee within the infrastructure and innovation windows and any decision to be taken under Article 11(3) and Section 7(b) of Annex II;

(b)the operating policies and procedures necessary for the functioning of the EFSI;

(c)the rules applicable to the operations with investment platforms and national promotional banks or institutions;

(d)the risk profile of the EFSI.

3. The Steering Board shall comprise four members: three appointed by the Commission and one by the EIB. The Steering Board shall elect a Chairperson from among its members for a fixed term of three years, renewable once. The Steering Board shall take its decisions by consensus.

The minutes of Steering Board meetings shall be published as soon as they have been approved by the Steering Board.

The Steering Board shall regularly organise a consultation of relevant stakeholders - in particular co-investors, public authorities, experts, education, training and research institutions, the relevant social partners and representatives of civil society - on the orientation and implementation of the investment policy carried out by the EIB under this Regulation.

The instruments used by the EIF for carrying out operations covered by this Regulation shall be approved jointly by the Steering Board and the Managing Director, after consulting the Investment Committee.

4. Member States and other third parties may - subject in the case of other third parties to the agreement of the Steering Board - contribute to the EFSI in the form of guarantees or cash as regards Member States, and only in the form of cash as regards other third parties. Neither Member States nor other third parties shall be granted membership of the Steering Board, nor shall they be granted a role in the appointment of other EFSI staff including members of the Investment Committee, nor shall they have any right concerning other aspects of governance of the EFSI as set out in this Regulation.

5. The EFSI Agreement shall provide that the EFSI is to have a managing director, who is to be responsible for the day-to-day management of the EFSI and the preparation and chairing of meetings of the Investment Committee referred to in paragraph 6.

The Managing Director shall be assisted by a deputy managing director. The Managing Director shall report every quarter on the activities of the EFSI to the Steering Board.

6. Following an open and transparent selection process in line with EIB procedures, the Steering Board shall select a candidate for each of the positions of Managing Director and Deputy Managing Director.

The European Parliament and the Council shall be kept duly informed in a timely manner at all stages of the selection procedure, subject to strict confidentiality requirements. That applies regardless of the conclusion of the agreement between the European Parliament and the EIB referred to in Article 17(5).

The European Parliament shall organise as rapidly as possible, and at the latest within four weeks from the communication of the name of a selected candidate, a hearing with the candidate for each position.

Following the approval from the European Parliament, the Managing Director and the Deputy Managing Director shall be appointed by the President of the EIB for a fixed term of three years, renewable once.

7. The EFSI Agreement shall provide that the EFSI is to have an investment committee, which is to be responsible for examining potential projects in line with the EFSI investment policies and for approving the support of the EU guarantee for EIB operations for projects that comply with the requirements of Articles 6 and 9, irrespective of the geographic location, in accordance with Article 8, of such projects. Furthermore, the Investment Committee shall be the competent body for approving operations with investment platforms and national promotional banks or institutions.

8. The Investment Committee shall be composed of eight independent experts and the Managing Director. The experts of the Investment Committee shall, following an open and transparent selection procedure, be appointed by the Steering Board for a fixed term of up to three years. Their term shall be renewable but shall not exceed six years in total. The independent experts shall have a high level of relevant market experience in project structuring and project financing, as well as micro- and macro-economic expertise.

When appointing the experts of the Investment Committee, the Steering Board shall ensure that the composition of the Investment Committee is diversified, so as to ensure that it has a wide knowledge of the sectors referred to in Article 9 and of the geographic markets in the Union.

The composition of the Investment Committee shall be gender-balanced. The Steering Board shall strive to select experts having experience in investment in one or more of the following fields:

(a)research, development and innovation;

(b)transport infrastructures and innovative technologies for transport;

(c)energy infrastructures, energy efficiency and renewable energy;

(d)information and communication technologies infrastructures;

(e)environmental protection and management;

(f)education and training;

(g)health and medicine;


(i)cultural and creative industries;

(j)urban mobility;

(k)social infrastructures and the social and solidarity economy.

9. When participating in the activities of the Investment Committee, its members shall perform their duties impartially and in the interests of the EFSI. When implementing the investment guidelines set out in Annex II and taking decisions on the use of the EU guarantee, they shall not seek or take instructions from the EIB, the institutions of the Union, Member States, or any other public or private body. Without prejudice to the provision of analytical, logistical and administrative support by the staff of the EIB to the Investment Committee, adequate organisational arrangements shall be established and maintained to ensure the operational independence of the Investment Committee. Any project assessment conducted by EIB staff shall not be binding on the Investment Committee for the purposes of granting the EU guarantee.

10. CVs and declarations of interest of each member of the Investment Committee shall be made public and constantly updated. Each member of the Investment Committee shall communicate without delay to the Steering Board all information needed to check on an ongoing basis the absence of any conflict of interest.

11. Following a request from the Steering Board, the contract of any member of the Investment Committee who breaches the obligations set out in paragraphs 9 and 10 shall be terminated, in accordance with applicable employment and labour law rules.

12. The Investment Committee shall decide on the use of the EU guarantee in accordance with this Regulation, including the investment guidelines set out in Annex II.

Decisions of the Investment Committee shall be taken by simple majority. Decisions approving the use of the EU guarantee shall be public and accessible.

The EIB shall submit twice a year to the European Parliament, the Council and the Commission a list of all decisions of the Investment Committee rejecting the use of the EU guarantee, subject to strict confidentiality requirements.

13. The Commission shall be empowered to adopt delegated acts in accordance with Article 23 to amend the non-essential elements of Sections 6 to 8 of the investment guidelines laid down in Annex II to this Regulation, without deleting any of those Sections altogether. Such delegated acts shall be prepared in close dialogue with the EIB.

14. The Commission shall be empowered to adopt delegated acts in accordance with Article 23(1) to (3) and (5) to supplement this Regulation by establishing a scoreboard of indicators to be used by the Investment Committee to ensure an independent and transparent assessment of the potential and actual use of the EU guarantee. Such delegated acts shall be prepared in close dialogue with the EIB.


Article 8 - EU guarantee

The Union shall provide an irrevocable and unconditional guarantee to the EIB for financing and investment operations covered by this Regulation and by the EFSI Agreement (EU guarantee) where those operations:

(a)are carried out within the Union; or

(b)involve entities located or established in one or more Member States and extend to one or more third countries falling within the scope of the European Neighbourhood Policy, including the Strategic Partnership, the enlargement policy, the European Economic Area or the European Free Trade Association, or to an overseas country or territory as set out in Annex II to the TFEU, whether or not there is a partner in those third countries or overseas countries or territories.

The EU guarantee shall be granted as a guarantee on demand in respect of instruments referred to in Article 10.

Article 9 - Requirements for the use of the EU guarantee

1. The granting of the EU guarantee shall be subject to the entry into force of the EFSI Agreement.

2. The EU guarantee shall be granted for EIB financing and investment operations approved by the Investment Committee referred to in Article 7(7) or for funding or guarantees to the EIF in order to conduct EIB financing and investment operations in accordance with Article 11(3). The operations concerned shall be consistent with Union policies and support any of the following general objectives:

(a)research, development and innovation, in particular through:

(i)projects that are in line with Horizon 2020;

(ii)research infrastructures;

(iii)demonstration projects and programmes as well as deployment of related infrastructures, technologies and processes;

(iv)support to academia including collaboration with industry;

(v)knowledge and technology transfer;

(b)development of the energy sector in accordance with the Energy Union priorities, including security of energy supply, and the 2020, 2030 and 2050 climate and energy frameworks, in particular through:

(i)expansion of the use or supply of renewable energy;

(ii)energy efficiency and energy savings (with a focus on reducing demand through demand-side management and the refurbishment of buildings);

(iii)development and modernisation of energy infrastructure (in particular interconnections, smart grids at distribution level, energy storage and synchronisation of networks);

(c)development of transport infrastructures, and equipment and innovative technologies for transport, in particular through:

(i)projects and horizontal priorities eligible under Regulations (EU) No 1315/2013 and (EU) No 1316/2013;

(ii)smart and sustainable urban mobility projects (targeting accessibility, reduction of greenhouse gas emissions, energy consumption and accidents);

(iii)projects connecting nodes to TEN-T infrastructures;

(d)financial support through the EIF and the EIB to entities having up to 3 000 employees, with a particular focus on SMEs and small mid-cap companies, in particular through:

(i)provision of working capital and investment;

(ii)provision of risk financing from seed to expansion stages for SMEs, start-ups, small mid-cap companies and mid-cap companies, to ensure technological leadership in innovative and sustainable sectors;

(e)development and deployment of information and communication technologies, in particular through:

(i)digital content;

(ii)digital services;

(iii)telecommunications infrastructures of high speed;

(iv)broadband network;

(f)environment and resource efficiency, in particular through:

(i)projects and infrastructures in the field of environmental protection and management;

(ii)strengthening of eco-system services;

(iii)sustainable urban and rural development;

(iv)climate change actions;

(g)human capital, culture and health, in particular through:

(i)education and training;

(ii)cultural and creative industries;

(iii)innovative health solutions;

(iv)new effective medicines;

(v)social infrastructures, social and solidarity economy;


3. The initial investment period during which the EU guarantee may be granted for supporting financing and investment operations covered by this Regulation shall last until:

(a)5 July 2019, for EIB operations for which a contract between the EIB and the beneficiary or financial intermediary has been signed by 30 June 2020;

(b)5 July 2019, for EIF operations for which a contract between the EIF and the financial intermediary has been signed by 30 June 2020.

4. A new investment period may be set in accordance with the procedure provided for in Article 18.

5. The EIB shall use the EU guarantee for supporting investment platforms or funds and national promotional banks or institutions that invest in operations meeting the requirements of this Regulation (eligible vehicles), after approval by the Investment Committee.

The Steering Board shall specify policies, in accordance with Article 7(2), regarding eligible vehicles referred to in the first subparagraph of this paragraph. The Investment Committee shall evaluate the conformity of such vehicles and their specific instruments seeking support from the EFSI with the policies specified by the Steering Board.

The Investment Committee may decide to retain the right to approve new projects put forward within approved eligible vehicles.

6. In accordance with Article 17 of the EIB Statute, the EIB shall require that all its expenses relating to the EFSI are met by the beneficiaries of the financing and investment operations. Without prejudice to the second and third subparagraphs of this paragraph, no administrative expenditure or any other fees of the EIB for its financing and investment operations covered by this Regulation shall be met by the general budget of the Union.

The EIB may use the EU guarantee within a cumulated maximum limit corresponding to 1 % of the total outstanding EU guarantee obligations to cover expenses that would have been met by beneficiaries of the financing and investment operations but which have not been recovered as of the event of default.

In addition, the EIB may use the EU guarantee to meet the relevant share of any recovery costs, unless deducted from recovery proceeds, and any costs linked to liquidity management.

In the event that the EIB provides funding or guarantees to the EIF on behalf of the EFSI which are backed by the EU guarantee in accordance with Article 11(3), fees of the EIF may be met by the general budget of the Union to the extent that they are not deducted from the remuneration referred to in Article 4(2)(c)(ii) or from revenues, recoveries or other payments received by the EIF.

7. Member States may use any source of Union funding, including instruments under the European Structural and Investment Funds and the trans-European networks and industry policies, to contribute to the financing of eligible projects in which the EIB itself, or through the EIF, is investing with the support of the EU guarantee, provided that those projects comply with the eligibility criteria and the objectives and principles applicable under the legal framework of the relevant instruments and of the EFSI.

The Commission shall, as appropriate, provide guidance on combining the use of Union instruments with EIB financing under the EU guarantee, so as to ensure coordination, complementarity and synergies.

Article 10 - Eligible instruments

1. For the purposes of Article 9(2) and in accordance with Article 11, the EIB shall use the EU guarantee towards risk coverage for instruments referred to in paragraph 2 of this Article.

2. The following instruments shall be eligible for coverage by the EU guarantee:

(a)EIB loans, guarantees, counter-guarantees, capital market instruments, any other form of funding or credit enhancement instrument, equity or quasi-equity participations, including in favour of national promotional banks or institutions, investment platforms or funds;

(b)EIB funding or guarantees to the EIF enabling it to undertake loans, guarantees, counter-guarantees, any other form of credit enhancement instrument, capital market instruments and equity or quasi-equity participations, including in favour of national promotional banks or institutions, investment platforms or funds;

(c)EIB guarantees to national promotional banks or institutions, investment platforms or funds under a counter-guarantee of the EU guarantee.

The instruments referred to in points (a) and (b) of the first subparagraph shall be granted, acquired or issued for the benefit of operations referred to in Article 8 that meet the requirements of this Regulation, where the EIB or EIF financing has been granted in accordance with a financing agreement or transaction signed or entered into by the EIB or the EIF which has not expired or been cancelled.

3. EIB guarantees granted to a national promotional bank or institution under the counter-guarantee of the EU guarantee shall, where appropriate, seek to achieve capital relief.

4. In its operations under this Regulation, the EIF may grant a guarantee to a national promotional bank or institution or an investment platform or invest in an investment platform.

Article 11 - Coverage and terms of the EU guarantee

1. The EU guarantee shall not, at any time, exceed EUR 16 000 000 000, of which a part may be allocated for EIB funding or guarantees to the EIF in accordance with paragraph 3. Aggregate net payments from the general budget of the Union under the EU guarantee shall not exceed EUR 16 000 000 000.

2. The remuneration for risk-taking of a portfolio shall be allocated amongst contributors in proportion to their respective share in the risk-taking. The EU guarantee shall be eligible to provide either first loss guarantees on a portfolio basis or a full guarantee. The EU guarantee may be granted on a pari passu basis with other contributors.

3. Where the EIB provides funding or guarantees to the EIF in order to conduct EIB financing and investment operations, the EU guarantee shall provide for a full guarantee on such funding or guarantees provided that an equal amount of funding or guarantees is provided by the EIB without coverage by the EU guarantee, up to an initial limit of EUR 2 500 000 000. Without prejudice to paragraph 1, that limit may where appropriate be adjusted by the Steering Board up to a maximum of EUR 3 000 000 000, without an obligation on the EIB to match the amounts over and above the initial limit.

4. Where the EIB calls on the EU guarantee in accordance with the EFSI Agreement, the Union shall pay on demand in accordance with the terms of that Agreement.

5. Where the Union makes a payment to the EIB upon a call on the EU guarantee, the Union shall be subrogated into the relevant rights of the EIB relating to any of its financing or investment operations covered by this Regulation and the EIB shall, on behalf of the Union, pursue the recovery of claims for the amounts paid and reimburse the Union from the sums recovered in accordance with the provisions and procedures referred to in Article 4(2)(c)(iv).

6. The EU guarantee shall be granted as a guarantee on demand in respect of the instruments referred to in Article 10 and shall cover:

(a)for debt instruments referred to in Article 10(2)(a), the principal and all interest and amounts due to the EIB but not received by it in accordance with the terms of the financing operations until the event of default;

(b)for equity investments referred to in Article 10(2)(a), the amounts invested and their associated funding cost;

(c)for operations referred to in Article 10(2)(b), the amounts used and their associated funding costs.

The EU guarantee shall also cover the amounts referred to in the second and third subparagraphs of Article 9(6).

Article 12 - EU guarantee fund

1. An EU guarantee fund (guarantee fund) shall be established which shall constitute a liquidity cushion from which the EIB shall be paid in the event of a call on the EU guarantee.

2. The guarantee fund shall be endowed by:

(a)contributions from the general budget of the Union;

(b)returns on guarantee fund resources invested;

(c)amounts recovered from defaulting debtors in accordance with the recovery procedure laid down in the EFSI Agreement as provided for in Article 4(2)(c)(iv);

(d)revenues and any other payments received by the Union in accordance with the EFSI Agreement.

3. Endowments to the guarantee fund provided for in points (b), (c) and (d) of paragraph 2 of this Article shall constitute internal assigned revenue in accordance with Article 21(4) of Regulation (EU, Euratom) No 966/2012 of the European Parliament and of the Council (13).

4. The resources of the guarantee fund provided to it under paragraph 2 shall be directly managed by the Commission and invested in accordance with the principle of sound financial management and shall follow appropriate prudential rules.

5. Endowments to the guarantee fund referred to in paragraph 2 shall be used to reach an appropriate level (target amount) to reflect the total EU guarantee obligations. The target amount shall be set at 50 % of the total EU guarantee obligations.

The target amount shall initially be met by the gradual payment of resources referred to in point (a) of paragraph 2. If there have been calls on the EU guarantee during the initial constitution of the guarantee fund, endowments to the guarantee fund provided for in points (b), (c) and (d) of paragraph 2 shall contribute to meeting the target amount up to an amount equal to the calls on the EU guarantee.

6. Following an assessment of the adequacy of the level of the guarantee fund in accordance with the report provided for in Article 16(6), the following payments shall be made:

(a)any surplus shall be paid to the general budget of the Union as internal assigned revenue in accordance with Article 21(4) of Regulation (EU, Euratom) No 966/2012 for any budget lines which may have been used as a source of redeployment to the guarantee fund;

(b)any replenishment of the guarantee fund shall be paid in annual tranches during a maximum period of three years starting in the year n+1.

7. From 1 January 2019, if, as a result of calls on the EU guarantee, the level of the guarantee fund falls below 50 % of the target amount, the Commission shall submit a report on exceptional measures that may be required to replenish the guarantee fund.

8. After a call on the EU guarantee, endowments to the guarantee fund provided for in points (b) and (d) of paragraph 2 above the target amount shall be used within the limits of the investment period provided for in Article 9 to restore the EU guarantee up to its initial amount.

9. Endowments to the guarantee fund provided for in point (c) of paragraph 2 shall be used to restore the EU guarantee up to its initial amount.

10. In the event that the EU guarantee is fully restored up to its maximum initial amount of EUR 16 000 000 000, any amount in the guarantee fund in excess of the target amount shall be paid to the general budget of the Union as internal assigned revenue in accordance with Article 21(4) of Regulation (EU, Euratom) No 966/2012 for any budget lines which may have been used as a source of redeployment to the guarantee fund.

Article 13 - Financing of the guarantee fund from the general budget of the Union

Regulation (EU) No 1291/2013 and Regulation (EU) No 1316/2013 are amended as set out in Annex I to this Regulation.

If necessary, payment appropriations may be entered in the general budget of the Union beyond 2020 and up to and including the financial year 2023 to fulfil the obligations stemming from the second subparagraph of Article 12(5).

The annual appropriations from the general budget of the Union for provisioning the guarantee fund shall be authorised by the European Parliament and by the Council within the framework of the annual budgetary procedure in full compliance with Council Regulation (EU, Euratom) No 1311/2013 (14).


Article 14 - European Investment Advisory Hub

1. The European Investment Advisory Hub (EIAH) shall have as its objective to build upon existing EIB and Commission advisory services in order to provide advisory support for the identification, preparation and development of investment projects and to act as a single technical advisory hub for project financing within the Union. Such support shall include providing targeted support on the use of technical assistance for project structuring, on the use of innovative financial instruments and on the use of public-private partnerships and advice, as appropriate, on relevant issues relating to Union law, taking into account the specificities and needs of Member States with less-developed financial markets.

The EIAH shall be able to provide technical assistance in the areas listed in Article 9(2), in particular energy efficiency, TEN-T and urban mobility.

2. The EIAH shall provide services in addition to those already available under other Union programmes, including:

(a)providing a single point of entry for technical assistance for authorities and project promoters;

(b)assisting project promoters, where appropriate, in developing their projects so that they fulfil the eligibility criteria set out in Article 6;

(c)leveraging local knowledge to facilitate EFSI support across the Union;

(d)providing a platform for peer-to-peer exchange and sharing of know-how regarding project development;

(e)providing advice on the establishment of investment platforms.

3. EIAH services shall be available for public and private project promoters, including national promotional banks or institutions and investment platforms or funds and regional and local public entities.

4. Fees charged by the EIB for EIAH services under paragraph 2 shall be used for covering costs of the EIAH operations and for providing those services. Fees charged to SMEs shall be capped at one third of the cost of the technical assistance provided to them. EIAH services provided to public project promoters in addition to those already available under Union programmes shall be free of charge.

5. In order to achieve the objective referred to in paragraph 1, the EIAH shall seek to use the expertise of the EIB, the Commission, national promotional banks or institutions, and the managing authorities of the European Structural and Investment Funds.

6. In order to ensure broad coverage of services provided by the EIAH across the whole Union, the EIAH shall cooperate where possible with providers of similar services at Union, regional, national or sub-national level. Cooperation between, on the one hand, the EIAH and, on the other hand, a national promotional bank or institution or an institution or a managing authority, including those acting as a national advisor, having expertise relevant for the purposes of the EIAH, may take the form of a contractual partnership.

7. The Union shall contribute up to a maximum of EUR 20 000 000 per annum towards covering the costs of EIAH operations until 31 December 2020 for the services provided by the EIAH under paragraph 2 which are in addition to those already available under other Union programmes, insofar as those costs are not covered by the remaining amount from fees referred to in paragraph 4.

8. The Commission shall conclude an agreement with the EIB for the implementation of the EIAH within the EIB (EIAH Agreement).

The EIAH Agreement shall contain in particular provisions on the necessary financing of the EIAH in accordance with paragraph 7.

9. By 1 September 2016, and annually thereafter, the EIB shall submit a report to the European Parliament, to the Council and to the Commission with regard to the services provided by the EIAH under paragraph 2 and the execution of its budget. That report shall include information on the fees received and the use thereof.


Article 15 - European Investment Project Portal

1. The Commission, with the support of the EIB, shall create a transparent European investment project portal (EIPP) gathering current and future investment projects in the Union. It shall constitute a publicly accessible and user-friendly project database, providing relevant information for each project.

2. The EIPP shall primarily be for the purpose of visibility to investors and for information purposes. The inclusion of projects in the EIPP shall be without prejudice to the decisions on the final projects selected for support under this Regulation, under any other instrument of the Union, or for public funding.

3. Member States may contribute to the establishment and management of the EIPP.

4. A non-refundable fee may be charged to private project promoters for processing project applications for admission to the EIPP. The fee revenue collected shall constitute external assigned revenue for the EIPP in accordance with Article 21(4) of Regulation (EU, Euratom) No 966/2012.


Article 16 - Reporting and accounting

1. The EIB, in cooperation with the EIF where appropriate, shall submit every six months a report to the Commission on EIB financing and investment operations covered by this Regulation. The report shall include an assessment of compliance with the requirements on the use of the EU guarantee and with the key performance indicators referred to in Article 4(2)(f)(iv). The report shall also include statistical, financial and accounting data on each EIB financing and investment operation and on an aggregated basis.

2. The EIB, in cooperation with the EIF where appropriate, shall submit an annual report to the European Parliament and to the Council on EIB financing and investment operations covered by this Regulation. The report shall be made public and shall include:

(a)an assessment of EIB financing and investment operations at operation, sector, country and regional levels and their compliance with this Regulation, in particular with the criterion of providing additionality, together with an assessment of the allocation of EIB financing and investment operations between the general objectives set out in Article 9(2);

(b)an assessment of the added value, the mobilisation of private sector resources, the estimated and actual outputs and the outcomes and impact of EIB financing and investment operations on an aggregated basis, including the impact on employment creation;

(c)an assessment of the extent to which operations covered by this Regulation contribute to the achievement of the general objectives set out in Article 9(2) including an assessment of the level of EFSI investments in the areas of research, development and innovation and transport (including TEN-T and urban mobility), telecommunications, energy infrastructure and energy efficiency;

(d)an assessment of the compliance with the requirements concerning the use of the EU guarantee and with the key performance indicators referred to in Article 4(2)(f)(iv);

(e)an assessment of the leverage effect achieved by EFSI-supported projects;

(f)a description of the projects where the support of the European Structural and Investment Funds is combined with the support of the EFSI, and the total amount of the contributions from each source;

(g)the financial amount transferred to beneficiaries and an assessment of EIB financing and investment operations on an aggregated basis;

(h)an assessment of the added value of EIB financing and investment operations, and of the aggregate risk associated with those operations;

(i)detailed information on calls on the EU guarantee, losses, returns, amounts recovered and any other payments received;

(j)the financial reports on EIB financing and investment operations covered by this Regulation audited by an independent external auditor.

3. For the purposes of the Commission's accounting, its reporting of the risks covered by the EU guarantee and its management of the guarantee fund, the EIB, in cooperation with the EIF where appropriate, shall provide the Commission and the Court of Auditors annually with:

(a)the risk assessment of the EIB and of the EIF and grading information concerning EIB financing and investment operations covered by this Regulation;

(b)the outstanding financial obligation for the Union arising from the EU guarantee provided towards EIB financing and investment operations covered by this Regulation, broken down by individual operations;

(c)the total profits or losses deriving from EIB financing and investment operations within the portfolios referred to in Article 4(2)(c)(i).

4. The EIB – where appropriate in cooperation with the EIF – shall, upon request, provide to the Commission any additional information necessary to fulfil the Commission's obligations in relation to this Regulation.

5. The EIB and, where appropriate, the EIF shall provide the information referred to in paragraphs 1 to 4 at their own expense.

6. By 31 March of each year, the Commission shall submit to the European Parliament, to the Council and to the Court of Auditors, in the context of the financial statements of the Commission, the required information on the situation of the guarantee fund. In addition, it shall, by 31 May of each year, submit to the European Parliament, to the Council and to the Court of Auditors an annual report on the management of the guarantee fund in the previous calendar year, including an assessment of the adequacy of the target amount and the level of the guarantee fund and of the need for its replenishment. The annual report shall contain the presentation of the financial position of the guarantee fund at the end of the previous calendar year, the financial flows during the previous calendar year as well as the significant transactions and any relevant information on the financial accounts. The report shall also include information about the financial management, the performance and the risk of the guarantee fund at the end of the previous calendar year.

Article 17 - Accountability

1. At the request of the European Parliament or of the Council, the Chairperson of the Steering Board and the Managing Director shall report on the performance of the EFSI to the requesting institution, including by participating in a hearing before the European Parliament.

2. The Chairperson of the Steering Board and the Managing Director shall reply orally or in writing to questions addressed to the EFSI by the European Parliament or the Council, in any event within five weeks of the date of receipt of a question.

3. At the request of the European Parliament or of the Council, the Commission shall submit a report on the application of this Regulation.

4. At the request of the European Parliament, the President of the EIB shall participate in a hearing of the European Parliament that concerns EIB financing and investment operations covered by this Regulation. The President of the EIB shall, within five weeks of the date of receipt, reply orally or in writing to questions addressed to the EIB by the European Parliament or the Council concerning EIB financing and investment operations covered by this Regulation.

5. An agreement shall be concluded between the European Parliament and the EIB on the detailed arrangements for the exchange of information between the European Parliament and the EIB under this Regulation, including on the selection procedure for the Managing Director and the Deputy Managing Director.

Article 18 - Evaluation and Review

1. By 5 January 2017, the EIB shall evaluate the functioning of the EFSI. The EIB shall submit its evaluation to the European Parliament, the Council and the Commission.

2. By 5 January 2017, the Commission shall evaluate the use of the EU guarantee and the functioning of the guarantee fund. The Commission shall submit its evaluation to the European Parliament and the Council. That evaluation shall be accompanied by an opinion of the Court of Auditors.

3. By 30 June 2018 and every three years thereafter:

(a)the EIB shall publish a comprehensive report on the functioning of the EFSI, which shall include an evaluation of the impact of the EFSI on investment in the Union, employment creation and access to financing for SMEs and mid-cap companies;

(b)the Commission shall publish a comprehensive report on the use of the EU guarantee and the functioning of the guarantee fund.

4. The EIB, in cooperation with the EIF as appropriate, shall contribute to and provide the necessary information for the Commission evaluation and report under paragraphs 2 and 3 respectively.

5. The EIB and the EIF shall, on a regular basis, provide the European Parliament, the Council and the Commission with all of their independent evaluation reports which assess the impact and practical results achieved by the activities of the EIB and the EIF under this Regulation.

6. By 5 July 2018, the Commission shall submit to the European Parliament and the Council a report containing an independent evaluation of the application of this Regulation.

7. In the event that the report referred to in paragraph 6 concludes that the EFSI:

(a)is achieving its objectives and that maintaining a scheme for supporting investment is warranted, the Commission shall where appropriate submit a legislative proposal to amend this Regulation with a view to setting the new investment period, ensuring continuation of investment and appropriate financing;

(b)is not achieving its objectives and that maintaining a scheme for supporting investment is warranted, the Commission shall where appropriate submit a legislative proposal to amend this Regulation with a view to addressing the flaws identified, setting the new investment period, ensuring continuation of investment and appropriate financing;

(c)is not achieving its objectives and that maintaining a scheme for supporting investment is not warranted, the Commission shall where appropriate submit a legislative proposal to ensure a smooth termination of the EFSI, while preserving the EU guarantee for the operations already approved under this Regulation.

8. The report referred to in paragraph 6 shall be submitted without delay by the Commission in the event that the approved projects absorb in full the amount of the EU guarantee available before 5 July 2018.


Article 19 - Transparency and public disclosure of information

In accordance with its transparency policies and general Union principles on access to documents and information, the EIB shall make publicly available on its website information relating to all EIB financing and investment operations covered by this Regulation, including on the role of financial intermediaries, and relating to the manner in which those operations contribute to the general objectives set out in Article 9(2).

Article 20 - Auditing by the Court of Auditors

1. The external audit of the activities undertaken in accordance with this Regulation shall be carried out by the Court of Auditors in accordance with Article 287 TFEU.

2. For the purpose of paragraph 1 of this Article, the Court of Auditors shall, at its request and in accordance with Article 287(3) TFEU, be granted access to any document or information necessary to carry out its task.

Article 21 - Anti-fraud measures

1. The EIB shall notify OLAF promptly and provide it with the necessary information when, at any stage of the preparation, implementation or closure of financing and investment operations covered by this Regulation, it has grounds for suspecting fraud, corruption, money laundering or any other illegal activity that may affect the financial interests of the Union.

2. OLAF may carry out investigations, including on-the-spot checks and inspections, in accordance with the provisions and procedures laid down in Regulation (EU, Euratom) No 883/2013 of the European Parliament and of the Council (15), Council Regulation (Euratom, EC) No 2185/96 (16) and Council Regulation (EC, Euratom) No 2988/95 (17) in order to protect the financial interests of the Union, with a view to establishing whether there has been fraud, corruption, money laundering or any other illegal activity affecting the financial interests of the Union in connection with any financing and investment operations covered by this Regulation. OLAF may transmit any information obtained in the course of its investigations to the competent authorities of the Member States concerned.

Where such illegal activities are proven, the EIB shall undertake recovery efforts with respect to its financing and investment operations covered by this Regulation that are concerned by such activities.

3. Financing agreements signed in relation to financing and investment operations covered by this Regulation shall include clauses allowing exclusion from EIB financing and investment operations and, if necessary, appropriate recovery measures in cases of fraud, corruption or other illegal activity in accordance with the EFSI Agreement, EIB policies and applicable regulatory requirements. The decision whether to apply an exclusion from EIB financing and investment operations covered by this Regulation shall be taken in accordance with the relevant financing or investment agreement.

Article 22 - Excluded activities and non-cooperative jurisdictions

1. In their financing and investment operations covered by this Regulation, the EIB, the EIF and all financial intermediaries shall not support any activities carried out for illegal purposes, including money laundering, terrorist financing, organised crime, tax fraud and tax evasion, corruption, and fraud affecting the financial interests of the Union. In particular the EIB shall not participate in any financing or investment operation through a vehicle located in a non-cooperative jurisdiction, in accordance with its policy towards weakly regulated or non-cooperative jurisdictions based on policies of the Union, the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development or the Financial Action Task Force.

2. In its financing and investment operations covered by this Regulation, the EIB shall apply the principles and standards set out in Union law on the prevention of the use of the financial system for the purpose of money laundering and terrorist financing and in particular in Regulation (EU) 2015/847 of the European Parliament and of the Council (18) and Directive (EU) 2015/849 of the European Parliament and of the Council (19). In particular, the EIB shall make both direct funding and funding via intermediaries under this Regulation contingent upon the disclosure of beneficial ownership information in accordance with Directive (EU) 2015/849.

Article 23 - Exercise of the delegation

1. The power to adopt delegated acts is conferred on the Commission subject to the conditions laid down in this Article.

2. The power to adopt delegated acts referred to in Article 7(13) and (14) shall be conferred on the Commission for a period of three years from 4 July 2015. The Commission shall draw up a report in respect of the delegation of power not later than nine months before the end of the three-year period. The delegation of power shall be tacitly extended for periods of an identical duration, unless the European Parliament or the Council opposes such extension not later than three months before the end of each period.

The delegation of power referred to in Article 7(13) and (14) may be revoked at any time by the European Parliament or by the Council. A decision to revoke shall put an end to the delegation of the power specified in that decision. It shall take effect the day following the publication of the decision in the Official Journal of the European Union or at a later date specified therein. It shall not affect the validity of any delegated acts already in force.

3. As soon as it adopts a delegated act, the Commission shall notify it simultaneously to the European Parliament and to the Council.

4. A delegated act adopted pursuant to Article 7(13) shall enter into force only if no objection has been expressed either by the European Parliament or by the Council within a period of one month of notification of that act to the European Parliament and the Council or if, before the expiry of that period, the European Parliament and the Council have both informed the Commission that they will not object. That period shall be extended by one month at the initiative of the European Parliament or of the Council.

5. The delegated act that first establishes the scoreboard and is adopted pursuant to Article 7(14) shall enter into force only if no objection has been expressed either by the European Parliament or by the Council within a period of three weeks of notification of that act to the European Parliament and the Council or if, before the expiry of that period, the European Parliament and the Council have both informed the Commission that they will not object. That period shall be extended by three weeks at the initiative of the European Parliament or of the Council.

As regards any further delegated act adopted pursuant to Article 7(14), paragraph 4 of this Article shall apply mutatis mutandis.


Article 24 - Transitional provision

1. The EIB and the EIF may submit to the Commission financing and investment operations approved by them during the period from 1 January 2015 until the EFSI Agreement has been concluded and the first appointments of all the members of the Investment Committee and of the Managing Director following the date of entry into force of this Regulation have been made.

2. The Commission shall assess the operations referred to in paragraph 1 and, where they comply with the eligibility criteria set out in Article 6, the general objectives set out in Article 9(2) and Annex II, decide that the EU guarantee coverage extends to them.

Article 25 - Entry into force

This Regulation shall enter into force on the third day following that of its publication in the Official Journal of the European Union.

This Regulation shall be binding in its entirety and directly applicable in all Member States.