Legal provisions of COM(2014)6 - Regulation on a European network of Employment Services, workers' access to mobility services and the further integration of labour markets - Main contents
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dossier | COM(2014)6 - Regulation on a European network of Employment Services, workers' access to mobility services and the further integration of ... |
document | COM(2014)6 ![]() |
date | April 13, 2016 |
- Article 1 - Subject matter
- Article 2 - Scope
- Article 3 - Definitions
- Article 4 - Accessibility
- Article 5 - Re-establishment of the EURES network
- Article 6 - Objectives of the EURES network
- Article 7 - Composition of the EURES network
- Article 8 - Responsibilities of the European Coordination Office
- Article 9 - Responsibilities of the NCOs
- Article 10 - Appointment of PES as EURES Members
- Article 11 - Admission as EURES Members (other than PES) and as EURES Partners
- Article 12 - Responsibilities of the EURES Members and Partners
- Article 13 - Joint responsibilities
- Article 14 - Coordination Group
- Article 15 - Common identity and the trade mark
- Article 16 - Cooperation and other measures
- Article 17 - Organisation of the common IT platform
- Article 18 - Access at national level to the common IT platform
- Article 19 - Automated matching through the common IT platform
- Article 20 - Facilitated access mechanism for workers and employers
- Article 21 - Principles
- Article 22 - Access to basic information
- Article 23 - Support services for workers
- Article 24 - Support services for employers
- Article 25 - Post-recruitment assistance
- Article 26 - Facilitated access to information on taxation, issues relating to work contracts, pension entitlement, health insurance, social security and active labour market measures
- Article 27 - Support services in cross-border regions
- Article 28 - Access to active labour market measures
- Article 29 - Exchange of information on flows and patterns
- Article 30 - Exchange of information between Member States
- Article 31 - Programming
- Article 32 - Data collection and analysis
- Article 33 - Reports on EURES activity
- Article 34 - Protection of personal data
- Article 35 - Ex post evaluation
- Article 36 - Exercise of the delegation
- Article 37 - Committee procedure
- Article 38 - Amendments to Regulation (EU) No 1296/2013
- Article 39 - Amendments to Regulation (EU) No 492/2011
- Article 40 - Transitional provisions
- Article 41 - Entry into force
Article 1 - Subject matter
(a) | the organisation of the EURES network between the Commission and the Member States; |
(b) | cooperation between the Commission and the Member States on sharing relevant available data on job vacancies, job applications and CVs; |
(c) | actions by and between Member States to achieve a balance between supply and demand in the labour market, with a view to achieving a high level of quality employment; |
(d) | the functioning of the EURES network, including cooperation with the social partners and involvement of other actors; |
(e) | mobility support services related to the functioning of the EURES network to be provided to workers and employers, thereby also promoting mobility on a fair basis; |
(f) | promotion of the EURES network at Union level through effective communication measures taken by the Commission and the Member States. |
Article 2 - Scope
Article 3 - Definitions
(1) | ‘public employment services’ or ‘PES’ means the organisations of the Member States, as part of relevant ministries, public bodies or corporations falling under public law, that are responsible for implementing active labour market policies and providing quality employment services in the public interest; |
(2) | ‘employment services’ means a legal entity lawfully operating in a Member State which provides services for workers seeking employment and for employers wishing to recruit workers; |
(3) | ‘job vacancy’ means an offer of employment which would allow the successful applicant to enter into an employment relationship that would qualify that applicant as a worker for the purposes of Article 45 TFEU; |
(4) | ‘clearance’ means the exchange of information and processing of job vacancies, job applications and CVs; |
(5) | ‘common IT platform’ means the IT infrastructure and related platforms set up at Union level for the purpose of transparency and clearance in accordance with this Regulation; |
(6) | ‘frontier worker’ means a worker pursuing an activity as an employed person in a Member State and who resides in another Member State to which that worker returns as a rule daily or at least once a week; |
(7) | ‘EURES cross-border partnership’ means a grouping of EURES Members or Partners and, where relevant, other stakeholders outside of the EURES network, with the intention of long-term cooperation in regional structures, set up in cross-border regions between: the employment services on regional, local and, where appropriate, national level; the social partners; and, where relevant, other stakeholders of at least two Member States or a Member State and another country participating in the Union instruments aiming to support the EURES network. |
Article 4 - Accessibility
2. Accessibility for persons with disabilities to the information provided on the EURES portal and to support services available at national level shall be ensured. The Commission and the EURES Members and Partners shall determine the means to ensure this with regard to their respective obligations.
Article 5 - Re-establishment of the EURES network
2. This Regulation replaces the regulatory framework on EURES as set out in Chapter II of Regulation (EU) No 492/2011 and Implementing Decision 2012/733/EU adopted on the basis of Article 38 of that Regulation.
Article 6 - Objectives of the EURES network
(a) | facilitating the exercise of the rights conferred by Article 45 TFEU and by Regulation (EU) No 492/2011; |
(b) | implementing the coordinated strategy for employment and, in particular, for promoting a skilled, trained and adaptable workforce as referred to in Article 145 TFEU; |
(c) | improving the functioning, cohesion and integration of the labour markets in the Union, including at cross-border level; |
(d) | promoting voluntary geographical and occupational mobility in the Union, including in cross-border regions, on a fair basis and in compliance with Union and national law and practice; |
(e) | supporting transitions into the labour market, thereby promoting the social and employment objectives referred to in Article 3 TEU. |
Article 7 - Composition of the EURES network
(a) | a European Coordination Office which shall be established within the Commission and which shall be responsible for assisting the EURES network in carrying out its activities; |
(b) | national coordination offices (NCOs) responsible for the application of this Regulation in the respective Member State, which shall be designated by the Member States and which may be their PES; |
(c) | the EURES Members, namely:
(d) | the EURES Partners, which are organisations admitted in accordance with Article 11, and in particular with paragraphs 2 and 4 thereof, or for a transitional period in accordance with Article 40, to provide at national, regional or local level, including on a cross-border basis, support with clearance or support services to workers and employers. |
2. Social partner organisations may become part of the EURES network as EURES Members or Partners in accordance with Article 11.
Article 8 - Responsibilities of the European Coordination Office
(a) | the formulation of a coherent framework and the provision of horizontal support activities for the benefit of the EURES network, including:
(b) | the analysis of geographic and occupational mobility, taking into account the different situations in the Member States; |
(c) | the development of an appropriate cooperation and clearance structure within the Union for apprenticeships and traineeships, in accordance with this Regulation. |
2. The European Coordination Office shall be managed by the Commission. The European Coordination Office shall establish a regular dialogue with the representatives of the social partners at Union level.
3. The European Coordination Office shall, in consultation with the Coordination Group referred to in Article 14, draw up its multiannual work programmes.
Article 9 - Responsibilities of the NCOs
2. Each NCO shall be responsible for:
(a) | the organisation of work relating to the EURES network in the Member State, including ensuring a coordinated transfer to the EURES portal of information on job vacancies, job applications and CVs in accordance with Article 17 through a single coordinated channel; |
(b) | cooperation with the Commission and the Member States on the clearance within the framework set in Chapter III; |
(c) | providing the European Coordination Office with any available information on discrepancies between the number of job vacancies notified and the total number of job vacancies at national level; |
(d) | the coordination of actions within the Member State concerned and together with other Member States in accordance with Chapter V. |
3. Each NCO shall organise the implementation at national level of the horizontal support activities provided by the European Coordination Office as referred to in Article 8, where appropriate in close cooperation with the European Coordination Office and other NCOs. Those horizontal support activities shall include in particular:
(a) | for the purpose of publication, in particular on the EURES portal, the collection and validation of up-to-date information on the EURES Members and Partners operating on the NCO's national territory, their activities and the scope of the support services that they provide to workers and employers; |
(b) | the provision of pre-training activities relating to EURES activity and the selection of staff for participation in the common training programme and in mutual learning activities; |
(c) | the collection and analysis of data relating to Articles 31 and 32. |
4. For the purpose of publication, in particular on the EURES portal, in the interest of workers and employers, each NCO shall make available, regularly update and disseminate in a timely manner, information and guidance available at national level relating to the situation in the Member State concerning:
(a) | living and working conditions, including general information on social security and tax payments; |
(b) | the relevant administrative procedures regarding employment, and the rules applicable to workers upon taking up employment; |
(c) | its national regulatory framework for apprenticeships and traineeships and existing Union rules and instruments; |
(d) | without prejudice to point (b) of Article 17(2), access to vocational education and training; |
(e) | the situation of frontier workers in particular in cross-border regions; |
(f) | post-recruitment assistance in general and information about where to obtain such assistance within and, if such information is available, outside the EURES network. |
Where appropriate, NCOs may make available and disseminate the information in cooperation with other information and advisory services and networks and appropriate bodies at national level, including those referred to in Article 4 of Directive 2014/54/EU.
5. NCOs shall exchange information on the mechanisms and standards referred to in Article 17(5) as well as on standards regarding data security and data protection of relevance for the common IT platform. They shall cooperate with each other and with the European Coordination Office, in particular with regard to complaints and job vacancies that are considered not to comply with those standards under national law.
6. Each NCO shall provide general support to the EURES Members and Partners regarding collaboration with their EURES counterparts in other Member States, including advice to the EURES Members and Partners on how to handle complaints relating to EURES job vacancies and recruitments, as well as on cooperation with relevant public authorities. If the information is available to the NCO, the outcome of complaints procedures shall be transmitted to the European Coordination Office.
7. The NCO shall promote collaboration with stakeholders such as the social partners, career guidance services, vocational training and higher education institutions, chambers of commerce, social services and organisations representing vulnerable groups on the labour market and organisations involved in apprenticeships and traineeships schemes.
Article 10 - Appointment of PES as EURES Members
2. Member States shall ensure that, in their role as EURES Members, PES fulfil all obligations laid down in this Regulation and meet at least the minimum common criteria set out in Annex I.
3. PES may fulfil their obligations as EURES Members through organisations acting under the responsibility of the PES, on the basis of delegation, outsourcing or specific agreements.
Article 11 - Admission as EURES Members (other than PES) and as EURES Partners
2. For the purposes of the system referred to in paragraph 1, Member States shall establish the requirements and criteria for admitting EURES Members and Partners. Those requirements and criteria shall at least contain the minimum common criteria laid down in Annex I. Member States may establish additional requirements or criteria which are necessary for the purpose of a correct application of the rules applicable to the activities of employment services and the effective management of labour-market policies on their territory.
3. Organisations lawfully operating in a Member State may apply to become EURES Members, subject to the conditions laid down in this Regulation and to the system referred to in paragraph 1. An organisation applying to become a EURES Member shall, in its application, undertake to fulfil all the obligations addressed to Members under this Regulation, including to perform all tasks referred to in points (a), (b) and (c) of Article 12(2).
4. An organisation lawfully operating in a Member State may apply to become a EURES Partner, subject to the conditions laid down in this Regulation and to the system referred to in paragraph 1, provided that it duly justifies that it can fulfil no more than two of the tasks listed in points (a), (b) and (c) of Article 12(2), on the grounds of the scale, financial resources and nature of the services normally provided by the organisation or organisational structure, including being a not-for-profit organisation. An organisation applying to become EURES Partner shall, in its application, undertake to fulfil all the requirements to which EURES Partners are subject under this Regulation and at least one of the tasks referred to in points (a), (b) and (c) of Article 12(2).
5. Member States shall admit applicant organisations to become EURES Members or Partners if they fulfil the applicable criteria and requirements referred to in paragraphs 2, 3 and 4.
6. The NCOs shall inform the European Coordination Office of the systems referred to in paragraph 1, including the additional criteria and requirements as referred to in paragraph 2, of the EURES Members and Partners admitted in accordance with that system and of any refusal of admittance on the grounds of non-compliance with point 1 of Section 1 of Annex I. The European Coordination Office shall forward that information to the other NCOs.
7. Member States shall revoke the admission of EURES Members and Partners where they cease to fulfil the applicable criteria or requirements referred to in paragraphs 2, 3 and 4. The NCOs shall inform the European Coordination Office of any such revocation and the grounds therefor. The European Coordination Office shall forward that information to the other NCOs.
8. The Commission may, by means of implementing acts, adopt a template for the description of the national system and procedures for sharing information between Member States about the systems referred to in paragraph 1. Those implementing acts shall be adopted in accordance with the advisory procedure referred to in Article 37(2).
Article 12 - Responsibilities of the EURES Members and Partners
2. The EURES Members shall participate in the EURES network, including by fulfilling all of the following tasks and EURES Partners shall participate in the EURES network, including by fulfilling at least one of the following tasks:
(a) | contributing to the pool of job vacancies in accordance with point (a) of Article 17(1); |
(b) | contributing to the pool of job applications and CVs in accordance with point (b) of Article 17(1); |
(c) | providing support services to workers and employers in accordance with Articles 23 and 24, Article 25(1), Article 26 and, where relevant, Article 27. |
3. The EURES Members and, where applicable, the EURES Partners, shall provide, for the purposes of the EURES portal, all job vacancies made publicly available with them as well as all job applications and CVs where the worker has consented to making the information available also to the EURES portal in accordance with Article 17(3). The second subparagraph of Article 17(1) and Article 17(2) shall apply to job vacancies made publicly available through the EURES Members and, where applicable, the EURES Partners.
4. The EURES Members and Partners shall designate one or more contact points, such as placement and recruitment offices, call centres and self-service tools in accordance with national criteria, where workers and employers can get support with clearance, access to support services, or both, in accordance with this Regulation. The contact points may also be based on staff exchange programmes, the detachment of liaison officers or involve common placement agencies.
5. The EURES Members and, where relevant, the EURES Partners, shall ensure that the contact points they have designated clearly indicate the scope of the support services provided to workers and employers.
6. In accordance with the principle of proportionality, Member States may, through their NCO, require the EURES Members and Partners to contribute to:
(a) | the collection of information and guidance to be published on the EURES portal referred to in Article 9(4); |
(b) | the exchange of information as referred to in Article 30; |
(c) | the programming cycle as referred to in Article 31; |
(d) | the collection of data as referred to in Article 32. |
Article 13 - Joint responsibilities
Article 14 - Coordination Group
2. The Coordination Group shall support the implementation of this Regulation by exchanging information and developing guidance. In particular, it shall advise the Commission on the templates referred to in Article 11(8) and Article 31(5), the draft technical standards and formats referred to in Article 17(8) and Article 19(6), and the uniform detailed specifications for data collection and analysis referred to in Article 32(3).
3. The Coordination Group may, inter alia, organise exchanges of best practices concerning the national admission systems referred to in Article 11(1) and the support services referred to in Articles 23 to 27.
4. The European Coordination Office shall organise the work of the Coordination Group and chair its meetings. It shall keep informed other relevant bodies or networks of the work of the Coordination Group.
Representatives of the social partners at Union level shall have the right to attend the meetings of the Coordination Group.
5. The Coordination Group shall cooperate with the Board of the PES Network, in particular by informing it about the activities of the EURES network and exchanging best practices.
Article 15 - Common identity and the trade mark
2. The EURES service mark and logo shall be used by all organisations participating in the EURES network referred to in Article 7 in all their activities relating to the EURES network, to ensure a common visual identity.
3. Organisations participating in the EURES network shall ensure that the information and promotional material they provide is coherent with the overall communication activities, the common quality standards of the EURES network and the information coming from the European Coordination Office.
4. Organisations participating in the EURES network shall inform the European Coordination Office without delay of any abuse of the EURES service mark or logo by a third party or third country of which they become aware.
Article 16 - Cooperation and other measures
2. The NCO shall cooperate with the services and networks referred to in paragraph 1 at Union, national, regional and local level to achieve synergies and avoid overlaps, and, where appropriate, shall involve the EURES Members and Partners.
3. The NCOs shall facilitate the cooperation of the EURES network with the social partners at national level by ensuring a regular dialogue with the social partners in accordance with national law and practice.
4. Member States shall encourage close cooperation at cross-border level between regional, local and, where relevant, national actors, such as practices and services delivered in the framework of EURES cross-border partnerships.
5. Member States shall seek to develop one-stop-shop solutions for communication, including online communication, with workers and employers with regard to the common areas of EURES activity and the services and networks referred to in paragraph 1.
6. Member States shall examine with the Commission every possibility of giving priority to citizens of the Union when filling job vacancies, in order to achieve a balance between labour supply and demand within the Union. Member States may adopt all measures necessary for that purpose.
Article 17 - Organisation of the common IT platform
(a) | all job vacancies made publicly available through PES as well as those provided by the EURES Members and, where relevant, the EURES Partners in accordance with Article 12(3); |
(b) | all job applications and CVs available through PES as well as those provided by the other EURES Members and, where relevant, the EURES Partners, in accordance with Article 12(3), provided that the workers concerned have consented to making the information available to the EURES portal under the terms defined in paragraph 3 of this Article. |
With regard to point (a) of the first subparagraph, Member States may introduce a mechanism allowing employers to opt not to have a vacancy published on the EURES portal if the request is duly justified on the basis of the skills and competence requirements relating to the job.
2. When making available job vacancy data to the EURES portal, Member States may exclude:
(a) | job vacancies which due to their nature or to national rules are open only to citizens of a specific country; |
(b) | job vacancies relating to categories of apprenticeships and traineeships which, having mainly a learning component, are part of national education systems or which are funded publicly as part of a Member State's active labour market policies; |
(c) | other job vacancies as part of a Member State's active labour market policies. |
3. The consent of workers referred to in point (b) of paragraph 1 shall be explicit, unambiguous, freely given, specific and informed. Workers may, at any time, withdraw their consent and require the deletion or modification of any or all of the data made available. Workers may choose from a number of options to restrict access to their data or to certain attributes.
4. With regard to workers who are minors, their consent shall be provided together with that of their parents or legal guardians.
5. Member States shall have in place the appropriate mechanisms and standards necessary for ensuring the intrinsic and technical quality of job-vacancy, job-application and CV data.
6. Member States shall ensure that the sources of data can be traced for the purpose of monitoring the quality of those data.
7. To enable the matching of job vacancies with job applications and CVs each Member State shall ensure that the information referred to in paragraph 1 is provided in accordance with a uniform system and in a transparent manner.
8. The Commission shall adopt, by means of implementing acts, the necessary technical standards and formats aimed at reaching the uniform system referred to in paragraph 7. Those implementing acts shall be adopted in accordance with the examination procedure referred to in Article 37(3).
Article 18 - Access at national level to the common IT platform
2. The PES shall ensure that the organisations acting under their responsibility have a clearly visible link to the EURES portal on any web portals that they manage.
3. The EURES Members and Partners shall ensure that all job vacancies, job applications, and CVs made available on the EURES portal are easily accessible to their staff involved with the EURES network.
4. Member States shall ensure that the transfer of information on job vacancies, job applications and CVs referred to under Article 9(2)(a) is made through a single coordinated channel.
Article 19 - Automated matching through the common IT platform
2. The Commission shall adopt and update, by means of implementing acts, the list of skills, competences and occupations of the European classification. Those implementing acts shall be adopted in accordance with the examination procedure referred to in Article 37(3). Where the committee delivers no opinion, the Commission shall not adopt the draft implementing act and the third subparagraph of Article 5(4) of Regulation (EU) No 182/2011 shall apply.
3. For the purpose of automated matching through the common IT platform, each Member State shall, without undue delay but no later than three years after the adoption of the list referred to in paragraph 2, establish an initial inventory to map its national, regional and sectoral classifications to and from that list and, following the introduction of the use of the inventory on the basis of an application made available by the European Coordination Office, regularly update the inventory to keep it updated with the evolution of recruitment services.
4. Member States may choose to replace their national classifications with the European classification, once completed, or maintain their interoperable national classification systems.
5. The Commission shall provide technical and, where possible, financial support to Member States when they establish the inventory pursuant to paragraph 3 and to the Member States which choose to replace national classifications with the European classification.
6. The Commission shall adopt, by means of implementing acts, the technical standards and formats necessary for the operation of the automated matching through the common IT platform using the European classification and the interoperability between national systems and the European classification. Those implementing acts shall be adopted in accordance with the examination procedure referred to in Article 37(3).
Article 20 - Facilitated access mechanism for workers and employers
2. The EURES Members and Partners shall ensure that the workers and employers using their services have access to general information on how, when and where they can update, revise and withdraw the data concerned.
Article 21 - Principles
2. Member States shall support the development of a coordinated approach at national level to support services.
Specific regional and local needs shall be taken into account.
3. Support services for workers and employers as referred to in Article 22, Article 25(1), Article 26 and, where relevant, Article 27 shall be free of charge.
Support services for workers as referred to in Article 23 shall be free of charge.
Support services for employers as referred to in Article 24 may be subject to a fee.
4. Any fee charged for services which the EURES Members and, where relevant, the EURES Partners offer under this chapter shall not be higher than those applicable to other comparable services provided by the EURES Members and Partners. Where applicable, the EURES Members and Partners shall inform workers and employers of any cost involved in a clear and precise manner.
5. The EURES Members and Partners concerned shall clearly indicate to workers and employers the range of support services they provide, where and how those services are accessible and the conditions under which access is provided, using their information channels. That information shall be published on the EURES portal.
6. Without prejudice to Article 11(2), the EURES Members referred to in point (c)(ii) of Article 7(1) and EURES Partners may offer their services only online.
Article 22 - Access to basic information
The EURES Members and, where relevant, the EURES Partners shall, where appropriate, refer workers and employers to another EURES Member or Partner.
2. The European Coordination Office shall support the development of basic information under this Article and assist Member States in ensuring adequate language coverage, taking into account the demands of the Member States' labour markets.
Article 23 - Support services for workers
2. Upon a worker's request, the EURES Members and, where relevant, the EURES Partners shall provide information and guidance on individual employment opportunities and, in particular, offer the worker the following services:
(a) | providing or referring to general information on living and working conditions in the country of destination; |
(b) | giving assistance and guidance on obtaining the information referred to in Article 9(4); |
(c) | where appropriate, providing assistance with the drawing up of job applications and CVs to ensure conformity with the European technical standards and formats referred to in Article 17(8) and Article 19(6), and with the uploading of such job applications and CVs on the EURES portal; |
(d) | where appropriate, considering a possible placement within the Union as part of an individual action plan or supporting the drafting of an individual mobility plan as a means to reach a placement within the Union; |
(e) | where appropriate, referring the worker to another EURES Member or Partner. |
3. Upon a worker's reasonable request, the EURES Members and, where relevant, the EURES Partners shall provide further job-search assistance and other additional services, taking into account the worker's needs.
Article 24 - Support services for employers
2. Upon an employer's request, the EURES Members and, where relevant, the EURES Partners shall provide information and guidance on recruitment opportunities and, in particular, offer them the following services:
(a) | providing information on specific rules relating to recruitment from another Member State and on factors which can facilitate such recruitment; |
(b) | where appropriate, providing information on and assistance with the formulation of individual job requirements in a job vacancy and with ensuring its conformity with the European technical standards and formats referred to in Article 17(8) and Article 19(6). |
3. Where an employer requests further assistance and there is a reasonable likelihood of recruitment within the Union, the EURES Members or, where relevant, the EURES Partners, shall provide further assistance and additional services, taking into account the employer's needs.
Where requested, the EURES Members or, where relevant, the EURES Partners shall provide individual guidance on formulating requirements for vacancies.
Article 25 - Post-recruitment assistance
(a) | general information on post-recruitment assistance such as training on intercultural communication, language courses and support with integration, including general information on employment opportunities for the members of a worker's family; |
(b) | where possible, the contact details of organisations which offer post-recruitment assistance. |
2. Without prejudice to Article 21(4), the EURES Members and Partners which directly provide post-recruitment assistance to workers or employers may do so for a fee.
Article 26 - Facilitated access to information on taxation, issues relating to work contracts, pension entitlement, health insurance, social security and active labour market measures
2. For the purpose of paragraph 1, the NCOs shall cooperate with the competent authorities at national level referred to in paragraph 1.
Article 27 - Support services in cross-border regions
2. The tasks of the cross-border partnerships may include placement and recruitment services, the coordination of cooperation between the participating organisations and the carrying out of activities relevant for cross-border mobility, including information and guidance to frontier workers, with a specific focus on multilingual services.
3. Organisations other than the EURES Members and Partners participating in structures referred to in paragraph 1 shall not be considered to be part of the EURES network for reasons of their participation therein.
4. In the cross-border regions referred to in paragraph 1, Member States shall seek to develop one-stop-shop solutions for providing information to frontier workers and employers.
Article 28 - Access to active labour market measures
Article 29 - Exchange of information on flows and patterns
Article 30 - Exchange of information between Member States
(a) | labour shortages and labour surpluses on national and sectoral labour markets, paying particular attention to the most vulnerable groups in the labour market and the regions most affected by unemployment; |
(b) | EURES activities at national and, where appropriate, cross-border level. |
2. The NCOs shall be responsible for sharing the available information within the EURES network and contributing to the joint analysis.
3. Member States shall carry out the programming referred to in Article 31, taking into account the exchange of information and the joint analysis referred to in paragraphs 1 and 2 of this Article.
4. The European Coordination Office shall make practical arrangements to facilitate the exchange of information between the NCOs and the development of joint analysis.
Article 31 - Programming
2. The annual national work programmes shall specify:
(a) | the main activities to be carried out within the EURES network, at national level as a whole, and, where appropriate, at cross-border level; |
(b) | the overall human and financial resources allocated for their implementation; |
(c) | the arrangements for the monitoring and evaluation of the activities planned, and, where necessary, for updating them. |
3. The NCOs and the European Coordination Office shall be given the opportunity to review together all draft national work programmes. Upon finalisation of that review, the national work programmes shall be adopted by the respective NCOs.
4. The representatives of the social partners at Union level participating in the Coordination Group shall be given the opportunity to comment on the draft national work programmes.
5. The Commission shall establish, by means of implementing acts, the necessary templates and procedures for the exchange of information on the national work programmes at Union level. Those implementing acts shall be adopted in accordance with the advisory procedure referred to in Article 37(2).
Article 32 - Data collection and analysis
(a) | information and guidance by the EURES network, on the basis of the number of contacts that the case handlers of the EURES Members and Partners have with workers and employers; |
(b) | employment performance, including placement and recruitment resulting from EURES activity, on the basis of the number of vacancies, job applications, CVs handled and processed by case handlers of the EURES Members and Partners and the number of workers recruited in another Member State accordingly, as known to those case handlers or, where available, on the basis of surveys; |
(c) | customer satisfaction with the EURES network, obtained, inter alia, through the use of surveys. |
2. The European Coordination Office shall be responsible for collecting data about the EURES portal and the development of the cooperation on the clearance under this Regulation.
3. On the basis of the information referred to in paragraph 1 and within the areas of EURES activity specified in that paragraph, the Commission shall adopt, by means of implementing acts, the uniform detailed specifications for data collection and analysis to monitor and evaluate the functioning of the EURES network. Those implementing acts shall be adopted in accordance with the examination procedure referred to in Article 37(3).
4. The Commission shall be empowered to adopt delegated acts in accordance with the procedure referred to in Article 36 to modify the areas specified in paragraph 1 of this Article or add to that paragraph other areas of EURES activity undertaken at national level within the framework of this Regulation.
Article 33 - Reports on EURES activity
Until submission of the report referred to in Article 35, the report referred to in the first subparagraph of this Article shall include a description on the state of play of the application of this Regulation.
Article 34 - Protection of personal data
Article 35 - Ex post evaluation
That report may be accompanied by legislative proposals amending this Regulation.
Article 36 - Exercise of the delegation
2. The power to adopt delegated acts referred to in Article 32(4) shall be conferred on the Commission for a period of five years from 12 May 2016. The Commission shall draw up a report in respect of the delegation of power not later than nine months before the end of the five-year period. The delegation of power shall be tacitly extended for periods of an identical duration, unless the European Parliament or the Council opposes such an extension not later than three months before the end of each period.
3. The delegation of power referred to in Article 32(4) may be revoked at any time by the European Parliament or by the Council. A decision of revocation shall put an end to the delegation of the power specified in that decision. It shall take effect on the day following the publication of the decision in the Official Journal of the European Union or at a later date specified therein. It shall not affect the validity of any delegated acts already in force.
4. As soon as it adopts a delegated act, the Commission shall notify it simultaneously to the European Parliament and to the Council.
5. A delegated act adopted pursuant to Article 32(4) shall enter into force only if no objection has been expressed either by the European Parliament or the Council within a period of two months of notification of that act to the European Parliament and the Council or if, before the expiry of that period, the European Parliament and the Council have both informed the Commission that they will not object. That period shall be extended by two months at the initiative of the European Parliament or the Council.
Article 37 - Committee procedure
2. Where reference is made to this paragraph, Article 4 of Regulation (EU) No 182/2011 shall apply.
3. Where reference is made to this paragraph, Article 5 of Regulation (EU) No 182/2011 shall apply.
Article 38 - Amendments to Regulation (EU) No 1296/2013
(a) | Article 23 is deleted. |
(b) | In Article 24, paragraph 2 is replaced by the following: 1.‘2. The EURES axis shall be open to all bodies, actors and institutions designated by a Member State or by the Commission which fulfil the conditions for participating in EURES, as set out in Regulation (EU) 2016/589 of the European Parliament and of the Council (*). Such bodies, actors and institutions shall include in particular:
(*) Regulation (EU) 2016/589 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 13 April 2016 on a European network of employment services (EURES), workers' access to mobility services and the further integration of labour markets and amending Regulations (EU) No 492/2011 and (EU) No 1296/2013 (OJ L 107, 22.4.2016, p. 1).’" |
2. References to the deleted provision, as referred to in point (1)(a), shall be construed as references to Article 29 of this Regulation.
3. Point (1)(b) of this Article shall be without prejudice to applications submitted for financing under Regulation (EU) No 1296/2013 before 12 May 2016.
Article 39 - Amendments to Regulation (EU) No 492/2011
(a) | Articles 11 and 12, Article 13(2), Articles 14 to 20 and Article 38 are deleted. |
(b) | Article 13(1) is deleted with effect from 13 May 2018. |
2. References to the deleted provisions shall be construed as references to this Regulation and shall be read in accordance with the correlation table set out in Annex II.
Article 40 - Transitional provisions
Article 41 - Entry into force
2. Article 12(3) and Article 17(1) to (7) shall apply from 13 May 2018.
This Regulation shall be binding in its entirety and directly applicable in all Member States.