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This page contains a limited version of this dossier in the EU Monitor.


1. Introduction 3

2. Project Status 3

2.1. Overview of progress during the period under review 3

2.2. Technical framework for finalising the project 4

2.3. Preparations for migration 6

2.4. SIS II network 7

2.5. Security 8

3. Management 8

3.1. Financial aspects 8

3.2. Operational management 10

3.3. Project management 10

3.3.1. Global Programme Management Board (GPMB) 10

3.3.2. SIS-VIS Committee (SIS II) 10

3.3.3. National planning and coordination 11

3.3.4. Council 11

3.3.5. European Parliament 11

3.3.6. Risk management 12

4. Priorities for the next reporting period 12

5. Conclusions 13


January 2012 - June 2012

1. Introduction

This progress report describes the work carried out in the first semester of 2012, concerning the development of the second generation Schengen Information System (SIS II) and preparations for migration from SIS 1+ to SIS II. It is presented to the Council and the European Parliament in accordance with Article 18 of Council Regulation (EC) No 1104/2008 of 24 October 20081 and of Council Decision 2008/839/JHA of 24 October 20082 on migration from the Schengen Information System (SIS 1+) to the SIS II.

2. Project Status

2.1. Overview of progress during the period under review

Following the testing of the national and central systems' components in the previous semester, the focus of activity concentrated in the first half of 2012 on intensive testing of the central system and its increasing interaction with the national systems. The preparations for the final stages of the project, namely the completion of the Comprehensive test and the actual migration of data, advanced considerably during the reporting period.

The successful result of the second Milestone test executed between 2 and 7 May by the Commission, involving eleven Member States, proved the maturity of the Central System and demonstrates the progress achieved in the implementation of the project.

Adherence to the global schedule has been safeguarded, notwithstanding challenges stemming from demanding testing activities carried out in parallel both at central and national level:

(i) Several Member States took advantage of the extended schedule to complete their Compliance tests - extended (CTE) national campaigns. As the successful completion of this testing phase constitutes to be a prerequisite for participating in the Comprehensive test, the remaining issues at national level have been progressively dealt with by the respective Member States and the Commission as a matter of urgency.

(ii) The unavailability of qualified and validated SIS 1+ test tools that France was due to deliver impacted the tests at the central level, in particular the preparation of the second Milestone test. The related risk of delay to the overall schedule was averted, after due consultation with the Member States, through the use of the SIS II test tools. These latter tools, already foreseen for use during the Milestone 2 test, were fully qualified and validated in full transparency towards the Member States. The availability of one of the two SIS 1+ test tools was eventually achieved within the framework and for the purpose of the Comprehensive test.

(iii) Upon the confirmation of the unavailability of the originally foreseen principal test manager (i.e. the Member States' SIS 1 contractor), an expert from one of the Member States took over this role after being appointed by the appropriate Council working party. Following an invitation from the Presidency, the Commission undertook to implement a contractual solution to provide technical support to the Member States' test manager.

Such challenges required a close cooperation between the Commission, the experts from the Member States within the Global Programme Management Board (GPMB) and the SIS-VIS Committee. Overall, the generally constructive approach of the stakeholders ensured that the project remained on track, both time-wise and budget-wise.

2.2. Technical framework for finalising the project


The past months were devoted to testing activities to ascertain the proper functioning of the SIS II as a whole. Several test campaigns were carried out during this reporting period in order to prove the stability, proper functioning and performance of both the central and national systems.

(a) CTE

The Compliance test - extended (CTE) campaign aims at verifying the compliance of the national systems with the SIS II specifications. By mid-June, the majority (26) of the Member States had successfully completed their national CTE campaign. However, four Member States still faced technical issues, which delayed their availability for the first groups of the Comprehensive Test. Shifting the majority of the affected Member States to the last testing group (group 4) of the Comprehensive test, while fixing the problems in close cooperation with the Commission and the contractors, should provide the time for the necessary improvements to be accomplished by August 2012 at the latest.

(b) CSQT without Member States

Through carrying out thousands of test cases, the Central System qualification tests without Member States (CSQT w/o MS) aimed at verifying that the Central System meets the functional as well as non-functional requirements. The link between the system's Central Unit (CU) in Strasbourg and the Back-up Central Unit (BCU) in St. Johann im Pongau was tested in order to ascertain the equivalence of data in the two databases. Started in July 2011, this test phase was completed in January 2012.

(c) CSQT with Member States

Building on the previous test campaign, but with the notable difference that eight active national systems participated in the test, the Central System Qualification Tests with the Member States (CSQT MS) started on 16 January 2012 as foreseen and ended on 19 February. The test was accepted on 27 April 2012.

(d) PSAT

The Provisional System Acceptance Test (PSAT) took place in March 2012. The PSAT lasted five days, during which the twelve volunteer Member States tested their data load on both the Central and Back-up Central Units. The analysis of the results indicates that both units withstood the test without substantial problems, although certain re-testing was necessary at the BCU. Furthermore, the test phase highlighted the lack of robustness of certain national systems, which had to be replaced by simulators in the course of the execution of the test. These national shortcomings have been duly addressed in the meanwhile.

(e) The second Milestone test (M2)

The highlight of the reporting period was the execution of the second Milestone test. This test was the second extra checkpoint included in the testing schedule of the project at the request of the JHA Council in June 20093.

According to the June 2009 Council Conclusions, France was supposed to adapt certain SIS1 testing tools to the purpose of the milestone tests. The first tool, which was due to record the transactions exchanged between the Central System and national systems, was abandoned in March 2012 whilst the second, designed to analyse the records in order to determine if the system performance complies with the specifications, was only partly qualified by the time of the Comprehensive test but was not ready for the second Milestone test. As a mitigation measure to maintain the planned system go-live in March 2013 while guaranteeing the credibility of this testing campaign, it was decided in agreement with the majority of Member States' experts to only use for the purpose of the second Milestone those testing tools explicitly mentioned in the June 2009 Council Conclusion that were ready, namely the SIS II testing tools developed by the Commission contractors. After thorough testing, these tools were qualified by all Member States.

The core of the second Milestone took place between 2 and 7 May with the involvement of the national systems of eleven Member States. The central system and the national systems exchanged uninterruptedly over two million standard transactions (consisting of the creation, update or deletion of SIS II alerts), thereby exceeding in five days the load of SIS 1 over an entire month as well as the requirements set out in the June 2009 Council Conclusions. In parallel, the system also handled during these five days about 50 million queries to the Central Database, a functionality that does not exist in SIS 1. The test demonstrated that the Central and Back-up Unit remained fully synchronised. No interruption or drop out was experienced, only one Member State faced a short power cut but the Central system and National system efficiently managed this incident.

In essence, the second Milestone test demonstrated the stability of the SIS II Central system under operational conditions. As explained in detail in the Commission's validation report, the Milestone's objective (i.e. to prove the stability, reliability and performance of the Central System) was met. The entry, execution and exit conditions were satisfied. All twelve success criteria were passed.

In accordance with the procedure set out in the June 2009 Council Conclusions4, the result of the test was technically assessed and validated by the Commission jointly with the GPMB and the SIS II Task Force on 26 June. Formal recognition of this positive verdict by COREPER and Council followed in July 2012. The Commission also officially informed the European Parliament about the outcome of the test.

(f) The Comprehensive test

The final version of the comprehensive test plan outlining the final testing phase from June to September 2012 was endorsed by the Working Party on Schengen Matters (SIS-TECH formation) on 24 May 2012.

Taking into account the series of Central system tests already carried out and the positive outcome of the second Milestone test in particular, the Commission declared the readiness of the components for which it is responsible in COREPER of 30 May5 2012. The notification, made in compliance with the SIS II legal basis allowed stakeholders to proceed to the comprehensive test.

Since the objective of the comprehensive test is to test the performance of the system from end to end, substantial engagement of the Member States is required. In order to present the organisation of the test and to clarify its elements, a preparatory technical workshop was organised on 31 May 2012.

Following contractual constraints faced by the French administration not allowing appointing a SIS 1 contractor (as initially foreseen), a Member State expert was appointed as Member States' Test Manager for the Comprehensive test. However, at the request of Member States, the Commission agreed to contractually cover support services of the SIS 1 contractor. The GPMB assisted the test management team as well. The formal part of the Comprehensive test started on 19 June with the first group of eight Member States, to be followed by another three groups during the next semester. The first round of the test was completed on 27 June. According to a preliminary analysis, no major difficulty was identified either with the central or national systems. Exceptional issues, such as a short (one day) instability of the network monitoring tool or diverging views on the technical procedures in one test case were promptly resolved through overall good cooperation between the parties involved.

2.3. Preparations for migration

A converter is at the core of the interim migration architecture designed to allow for the transfer of the SIS 1 data to the new system6.

After passing the Factory Acceptance Tests in October 2011, the converter was deployed to Strasbourg and tested against SIS II (System Solution Testing - SST1) in anticipation of further testing with SIS 1+. Additionally the Commission installed and tested the necessary SIS 1+ communication components in the converter itself, a necessary step prior to linking the converter to SIS 1+. Preparations were made to connect the converter to the test environment for the start of 2012.

In the first half of 2012, the converter was tested against SIS 1+ (Qualification Tests). As from end of May 2012, the converter is being tested against both systems (System Solution Testing – Full Integration (SST2)). The preparations of the infrastructure were completed and functional tests started on 11 June 2012 as foreseen. This testing phase is to be completed by the end of August 2012. Following a phase of rehearsals, the next step will be live data migration from SIS 1+ to SIS II early in 2013.

Planning the migration

The Commission proposed in May 2012 an amendment to the legal framework governing the actual data migration (the so-called migration instruments). The goals are to align the legal provisions with the technical approach as agreed together with the Member States in 2011 and to provide an additional financial facility to Member States for well-defined migration related activities. The adoption of the proposal is expected in the second half of 2012 after the European Parliament has also been consulted.

The Commission is working closely with the Member States in writing the Migration Manual, a document setting out in detail the steps outlined in the Migration Plan. A migration workshop took place at the end of March on the Migration Manual where the Member States agreed to the refined switch-over approach - the Member States are now organised in four groups instead of migrating individually. The Manual will define roles and responsibilities throughout the process and describe the detailed schedule for the migration. This task, which commenced in December 2011, must be finalised by the end of 2012.

The migration legal instruments provide that the Member States participating in SIS 1+ shall conduct a test on supplementary information (functional SIRENE tests)7. The Commission continued to support Member States in their preparations to review the technical specifications of data exchange between the SIRENE Bureaux, and in the elaboration of the detailed test description for the SIRENE Functional tests, an activity to take place in the second half of 2012.

Between February and June 2012 the SISVIS Committee SIRENE formation, meeting four times, reviewed and updated the SIRENE Manual and other implementing measures for the purpose of SIS II in order to finalise SIRENE procedures and SIRENE forms by the time of the start of the SIRENE Functional tests in September 2012. The respective adoption of the Commission Implementing Decision is foreseen in the second half of the year.

2.4. SIS II network

The SIS II project includes the provision of a wide area communications network, meeting the requirements of availability, security, geographical coverage and level of service, to enable the central and national systems to communicate.

For operational purposes, Member States have both main and back-up interfaces with the network. During the reporting period, the process of reactivating Member States' back-up interfaces in order to prepare for tests involving switching between main and back-up sites continued.

The SIS II legal instruments describe the communication infrastructure dedicated to SIS II data and the exchange of data between SIRENE Bureaux8. Following the Member States confirmation of the technical specifications of the SIS II SIRENE mail relay, the Commission finalised the procurement procedures. The mail relay was installed in the first half of 2012, in anticipation of the Member States' test on supplementary information. The first phase of basic connectivity tests took place on 15-16 May. The second phase followed on 14-15 June. The results of the Basic Connectivity Tests of the second phase are being evaluated. A third, and final, phase is scheduled for 18 July 2012.

2.5. Security

The study on additional network security for SIS II was presented to the SIS-VIS Committee in the previous reporting period. A technical solution, complying with all requirements, was identified and a pilot project subsequently commenced. The necessary equipment was purchased and a first test phase was run between October 2011 and February 2012 in a controlled environment. All technical options for the deployment of a solution were validated. The next step of the pilot project will be to perform a further test, for which the participation of three volunteer Member States will be needed. Germany and Austria have already put themselves forward to participate and a further volunteer is sought. The test is due to take place in September 2012.

3. Management

3.1. Financial aspects

SIS II budget

By the end of the reporting period, the total budgetary commitments made by the Commission on the SIS II project since 2002, amounted to EUR 149 811 765. The corresponding contracts include feasibility studies, the development of the Central SIS II itself, support and quality assurance, the SIS II network, preparation for operational management in Strasbourg, security, biometrics preparations, communication and experts' mission expenses.

Of this amount, EUR 109 899 337 had actually been paid between 2002 and the end of June 2012. The main expenditure items were development (EUR 62 364 845), the network (EUR 27 379 985), support and quality assurance (EUR 11 207 827) and preparation for operational management in Strasbourg and Sankt Johann im Pongau (EUR 7 279 228).

Budget execution
From 2002 to June 2012From January to June 2012
Development (HP/Stéria)80 593 04759 285 80308 213 662
Development (Atos)3 535 0413 079 04101 814 541
Support & quality assurance14 281 79211 207 8271 189 5231 715 330
Network38 526 00827 379 98502 396 868
Operational management preparation9 201 6247 279 228235 730201 925
Security1 358 310221 73904 027
Studies / Consultancy1 064 410963 207103 27920 947
Information Campaign33 37333 37300
Experts Mission Expenses1 203 286434 2590117 682
Others14 87414 87400
TOTAL:149 811 765109 899 3371 528 53214 484 983

Additional financing for Member States' national development

In order to support the completion of national projects development through the European External Borders Fund (EBF) a significant reallocation of resources towards SIS II national projects was undertaken within the framework of the 2011 programming for the EBF. The Community Actions part of the EBF has been made available to eight Member States with constraints to accommodate their extra needs in their annual programmes for 2011.

These projects commenced at the end of 2011 and are due to be completed in the late summer or early autumn of 2012.

3.2. Operational management

Following the adoption of the establishing Regulation in October 20119, the Agency for the operational management of the large-scale IT systems in the area of freedom, security and justice will take up its responsibilities as regards the operational management of SIS II once this system is brought into operation.

The Commission has been carrying out the necessary administrative tasks to get the Agency off the ground. The Member States and the Commission nominated their representatives to the Agency Management Board as well as to the respective advisory groups. In line with provisions of the Agency founding regulation, an interim Executive Director was appointed on 16 April.

The Management Board met twice during this semester - the inaugural Management Board meeting took place on 22-23 March 2012 in Tallinn and the second meeting on 28 June, where the regular Executive Director was selected. Following a statement before the LIBE Committee on 10 July, the European Parliament is due to adopt an opinion on the selected candidate. Subsequently, the successful candidate is due to be appointed by the Management Board via written procedure. The first meeting of the SIS II advisory group took place on 6-7 June.

Further preparatory activities are in process to set up the Agency and its working environment allowing it to perform the entrusted tasks from 1 December 2012 (i.e. recruitment of the staff, fitting of the temporary premises, finalisation of the key documents that will enable the Agency to operate such as the work programme for 2012 and 2013, negotiation of agreements with host Member States and associated countries).

3.3. Project management

3.3.1. Global Programme Management Board (GPMB)

Within the remit of its mandate as formalised by the migration legal instrument adopted on 3 June 2010, the GPMB continued to provide advice in clarifying a great variety of project-related issues focused on the preparation for the second Milestone test and the Comprehensive test. The exchange of views between the Presidency, the Commission, several Member States' experts and the Commission's main contracter further served the objective of the GPMB, that is to facilitate consistency between central and national SIS II projects.

Twenty plenary GPMB meetings took place during the period covered by this report.

3.3.2. SIS-VIS Committee (SIS II)

There were five meetings of the SIS-VIS Committee on SIS II technical matters in the period January – June 2012. Several key approvals were achieved on migration and testing within this comitology framework.

In addition to regular SIS-VIS Committee meetings, working groups of the Committee and workshops, involving Member States' experts, are organised to discuss detailed technical issues. These meetings generally focus on issues arising from specific project deliverables:

- The Test Advisory Group (TAG), provides the SIS-VIS Committee with an opinion on issues related to the organisation, implementation and interpretation of tests. This group held 23 meetings in the reporting period.

- The Change Management Board (CMB), provides advice on classification, qualification and the potential impact of correction of reported issues. Due to the amount of effort expended on agreeing the updated technical specifications of the central system in 2010-11 and the subsequent stabilisation of requirements, this working group, which also reports to the SIS-VIS Committee, was not formally convened during the reporting period. Member States and the Commission, however, reviewed and updated the CMB rules of procedure to allow Member States to assess whether the planned changes in their national systems are in compliance with the central system.

- There was one SIS II Migration Workshop during this period.

3.3.3. National planning and coordination

A working group composed of the Member States' national project managers (NPM) is organised to advise the Commission project team. The purpose of the NPM meetings is to deal with detailed planning issues, risks and activities both at the central and national project levels. During this reporting period five NPM meetings took place.

3.3.4. Council

In line with the Council Conclusions and in order to maintain complete transparency, the Commission keeps the Council regularly informed about the implementation of the Global Schedule for SIS II and expenditure on the central project.

Across the Council bodies, the Commission continues to participate actively in meetings as well as in their preparation. In seeking clarification and solutions to whatever issues may be raised by the Member States the contribution of the Commission goes beyond simply providing regular updates on the state of play. In general, thanks to the overall cooperative atmosphere the issues at stake were solved at the technical level. Thorough preparatory work, including a letter sent by the Commissioner prior to the April JHA Council, resulted in constructive progress at the Ministerial level.

The Commission continues to circulate a weekly flash report, summarising technical developments, to colleagues engaged in the project at national level.

3.3.5. European Parliament

Part of the appropriations for the SIS II project in the EU General Budget is held in reserve by the European Parliament. The Commission keeps the European Parliament informed on the state of play of SIS II. In addition to fulfilling the reporting obligations stemming from the SIS II legal instruments by means of the SIS II Progress Report10, in line with the Council Conclusions of 5 June 2009, the Commission provided on various occasions the European Parliament representatives with updated information on financial, contractual and scheduling matters and the status of the project. Finally, the Commission responded to a parliamentary question on SIS II related matters.

3.3.6. Risk management

The Commission closely monitors the risks in the SIS II project with the support of its Quality Assurance contractor. For each identified risk, a mitigation plan is established specifying the mitigation measures to be taken to manage the risk. The list of identified risks is being kept up to date every week and is presented to and discussed with the Global Programme Management Board on a monthly basis.

The main risks during the reporting period were the following:

- the encountered delays in the Compliance Tests Extended (CTE)

- the (un)availability of a fully qualified SFR tool

- the resource shortages at C.SIS side

- the limited time remaining for contingency in the migration schedule

- the possible delay of the migration legal instrument recast

4. Priorities for the next reporting period

During the next reporting period, July to December 2012, there will be seven principal areas of activity:

- the finalisation of CTE testing at national level

- the completion of the Comprehensive test

- the adoption of the SIS II migration instruments recast

- the non-functional Converter System Solution Test 2 (SST2)

- the SIRENE functional tests

- the limited and global migration rehearsal

- the adoption of a Commission Implementing Decision on the SIRENE Manual and other implementing measures for SIS II

5. Conclusions

The intensive preparations for the last major testing rounds and subsequent data migration have culminated with the validation of the second Milestone test and the start of the comprehensive test.

All challenges encountered during these final testing phases of the project were addressed successfully, thanks to the over-riding cooperative approach between Member States and the Commission, allowing the SIS II project to remain on track for the planned go-live in the first quarter of 2013. With considerable progress achieved in terms of maturity of the system the ground has been prepared for three key actions to be taken during the rest of 2012 in order to prepare for the migration between SIS1+ and SIS II. These are the completion of the comprehensive test, the SIRENE Functional test and the adoption of the migration instruments.

SIS-VIS Committee (SIS II) and Working Group Meetings

Meetings held during the reporting period
5, 11, 18, 24SIS II Global Programme Management Board
25SIS II National Project Managers Meeting
25SIS-VIS Committee (SIS II Technical Formation Meeting)
10, 17, 24, 31SIS II TAG meeting (Test Advisory Group)

1, 8, 15, 23, 29SIS II Global Programme Management Board
22SIS II National Project Managers Meeting
22SIS-VIS Committee (SIS II Technical Formation Meeting)
7, 14, 21, 28SIS II TAG meeting (Test Advisory Group)

MARCH 2012
6, 14, 22, 27SIS II Global Programme Management Board
21SIS-VIS Committee (SIS II Technical Formation Meeting)
21SIS II National Project Managers Meeting
6, 13, 20, 27SIS II TAG meeting (Test Advisory Group)
28SIS II Migration Workshop

APRIL 2012
3, 11, 19, 25SIS II Global Programme Management Board
10, 17, 24SIS II TAG meeting (Test Advisory Group)

MAY 2012
2, 7, 10, 16, 29SIS II Global Programme Management Board
30SIS-VIS Committee (SIS II Technical Formation Meeting)
30SIS II National Project Managers Meeting
31Workshop on the SIS II Comprehensive Test execution
8, 15, 22, 29SIS II TAG meeting (Test Advisory Group)

JUNE 2012
13, 20, 26, 27SIS II Global Programme Management Board
27SIS-VIS Committee (SIS II Technical Formation Meeting)
27SIS II National Project Managers' Meeting
5, 12, 19, 26SIS II TAG meeting (Test Advisory Group)

SIS-VIS Committee (SIS II) and Working Group Meetings

b) Meetings provisionally scheduled during the forthcoming reporting period

JULY 2012
4, 10, 18, 24SIS II Global Programme Management Board
26SIS-VIS Committee (SIS II Technical Formation Meeting)
26SIS II National Project Managers' Meeting
3, 10, 17, 24, 31SIS II TAG meeting (Test Advisory Group)

1, 8, 22, 29SIS II Global Programme Management Board
7 , 14 , 21 , 28SIS II TAG meeting (Test Advisory Group)

5 , 12 , 19 , 26SIS II Global Programme Management Board
27SIS-VIS Committee (SIS II Technical Formation Meeting))
27SIS II National Project Managers' Meeting
4 , 11 , 18 , 25SIS II TAG meeting (Test Advisory Group)

3, 10 , 17 , 24, 31SIS II Global Programme Management Board
26SIS-VIS Committee (SIS II Technical Formation Meeting))
26SIS II National Project Managers' Meeting
2 , 9, 16 , 23 , 30SIS II TAG meeting (Test Advisory Group)

7 , 14 , 21, 28SIS II Global Programme Management Board
29SIS-VIS Committee (SIS II Technical Formation Meeting))
29SIS II National Project Managers' Meeting
6 , 13 , 20 , 27SIS II TAG meeting (Test Advisory Group)

5 , 12 , 19SIS II Global Programme Management Board
20SIS-VIS Committee (SIS II Technical Formation Meeting))
20SIS II National Project Managers' Meeting
4 , 11 , 18SIS II TAG meeting (Test Advisory Group)


1Council Regulation (EC) No 1104/2008 of 24 October 2008 on migration from the Schengen Information System (SIS 1+) to the second generation Schengen Information System (SIS II) (OJ L 299, 8.11.2008, p. 1).

2Council Decision 2008/839/JHA of 24 October 2008 on migration from the Schengen Information System (SIS 1+) to the second generation Schengen Information System (SIS II) (OJ L 299, 8.11.2008, p. 43).


4The SIS II Task Force, consisting of the experts of the interested Member States, was established by the conclusions of the JHA Council of October 2006 in order to 'assist the Council, in cooperation with the Commission, on the management and coordination of the SIS II project, including the state of preparedness of all Member States'

5Common Article 8 (1) of Council Regulation (EC) No 1104/2008 of 24.10.2008 and of Council Decision 2008/839/JHA of 24.10.2008.

6Common Article 10 (3) of Council Regulation (EC) No 1104/2008 of 24.10.2008 and of Council Decision 2008/839/JHA of 24.10.2008.

7Common Article 9 (1) of Council Regulation (EC) No 1104/2008 and of Council Decision 2008/839/JHA.

8Common Article 4 of Regulation (EC) No 1987/2006 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 20 December 2006 on the establishment, operation and use of the second generation Schengen Information System (SIS II) (OJ L 381, 28.12.2006, p. 4) and of Council Decision 2007/533/JHA of 12 June 2007 on the establishment, operation and use of the second generation Schengen Information System (SIS II) (OJ L 205, 7.8.2007, p. 63).

9Regulation (EU) No 1077/2011of the European Parliament and the Council of 25 October 2011

10Common Article 18 of Council Regulation (EC) No 1104/2008 and of Council Decision 2008/839/JHA.