Legal provisions of COM(2006)271 - Proposal for a Council Regulation introducing, on the occasion of the accession of Bulgaria and Romania, special temporary measures for recruitment of officials of the EC

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Article 1

1. Notwithstanding the second and third paragraphs of Article 4, Article 7(1), the second paragraph of Article 27 and points (a) and (b) of Article 29(1) of the Staff Regulations, vacant posts may be filled after the actual date of accession of the countries concerned, and until 31 December 2011, by the appointment of Bulgarian and Romanian nationals, within the limit of the number of posts allotted and taking into account the budgetary discussions.

2. Appointments to posts shall be made:

(a)for all grades, after the actual date of accession;

(b)except for senior officials, (Directors-General or their equivalent in grade AD 16 or AD 15 and Directors or their equivalent in grade AD 15 or AD 14), following competitions on the basis of both qualifications and tests organised as specified in Annex III to the Staff Regulations.

Article 2

This Regulation shall enter into force on the day following its publication in the Official Journal of the European Union.

This Regulation shall be binding in its entirety and directly applicable in all Member States.