Legal provisions of COM(2000)76-1 - Amendment of Directives 69/169/EEC and 92/12/EEC as regards temporary quantitative restrictions on beer imports into Finland

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This page contains a limited version of this dossier in the EU Monitor.

Article 1

The following paragraph shall be added to Article 5 of Directive 69/169/EEC:

"9. By way of derogation from Article 4(1), Finland shall be authorised, until 31 December 2005, to apply a quantitative limit of not less than 6 litres for the importation of beer from countries other than Member States."

Article 2

The following sentence shall be added to the second subparagraph of Article 26(1) of Directive 92/12/EEC:"Finland shall increase the quantitative restrictions for beer to at least 24 litres from the entry into force of the Finnish legislation transposing Article 5(9) of Directive 69/169/EEC, to at least 32 litres from 1 January 2001 and to at least 64 litres from 1 January 2003."

Article 3

1. Member States shall bring into force the laws, regulations and administrative provisions necessary to comply with this Directive by 1 November 2000 at the latest. They shall forthwith inform the Commission thereof.

When Member States adopt these measures, they shall contain a reference to this Directive or be accompanied by such a reference on the occasion of their official publication. The methods of making such reference shall be laid down by Member States.

2. Member States shall communicate to the Commission the text of the provisions of national law which they adopt in the field covered by this Directive.

Article 4

This Directive shall enter into force on the third day following its publication in the Official Journal of the European Communities.

Article 5

This Directive is addressed to the Member States.