Reactie op brief van de Hongaarse ambassadeur Z.E. dhr Kocsis



Officiële titel Reactie op brief van de Hongaarse ambassadeur Z.E. dhr Kocsis
Document­datum 04-07-2018
Publicatie­datum 04-07-2018
Commissie(s) Europese Zaken (EU)
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Tweede Kamer


To The Ambassador of Hungary H.E. Mr. Andras Kocsis

Embassy of Hungary

Laan van Nieuw Oost-Indië 271

2593 BS Den Haag

Standing Committee on European Affairs

Postbus 20018 2500 EA Den Haag Binnenhof la 2513 AA Den Haag

date 4 July 2018

reference 18-EU-B-047

subject Reply to your letter dated 11 June 2018

Dear ambassador Kocsis,

On behalf of the standing committee on European Affairs I would like to convey our thanks for your letter dated 11 June 2018.

In this letter you shared with us your feedback on the meeting in parliament with representatives of Amnesty International Hungary that took place in a closed session. Following on from your letter, the committee reviewed the status of that session in its procedural meeting of 21 June 2018. The committee concluded that the meeting with Amnesty International Hungary could and should have taken place in public, with a view to the public nature of Amnesty's report that was on the agenda.

Furthermore, during the discussion in the procedural meeting the topic of the so-called "Stop Soros" legislation in Hungary was raised. The committee is interested in learning for what reason the Hungarian government and parliament had decided to proceed with adopting the "Stop Soros" Draft Legislative Package, before the Venice Commission of the Council of Europe was able to present its assessment. Since the Venice Commission has adopted its opinion on the provisions of the aforementioned legislation in its plenary meeting of 22-23 June 2018 (Joint Opinion No. 919/2018), the committee would highly appreciate it if you could share the assessment of the Commission's Opinion by the Hungarian government.

Yours faithfully,



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